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The beginning of the show.



CHRIS: Welcome, campers, to TOTAL DRAMA WIKI ISLAND! I am your host, Chris. Now. This show consists of many challenges, played by two teams. The winning team will get a reward. The losing team must observe their loss and decide on who to vote off of their team. The one voted off will have to walk the Dock of Shame, board the Boat of Losers, and return home, never to return to the island. The challenges in this game will test skill, strength, teamwork and other things. Oh! Another important rule. Seeing as some of you have special powers, do not use said powers in challenges, or you will be disqualified from them, and the other team wins by default. That includes no flying, elemental powers, transportation vehicles, and other things like that. Now, take some time to get to know your fellow teammates and campers! I will see you in a little bit.

{Ryan is looking at a signpost with the teams on it}

RYAN: Ryan...there. I'm on the Barracuda.

FENRI: You're on the Barracuda? Same with me!

RYAN: Yeeeessss... {high-fives Fenri}

LEMON: Wait, wait, wait... WHY CAN'T I USE MY FIRE {puppy dog eyes} No, just kidd- wait... {looks at sign} Aw... Pufferfish look... weird. Why am I using those.... pauses... in my speach?

{zoo and dot walk in. zoo is talking to dot}

ZOO977: But wouldn't that melt the lihgtbulb? {looking up} Hi!

DOT: {darting her head around} Where are we?

ZOO977: Um... Placeland?

LEMON: If you were paying attention to Chris.... TOTAL... DRAMA... WIKI.... ISLAND!

ZOO977: How did we get signed up?

DOT: I dunno.

{zoo runs toward the lake. dot walks into her cabin}

{A time portal opens up. Estelle jumps out.}

ESTELLE: ...I have no idea where I am.

ZOO977: It's boring out here. I'm leaving. {walks into his cabin}

{Skullbuggy and Jerry walk onto the scene.}

JERRY: Skully... where are we?

SKULLB: In due time, Jerry. In due time.

JERRY: ... This is a deserted island, isn't it?

SKULLB: Essentially, yes.

JERRY: I hate you.

{SkullB looks at the signboard.}

SKULLB: Huh. According to this, I'm on the Raging Pufferfish, and you're with the Roaring Barracuda.

JERRY: ... Pfft! Raging Pufferfish? Is that the best they could think of? ... I'm headed to the cabin.

{Jerry walks off. SkullB walks to his cabin as well.}

{dot leaves her cabin, and waalks toward a very steep hill. she beigns climbing.}

{Badstar is flying above the island}


{Badstar's proppelor breaks.}

BADSTAR: ... Aw, crap! {Falls down to the island and crashes through the Pufferfish cabin}

CHRISTOPHER: {sighs} I'm going to kill my mom for forcing me to go to summer camp. This is a load of bull. {enters cabin}

CHWOKA: {air guitaring} Dun, deh-den-dun, deh-den-dun, DUN! DUN! DA...DAH...DUN! DUN! {laughs, slows down, coughs} G-get it? It's Barracuda. {sighs, walks off-screen}

DOT: {halfway up the mountain} Weeeee!

{Lemon runs up the mountain and pushes Dot down}

DOT: Oof! Ow! Crash! boom! My leg! Help! Someone! Please! This! Is! Annoying! I! Think! My! Leg! Broke! {rolls off a cliff} AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

{Im a bell warps in. A Tardis appears beside him, and Unholy Tracy steps out}

IM A BELL:{reading signpost} I'm on... Raging Hormones?

UNHOLY TRACY: That says "Pufferfish", you idiot.

IM A BELL: Oh. ...Wow.I'm staring at half of myself and half of my son. ...Why do I feel like a redneck?

{Unholy Tracy has fallen asleep}

IM A BELL:{slaps UT} WAKE UP! ...Wow. The universe didn't explode.

UNHOLY TRACY: I was created via your last clone. The one your using wasn't it.

