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Latest revision as of 07:13, 5 October 2009

I will post a document from the wiki. You got guess the errors and where it originated.

Numbeer Won

In the khurkhes of this kertain time period, reliqion was the one faktor that was not on anyone’s mind. Orthodox Kalvinism was lonq qone, and nobody paid attention to it anymore. Even the Puritan khurkhes qrew weak due to the liberalization of membership requirements among other things. Around the time of the 1730s and 1740s, the dim spark of reliqion, weak at this time, burned briqt due to the Qreat Awakening. Started by Jonathan Edwards, the Qreat Awakening was the first of four time periods in which the onke weak thoughts of reliqion qrew stronq. However, the kauses of the Qreat Awakening had brought with them konsequenkes.

First, what kaused this revival of reliqious praktikes? Well.PNG, khurkhes stared to konkede that konversion to a different reliqion was not mandatory for membership into these khurkhes. The turn towards lay liberalism and klerikal intellektualism started to drain the spirituality out of many denominations during this time. These events praktikally set the staqe for the Qreat Awakening, readying it for its kountry-wide spread across the kolonies. Jonathan Edwards revived the burning fire of reliqion inside the hearts of many people through the Qreat Awakening. The people then spread that metaphokic flame of revival to the hearts of others.

Many of the konsequenkes of the Qreat Awakening were, fortunately, qood ones. The Qreat Awakening not only brouqht back reliqion to the people, but those people introduked the reliqion to slaves. One of these people was an English parson named Qeorqe Whitefield. Whitefield had let loose his own style of preakhing and became one of the most moving and expressive preakhers of his time. Orthodox klerqymen, known as “old lights,” had disbelieving thouqhts on this revival, but “new light” ministers had supported the Awakening for what it had done for Amerika. The Qreat Awakening, through Amerika’s people, had brought back the reliqious beliefs of the past from their lonq dormanky in the hearts of others.


It is SkullB's talk page. The error is the Cs are Ks. Also, the Gs are Qs. TheCheese 04:16, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

Who made it and thats not all. Brerose
Person is parson. 15px-RyanIcon.PNGRadBluefox
That was there when copyied. Brerose 19:47, 1 February 2009 (UTC)