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Latest revision as of 12:54, 4 July 2008
Conchris receives an email about Homschool Winner being mean.
Cast in order of appearence: Conchris, Cruroar, Homschool Winner, Homstar Winner
CONCHRIS: Looks like I'm gonna haveta check!
subject:dear con to the chris, my friend homstar winner got called ugly the other day by homschool winner tell him to smarten up and tell him to try to be not so mean to my friend other wise some bad things will happen. crapfully yours, H*R 700
CONCHRIS: Not another one of these wall of texts. Fixing...
{Conchris edits the email and it turns out like}
subject:Dear Con to the chris,
H*R 700
My friend, Homstar Winner, got called ugly the other day by Homschool Winner.
Tell him to smarten up and tell him to try to be not so mean to my friend otherwise some bad
things will happen.
Crapfully yours,
CONCHRIS: Much better! Now, onto buisness. I'll go tell him right now.
{Conchris turns around}
{Cruroar comes in}
CONCHRIS: Cruroar? What are you doing here?
{camera pans out to show the entire Room 7}
{Homschool Winner comes in}
CONCHRIS: Somebody wants you to smarten up.
HOMSCHOOL: Look, I smartened up already. It was my randomness that did it!
CONCHRIS: Right, I'm leaving you with a warning.
CONCHRIS: Well, Ghost type guy, He already had smartened up
{The paper comes down, Click here to email Conchris}
Fun Facts
- This is the first time where Conchris edits a wall of text.
Easter Eggs
- Click on Homschool when he says HORRAY to see the flashback
Easter Egg Transcript
{cut to the field}
HOMSCHOOL: You're ugly!
{Cut to the end}