CHRIS: Ok, campers! Tell me a little about yourselves!

{TIP! The Outhouse Cam is when during an episode, it cuts to your character talking about the camp. When using, type ''{Outhouse Cam: CHARACTER}''. Do not spam with the cam, and no OCs in the cabin.}

{Outhouse Cam: Fenri Lunaedge}

FENRI: I'm Fenri. I'm a Reploid from the distant future built to freeze things. I enjoy snowcones, long walks on the beach, and...things.

{zoo walks under the cliff. dot hits him at an angle. zoo drills into the ground, dot flies into the water}

{Outhouse Cam: Jerry}

JERRY: I'm Jerry Cohen, and I want off of this island, dammit!

{Outhouse cam: Estelle}

ESTELLE: I'm Estelle. I'm half cat and NOT FROM THE FUTURE IF THATS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!!! ...Ahem. Anyway, I enjoy balls of yarn, flying, and fish.

{Outhouse cam: Christopher}

CHRISTOPHER: I'm Christopher, and to the best of my knowledge, the only naturally born human here other that's a camper.

{Outhouse cam: Im a bell}

IM A BELL: I'm Bell, and I eat humans. Try not to lose! {winks}

{Outhose cam: Unholy Tracy}

UNHOLY TRACY: I'm Unholy Tracy, a horrific fusion between Bell and his son Tracy, as my name suggests.

ZOO977: {crawling out of the hole. apparently dazed, he acutally makes sence} Woah. Where am I? {looking at the sign} To the barracuda cabin! {walks there}

{Outhouse cam: Lemon}

LEMON: Yo mamacita, I'm Lemonjello Demon. You can call me Lemon. I can poof things up, {poofs up a pizza, takes a bite} like this.

{Outhouse Cam: a fly}

A FLY: bzzz

{Outhouse Cam: Chaos}

CHAOS: Greetings Earhlings. I am Chaos. A demonic force of pure evil and destruction, I plan to reign supreme this entire competition! And now that the index card of information my dad wanted me to read is over, Let me be the first to say that everyone is overusing this camera. There's a HUUUGE line outside the outhouse. Now, in actuality, I'm a nice person. I suppose if you get me really angry I may hurt you outside of the challenges. I do have a girlfriend that's actually on the island, but, you know, seperate teams. Which sucks. A lot. That's all I can really say.

{Outhouse Cam: SkullB}

SKULLB: Hey, all! I'm Skully B. Man, did you see the guy before me? Jeez, he was in there for like, ten minutes! Anyhow... I'm a robot. That's pretty much it.

{Outhouse Cam: Sephiroth}

SEPHIROTH: I'm Sephiroth. Ummm... I don't know what to say really. Well, I'm 23 years old, and I smoke. {Lights up another cigarette.} Gentlemen?

{zoo leaves his cabin. he begins climbing a hill.}

ZOO977: I feel weird. {pulls a twix bar out of his pocket. eats it in 1 bite}

{Cut to a part of the forest. Singing can be heard. The Camearman is having difficulty moving it, but you can see a brief shot of Noelle with something white in her mouth. The camera then stops recording, and it returns to Outside the Cabins.}

{the ground rumbles}

ZOO977: AAAAAAAAAAH! {suddenly, boulders can be seen chasing him}

BADSTAR: {Walks outside of cabin} Wheres Noelle? I should look for her. But first... {Pokes head inside of cabin.} NOBODY TOUCH MY DS!!! I'M CLOSE TO FINDING OUT WHO THE KILLER IS!!! {Runs off}

{Badstar finds the forest area where Noelle is, to find here singing. There is a small bit of smoke coming from the ground, along with ashes.}

NOELLE: {Notces Badstar} Oh. Badstar. Hello. How long have you been there?

BADSTAR: Not too long. I was just wondering... why did you run off like that?

