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Latest revision as of 20:45, 3 March 2009

Big field. You can see and battle new pokemon here.


Pokemon Found Here

  • Usually any Pokemon except the legendaries and Well.


RYAN: Wow, look at the view. Isn't it beautiful, Ruko?

RUKO: Riolu!

DRAPION: Drapion!{attacks Riolu}

LEE: {returns Drapion} Return. You need to learn to stop attacking others. Oh hi. My name's Lee. I'm the Pokemon League Champion.

RYAN: Hi. Why'd your Drapion hurt my Riolu?

LEE: I'm looking for my Riolu. Have you seen it?

RYAN: D...did I...Is this your Riolu?

LEE: Let me see.{puts hands in front of it, then moves fast, Riolu only flinches} No, when I do that to my Riolu it goes berserk.

{Joseph walks right inbetween the two to go catch Haseo.}

JOSEPH: Hey, Ryan.

{Joseph Throws the Armadillie at Haseo.}

HASEO: What was that for?

JOSEPH: I'm gonna catch you so I can raise you and power you up. Like in .Hack//G.U. AND in Pokemon!

HASEO: If you wanted me to help, you could've just nudged me awake!

JOESPH: But then I can't get a doll of you!

{Joseph hits Haseo with the pokeball, and he turns into a chibi doll version of Haseo.}

HASEO: What? Why am I adorable?

JOSEPH: Because you're a pokemon now!

HASEO: Dangit. Well, what do I do?

{Joseph places Armadillie in front of Haseo.}

JOSEPH: Beat that!

{Haseo pulls out 2 daggers and slashed Armadillie. He dies.}

HASEO: This cute form gives me power over all animals!

{Ruko walks up to Haseo}


RYAN: {in a Luigi outfit} No! It's dangerous in there!

HASEO: Do I have to PK you?

{Ryan runs in normal clothing and picks up Ruko}

RYAN: He came to your...thing...and thought it was a toy. Sorry. I'm gonna play some more with lil' Ruko over here.

HASEO: Taste my bony-daggered fury!

{Haseo attempts to hit Ruko, but trips.}


RYAN: Hey, do you know where I can a mart that sells toys? I want Ruko to get used to me before I start to train him.

HASEO: I can trade you for some of my daggers if you want. My first pair were wooden.

RYAN: No thanks. We're not ready to play Jack Sparrow yet.

LEE: Ummm, I can just catch another Riolu and not show my pokemon. I guess you guys are busy anyway.{starts going away}

SUPERDUDE:{Walks to the field with sarge next to him}Alright, Sarge.Keep an eye out for wild pokemon!


FATER: Fater. Fater.

BLING:{wanders in} Hmm... Lessee what Pokemon I want...

SHI: I'd suggest a Bidoof.

BLING: Oh? Hmm... {gets out Pokedex(apparently stylized by Bling to look golden}

POKEDEX:{demonic voice} Bidoof, the Gnawing Pokemon. Bidoof are rivals of the Shiceus.

BLING: I think not, Shi.

SHI: Oh. Right. Er... What about a Pachirisu, then?

POKEDEX: Pachirisu. The Electric Squirrel Pokemon. The Pachirisu is believed to be a relative of the Shiceus.

BLING: Er... Might as well.

SHI: Name him Huin.

BLING: ...Why "Doom"?

SHI: Hey, you named ME "Death"!


FATER: {uses punch on Shi} Fater, Fater!


SHI: Right! {uses bite on Fater}

FATER: Fa- {uses iron tail on Shi} ter!


SHI: Right! {uses Hypnosis on Fater}

BLING: Now! While Fater is still helpless! Use Bite again, and throw him at that tree!

SHI: Got it! {uses bite on Fater and swings him into a nearby tree}

{OOC: If you say that Shiceus can't use Hypnosis and Bite at first, I disagree. Drowzee is a Basic Psychic-type Pokemon. He has Pound and Hypnosis as base attacks.}

DUOSLICE: {uses mega slice on Shi, knocking it out} Duo.

