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(lex I love you so I referenced you. also slightlly a shameless ripoff of 'the brotherhood')
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Revision as of 00:50, 13 September 2013

Strangetown is a small town in Rhode Island with a population of 23,000. Named after Prof. Lexington Strange, over the years Strangetown has been the site of many strange..encounters. A group of "misfits" is formed to protect the town from unearthly invaders, giant monsters, and evil government agents. THIS IS THEIR STORY.

also a shameless ripoff of The Brotherhood in ways


  • Meet the Professor - Professor Lexington Strange made a deal with an alchemist less than a century ago, but has been cursed with eternal bitterness and also cramps.
  • Meet the Experiment - Frank Nathaniel Stein was a mild-mannered postman, until he died. A scientist took his body and..fixed him up, but how fixed is Stein really?
  • Meet the Beast - They say that in the swamps of Strangetown, something is lurking..but it's just a story, right?
  • Meet the Agent - FBI agent Natalie Vermont has been sent to investigate Strangetown, and ends up meeting the enigmatic professor.
  • Meet the Machine - Sitting somewhere in a dusty lab, deep under Strangetown, is a Cold War experiment. What happens when it wakes up?
  • Bonding - The team unites, and get to know each other over investigating a strange crash site in the desert of Strangetown. Also, what the fuck is wrong with this geography?


  • Professor Lexington H. Strange - An eccentric professor, and the leader of the team, Strange is an immortal kook.
  • Frank N. Stein - Frank was dead, now is an undead electrical monster. Fun, right?
  • Greg - Strangetown's resident werecrocodile, Greg just wants to be loved :(.
  • Natalie Vermont - Natalive Vermont is a small town girl from, wait for it, Maine, who is became an FBI agent and is now caught up in this deep shit.
  • Clyde - A small, sarcastic, robot that looks like a Roomba, Clyde considers himself the best member of the team and is also a tremendous dick. But atleast he has lasers, right?