NOELLE: Well, I usually don't like such stuff areas with so many things going on. Too much humdrum! I had to go get some fresh air. So then I just sat down here and sang for a little while. I'm just about ready to head back.

{zoo suddenly runs by the cabins, chased by the boulders.}

ZOO977: HELP! HELP! HEL- {squish}

BADSTAR: ...Odd. Well, lets go. I just have one question, though.

NOELLE: Sure. What is it?

BADSTAR: Why is there smoke coming from the ground?

{dot runs by screaming. the boulders (zoo attached to one) follow her}

NOELLE: Well, it's uh...

BADSTAR: Yeah? What?

NOELLE: Can you promise to keep a secret?

BADSTAR: Sure. I promise.

NOELLE: Well, sometimes when I need to relax, I...smoke. Chaos doesn't like the idea, because it runs up the bulk of his and his dad's job, so I have to go far away from him. Nobody, not even Chaos can know about that. OK?

BADSTAR: Okay, I won't tell anybody. But on one condition.


BADSTAR: You have to promise me you'll try to quit.

NOELLE: OK, I will.

{Outhouse Cam:Noelle.}

NOELLE: I hope I can. I don't want Chaos to find out until after we leave. By then, he's bound to find the episode, but I figured I could keep this away from everyone. But if it's to defend my secret, and for the sake of Badstar, I'll quit.

BADSTAR: {Is holding something small green, and glowing in his hand} {Thinking} Hmmmmm... no phsyce-locks... that means she must be telling the truth...

{Chwoka walks into the stump area, carrying his suitcase.}

CHWOKA: You have got to be kidding me! Somebody beat me to the drug gimmick!?

{Jerry walks out too.}

JERRY: Whatevs, Chwoka. Hand me some Mundlund!

'{Chwoka lays down his suitcase and takes out a mushroom, then hands it to Jerry.}

CHWOKA: {to Noelle} Hey, can we borrow your lighter?

NOELLE: Sure. {hands the two her lighter} You two are like this, too?

CHWOKA: Pfft, no. We use drugs that are so deep underground - metaphorically - they're legal. You're illegal. Which means you suck. {lights the mushroom}

{Noelle puts her head down.}

BADSTAR: Don't listen to them, Noelle. Lets go back to the cabin...

CHWOKA: Besides, we have an exusce of being too high-strung and-DUDE LOOK A PORTAL IM GONNA JUMP IN BUTT FIRST {sits on the stump} WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

DOT: {walking by, see's chwoka, the drugs, burning mushroom, glowing thing, and cigar} What the crap? {leaves}


{Jerry jumps onto the stump.}


NOELLE: Sure. Let's go.

{The two leave.}

{dot takes a few pictures, and stuffs them in her pocket. she runs off}

{On the way back to the cabin, Badstar trips on a rock and falls down. He drops the object he was holding and it falls at Noelle's feet.}


NOELLE: What's this?

BADSTAR: {Gets up} Huh?

NOELLE: This green thing?

BADSTAR: {Sees the object. Gets nervous} T-that? Thats nothing! Nothing at all!

NOELLE: If I know my auras, this one has a huge one. What is it?

BADSTAR: {Sigh} Fine... I'll tell you... its called a magatama. It allows me to see if people are lying not. When somebody is lying I see these things surround them called physce-locks. When I get closer to revealing the truth a physce-lock breaks.

NOELLE: You were using it on me, weren't you?

BADSTAR: {Sigh} ...Yes. I'm sorry, Noelle. But I was doing it for your own good.

NOELLE: I understand. Need some help up?

BADSTAR: {Gets up} No, I'm okay. But please... promise you won't tell anybody about the magatama.

NOELLE: Sure. Now we both have secrets to keep.

BADSTAR: Thanks. Now lets get back to the cabin.