BLING: ... {picks up Shi} Ouch. {grabs a Pokeball} Well, it looks like Fater's already knocked out as well. Go, Pokeball! {throws a Pokeball at Fater} Now, I'll wait to see if it gets caught. Er, wait a second... {grabs the Duoslice} You! One; How long have you been standing there? Two; If you don't mind, Shi was battling someone, and you have no business for knocking him out. Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't crush your skull. {feeds the Duoslice some Babelfish sushi}

{OOC: Duoslice was protecting it's son from getting hurt,like a bear and her cub. And the Duoslice was hiding in the water nearby.}

DUOSLICE: {panting}Duo. Duo. Duo.

BLING: OH. Oh, sorry. {grabs thrown Pokeball, releases Fater} Sorry about that. I didn't realize that was your son. ... Er... {throws Shi against the same tree} WAKE UP.

SHI:{gains consciousness} Ow. What-What happened?

BLING: Well, that Duoslice knocked you out, because that Fater was her son. You should have a headache because I threw you at a tree to wake you up.

SHI: Oh. So, what now? I'd suggest making some money. Maybe by selling some of that Pokefood in your backpack.

BLING: Um... How do you know that's in there?

SHI: I ate some of it while you weren't looking.

BLING: Whatever... {picks up Shi, walks off}

DUOSLICE: Duoslice! {runs after them with Fater. Takes pokeball and has it catch Fater}Duo.{vanishes}

BLING: ...W-Wow. {releases Fater} Fater! Try this! {throws some Babelfish sushi at Fater}

FATER:{eats sushi, reacts happily} Mmm! That's good!

BLING: Excellent. You can speak English now. Now, listen. You can name yourself, okay? But is has to be depressing and Japanese, like my other two Pokemon, Shi (Death), and Huin (Doom). {OOC: Bling has millions of clones stationed at millions of places. One recently caught a Pachirisu}

FATER: Hmm... Unmei?

BLING: "Fate"? Hmm. Okay.

YURI: Okay Soviet Dragon, I'm gonna do research on you. While I do that, you can go play with the other Pokemon.

SOVIET: Gymi! {salutes}

{Yuri takes out his Pokedex. The Pokedex is red with a golden Hammer & Sickle Icon on the back}

POKEDEX: {In Russian Accent} Gymi, The Fire Pokemon, is capable of amazing Fire Powers. A standard Fire attack from it could burn down 2 miles of Forest. They're usally found in volcanos, coal mines, deserts, and Pittsburgh.

YURI: That's no suprise.

POKEDEX: If a single drop of water touches a Gymi it will be knocked out for a full day. Gymis usually befriend other Gymis, Gyromites, Gyros, Wells, Charmanders, and Riolus. A Gymi usually evolves when thet're put in Lava, Fire, or Molten Iron for an hour.

{Homestar Runner arrives with a Squirtle}

HOMESTAR: We need anothew Pokemon. Most people use 6.

{A Murkrow arrives}


HOMESTAR: Okay Bubs, use Watew Gun!

{Squirtle uses Water Gun on Murkrow}

HOMESTAR: Now to catch it.

{Homestar takes out a Pokeball and throws it at Murkrow. It rolls around constantly until a "click" is heard}

YURI: What are you doing here?

LEE: Who is that?

HOMESTAR: I'm Homestaw Wunnew. I'm new to this wegion.

YURI: Well, here's a gift for being new here {hands Homestar a Well} My Well, Peter Spawned 500,000,000 Babies. So I'm trying to get rid of 'em!

RIVAL: Go Roller! [takes out Roller} Roller let's start training! Use roll out on that tree!{Roller starts using roll out}


RIVAL: Okay Roller, let's go find an electric type or a grass type!{leaves}

STRONG RAD: Okay, Shadoforce, use your Tackle attack on that tree! {points to a tree}

{Shadoforce uses the Tackle attack on the tree as a Seedot falls from a tree.}

STRONG RAD: Get ready for your first battle, Shadoforce!


{After the battle...}'

STRONG RAD: We won our first battle!

SHADOFORCE: Shad! Force!

{Rick sees an excel. He uses his pokedex.}

POKEDEX: Excel, the iron wing pokemon. Although some may refer to it as a baby Skarmory, it is in fact a different pokemon. Like a Skarmory however, they do travel alone.

RICK: Go, Otto! {Rick sends out Otto, Otto uses bite.}

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