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Conchris gets some sort of email....
Cast in order of appearence: Conchris, Cooksar Baker, Chriscon, Cruroar, Cruriroar, The Unigraits, Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Bubs, H*R 700 (Easter Egg)
Hey guy,
H*R 700
I saw the uniguraits planning to attack you.
You better run fast!
All of everybody is coming because you never featured them in your email!!!!!!
{Cooksar comes in}
COOKSAR: Run? Why run? We're in a freaking giant robot!
{Chriscon, Cruroar and Cruriroar comes in}
CHRISCON: If they come, they're asking for a challenge!
{noises are heard outside}
CONCHRIS: Oh crap! Quick! To Cruriroar's ship!
{They run away and the door busts open}
UNIGRAIT 1: Look! They got away!
{Homestar, Strong Bad and Bubs come in}
HOMESTAR: Hey wait? Why am I attacking my friend again?
STRONG BAD: For craps sake, he didn't let us in his email show....How cruel...
BUBS: If he got away, that'll be 10 dollars!
{cut to Cruriroar's ship}
CONCHRIS: Phew! We got away!
COOKSAR: Thankfully!
CHRISCON: Well, now that we escaped, I found this time travel thing on my desk!
CHRISCON: But it needs to recharge...
{The Paper comes down}
Fun Facts
- This is the fourth time H*R 700 has SENT an email.
Easter Egg
- Click on Cruriroar to see H*R 700 at his computer
Easter Egg Transcript
H*R 700: I sure do hope I warned him...
{cut back to Cruriroar's Ship}