{Badstar picks up a rock by mistake and pockets it. The two walk away. Seconds later, SkullB walks by. He sees the shining stone out of the corner of his eye and, after scanning for people who could see, grabs it. He walks back to the cabin as well.}

{Cut back to Jerry and Chwoka}

CHWOKA: Man, I'm finally getting to beat up that doctor guy! It feels so good!

JERRY: I know, man... I know.

CHWOKA: Hey, does Skullbug have a cannabis receptor?

JERRY: Pfft, how should I know? I think he uses fridge magnets.

CHWOKA: Those are low- HOLY CARP A BUNCH OF MAGNETS WE GOTTA GET THESE TO SKULLBUG {XChwoka picks up the mushroom, still burning, as if it wer a massive amount of something.}


{Cut: a secluded, forested area. SkullB and Badstar walk into a clearing.}

SKULLB: So, what's this all about?

BADSTAR: That thing in your hand is called a magatama. It allows me to see if somebody is lying. When somebody lying, I see chains surround the person. Then, some locks called physce-locks appear. Whenever I'm closed to revealing the truth, a physce-lock breaks.

SKULLB: ... Psyche-Lock? Where have I heard that before... probably nowhere. But still. There's no way I'm parting with this. How about we cut it in half or something?

BADSTAR: W-what!? NO! GIVE IT BACK! I'll give you anything!

SKULLB: ... Really? I can bribe you with this? Well, I wasn't planning on it, but... I do want something.

BADSTAR: What is it?

SKULLB: ... A vote. Specifically, a vote for Lemon. Something's just... not right about him. He's a threat.

BADSTAR: ...Fine. Now give me the magatama.

SKULLB: ... Wait. I can't trust you yet.


SKULLB: Listen... only when I hear the vote do you get this back. Now, I'll be holding onto this for the meanwhile. I won't use it, per se, but I will have it on me. This is fair, right?

CHWOKA: {screaming, off-screen} SKULLBUGG!

{The screen scrolls up to show Kirby in a tree, spray painted green, spying on SkullB and Badstar.}

SKULLB: We need to finish this up, Badstar! Deal or no deal?

BADSTAR: {Thinking: I just got a plan...} Hmm... let me think...

SKULLB: Hurry up! People are coming!

BADSTAR: Hold on... I'm still trying to make up my mind...

CHWOKA: Marco!


{OOC: Listening to the Cornered theme from PW:JFA really makes this so much more tense.}

{pan up to show Bell beside Kirby, painted green, laughing silently}

BADSTAR: Just a minute...

SKULLB: No... stop it! I know what you're doing! Stop!

{Jerry and Chwoka appear.}

JERRY: Skully! Where were you, damnit?

SKULLB: Uh, I, uh... catch!

{SkullB tosses the magatama at Jerry, who catches it in confusion.}

JERRY: The hell?

BADSTAR: {Kicks Jerry in the shin and takes the Magatama. Runs back to the cabin}

{pan back down. Chwoka busts in through the bushes}

CHWOKA: Hey Jerry I found him, and he's got some gold! takes the green rocks and holds it up high, then stuffs it in his pocket} thanks mang HEY we found some magnets, want 'em? [hands Skullbug the mushrooms}

SKULLB: ... What is this?

JERRY: ... They're magnets, apparently. My high wore off a couple hours ago.

SKULLB: Whatever! Badstar has the Magatama!

JERRY: The Mata-what now?

SKULLB: We need it, Jerry! Come on!

JERRY: Skully, we're on separate teams. Do you know what Chris would-

SKULLB: Screw Chris! We need that Magatama!

{SkullB takes off toward the Puffer cabin. Out of interest, Jerry follows suit.}

CHWOKA: Magatama? {takes the "Green rock" out of his pocket} So, is that this, or what? Why is it so important?

RAGGON: Chris, could i be a puffer? i hate raiku right now.

{Outhouse Cam: Christopher}

CHRISTOPHER: This is the first day and I'm already getting overannoyed. And this is supposed to be an {takes a look at a fake but 100% fake brochure of Camp TDWI} eight week long camp. Damn it all to- well looks like we got out first censor.

RAGGON: Also, Raise your hand if you want Raiku to go home! {Raises hand}

{Cut to the forest. Badstar is running from SkullB.}

{Suddently, Chwoka holds out his fist and Badstar runs RIGHT INTO IT, knocking himself unconcious}

SKULLB: Welp. That just cut me a whole lot of time. Imma grab his Magatama.

{SkullB grabs the Magatama and speeds off. Badstar starts to regain consciousness.}

BADSTAR: {Spots SkullB out of the corner of his eye. He throws his proppelor cap at him}

CHWOKA: Sorry about that, but you were ruinning so I had to stop you. {holds out his Magatamaa} Yeah, do you know what this is?

RAGGON: {Helps Badstar up} Are you okay? He is mean, huh?

BADSTAR: MY MAGATAMA!!! Wait... if you have my magatama... then what does Skully have!?

{SkullB is knocked over by the flying hat. He drops the original Magatama, which starts rolling down a nearby hill.}


{Outhouse Cam: Jerry}

JERRY: Apparently, a Magatama needs psychic power to work. Since none of us have psychic abilities, we're screwed. Play Phoenix Wright! It'll make sense.

{cut to the stump. A rip in space opens on the stump. cut back.}

RAGGON: Hey Jerry, dont you think Raiku should go home?

JERRY: Yep. He's a bit arrogant, honestly. You seem cool, though.

RAGGON: Well i will be heading to bed. Is Raiku still locked up?

CHRISTOPHER: {sipping apple cider from a shot glass} I'm so sick of most of you, you should all burn in hell, or wherever you things that seem like extraterrestrials go to when you commit bad deeds and subract from the well being of life as we know it, god, i need to shorten my sentences.

{Chwoka staggers in}

CHWOKA: That trip sucked, man. We shouldn't have tried to get the magnets to Skully.

RYAN: Can someone please tell me what just happened?

{Man-o-man and hambrin run in}

MAN-O-MAN: Are we late!?

HAMBRIN: {mubling} Stupid, delayed flight,

MAN-O-MAN: Well, looks like I'm on the Baracuta and your on the Pufferfish.

{Outhouse Cam:Man-o-man}'

MAN-O-MAN: Already bad news, People are gonna pay!

{Outhouse Cam:Hambrin}

HAMBRIN:This is gonna be great! So many people are here at camp!

{cut back}

FENRI: FINALLY! Now we have full teams.

{Meanwhile, SkullB is chasing the Magatama down a hill. The Magatama is rolling toward the dock.}

SKULLB: No! No, you're not getting away from me!

{The Magatama rolls into the water.}

SKULLB: ... COME ON! I almost had it! {sobs}


SKULLB: Well, then! If nobody's gonna go under, I will!

{SkullB dives into the water.}

{man-o-man is seen fishing and the line tugs}

MAN-O-MAN: Ohhh! It's a big one!

{reels it up to show that it's only magatama}

MAN-O-MAN: Hey! That not fish! {throws it in the water}

{A faint whimpering sound can be heard from underwater.}

{zoo walks out of the cabin, reading unreleased movie script for benders game}

{man-o-man catches the unrelesed script on his back-swing and flings it into the water}

JERRY: Hahaha, wow. I'm glad I don't have anything valuable, right?

ZOO977: {outraged} I WAS READING THAT! ZORAX GOT ME MY OWN TIME MACHINE SO I COULD ACT IN IT! {takling to himself} One piano owner will be dissapointed. {walks off}

JERRY: Hey, Manowar, get his time machine in the backswing and see what happens! I'm gonna go get some food.

{Suddenly, a hand comes from a small rip in the air and brushes Jerry's hair.}

JERRY: ... What the hell?

{The hand retreats into the rip and the rip closes.}

JERRY: ... Weird.

{Jerry walks off into the forest.}


{He back-swings again with a fish on his hook the fish eats the time machine and becomes the first time travling fish}

{a kid comes out of the woods, angry}


{zoo walks in with piano wire. he begins strangling random fish}

ZOO977: Too bad you can't get mine. {smiles smugly}

HAMBRIN: {walks on screen} What's going on?

MAN-O-MAN: There's a time travling fish, an angry forest kid, and Zoo is wreseling a fish

HAMBRIN: And they call me the crazy one.

{zoo grips one big fish. he strangles it, and throws it on land}

ZOO977: Yum yum! {picks it up, walks into the woods}

{Cut: the forest. Jerry is looking for things to eat. He then looks and spies a rabbit.}

JERRY: Aww! How adorable!

{The rabbit grins.}

JERRY: You'd make the perfect soup starter!

{The rabbit's grin quickly turns into a look of horror. It quickly hops off.}

JERRY: D'aww... I should stop telling animals how I'll cook them.

{Sephiroth walks in, eating meat on a stick.}

SEPHIROTH: That's for sure. I just lure them into fires.

{Chaos walks in with a Large Carass.}

CHAOS: I just hop on them.

SEPHIROTH: .....And savage them with your bare claws?

JERRY: ... You guys sicken me.

{Jerry grabs a couple mushrooms.}

JERRY: I'll just make a shroom-kabob.

{Jerry leaves the forest.}

CHAOS: Hope he doesn't get high and hang himself.

{zoo walks by, holding the fish}

ZOO977: Hey guys. {pulls on a branch of a tree. he falls through a trap door, into a room}

SEPHIROTH: Okay then. Anyone up for some raw buffalo?

MAN-O-MAN: I'm game! The fishin' ain't going well

{Outhouse can: Zoo977}

ZOO977: I don't know why I showed the wawy to m real room in front of someone! At least they'll never pass the maze! Speaking of which, why am I talking to a outhouse door?

BADSTAR: {Runs towards water} THE MAGATAMA IS MIIIINE!!! {Dives into water. Comes back up a few seconds later with the magatama} WHOO-HOO!!! {Runs away}

KIRBY: {falls out of the tree he was in earlier} Gah! SCREW YOU SQUIRREL!

{A squirrel is heard squeaking, and then an acorn is thrown that hits Kirby in the head.}

{Cut to the stump, where Jerry stands. Chwoka's head pops out of a hole}

CHWOKA: Hey, this isn't soft-n-plushy land! This is night time! Wait, which night? JERRY!

{Jerry turns sround}


JERRY: ... Chwoka?

CHWOKA: Answer the question!

JERRY: It's the first day on the island, why?

CHWOKA: A time portal! Fascinating!

JERRY: ... A time portal? I've got to keep that in mind.

{Chwoka pops out}

JERRY: ... Bye?

{zoo comes through the portal in a bit}

ZOO977: {in a robin hood costume with his flute} There are no guinea pigs!

{dot and zoo walk by. they see the other zoo}

ZOO977 2: Who are you?

ZOO977: You are you 2!

DOT: He isn't you 2.. is he?

ZOO977 AND ZOO977 2: Im the real zoo!

DOT: Confused.

ZOO977 2: You!

ZOO977: Zoo 2! What happened?

ZOO977 2 AND DOT: I dunno.

DOT: Which is you?


DOT: Him? {points at zoo 2}

ZOO977: NO!

ZOO977 2: YES!

ZOO977:Why are we fighting?

DOT: Who knows?

{Chwoka's head pokes through the portal}

CHWOKA: Zoo, get out of there, I don't want you causing too much damage!

{Chwoka's head pops back in.}

JERRY: {offscreen, distant} You go pick!

{Chwoka falls out of the portal and hits the ground with a thud. He stays there.}

JERRY: {offscreen, distant} ... Oops.

ZOO977: Ok!

{dot and both zoo's wander off into the woods}