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TheDenzel's Interview With The Joe

THEDENZEL: Hello and welcome, everyone. This time, we'll be interviewing, the creator of, The Joe. Welcome, The Joe!

JOE: Good evening, sir.

THEDENZEL: Evening? It's 3:40pm! At least where I live! Anyway, let's talk about the already mentioned website. How long have you been running

JOE: I have honestly no idea. It's been going on since about late last summer, when me and a friend got KoolMoves, a third-party flash animation thing.

THEDENZEL: How did you come up with the idea for... toast?

JOE: Well, me and my friend were stumped for ideas for a domain name, and we had just made an animation (A really terrible one; the first one I ever made) about toast. It just seemed to work, but the whole "Toast" theme soon lost it's momentum and the website simply became a place to put our animations or art.

THEDENZEL: Is there some backstory of the toast guy? He seems kind of evil.

JOE: Nope. Just a random object we drew. Had to redo it too, because the original version was even worse.

THEDENZEL: What was this original animation about?

JOE: A piece of toast eating pac-man. Nothing special, really. Just a sort of first flash test.

THEDENZEL: It says on your user page, that your favorite authors are Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, and Agatha Christie. Which one is your real favorite?

JOE: Prolly Douglas Adams. Issac Asimov rules science fiction, however.

THEDENZEL: Ah, so your a fan of HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy?

JOE: Yup, I own all five books, watched the TV series twice, and played the video game. I didn't really like the movie, though. It was sorta disappointing.

THEDENZEL: Yah, I agree with you on that. It also says on your userpage that Super Sam made your username. How so?

JOE: Username creation was temporarily disabled when I tried to sign up, so he made it for me. Woohoo.

THEDENZEL: When was the user creation disabled? I don't remember that.

JOE: Of course you wouldn't remember, because you prolly didn't try to make a new username, but it was just for a little bit way back when.

THEDENZEL: Also, on the site, you have a toon about self esteem, or something like that. Where'd you get the idea for that?

JOE: I just thought it would be hilarious to have a game show like that. The sad thing is, there's prolly one like that out there.

THEDENZEL: What's up with that Mr. Stench guy? How'd you come up with him?

JOE: Well, the character design is from a sketch my friend drew, and the name came from the random babblings of my cousin.

THEDENZEL: What about the other characters?

JOE: Most of them I just made up on the spot when I needed them, though some I made up as a little kid and refined.

THEDENZEL: What about The Hungry Chicken? Any story behind that?

JOE: Nope.

THEDENZEL: What? So you just kind of randomly thought it up?

JOE: Yup. It's pretty much based on everything you see at a normal restraunt. Sort of.

THEDENZEL: Soooooo. What? You just felt like making a sort of normal resteraunt?

JOE: Pretty much.

THEDENZEL: Okay then. What about Davy Jones' Locker?

JOE: It was sorta inspired by Pirates of the caribbean two. Too bad the animation is so terrible. I might redo it.

THEDENZEL: Aww c'mon! What about the whole "salad bar" thing? There's gotta be something behind that!

JOE: Uhm... Not really. Just a random way to end it.

THEDENZEL: Anything new that we can look forward to on the site?

JOE: I'm working on a pretty big artsy thing that I talked about a little on the WF, that should be done soon.

THEDENZEL: What's it about?

JOE: You'll see.

THEDENZEL: Not even a hint?

JOE: Nope. ;)

THEDENZEL: Well okay then. We're almost outta time here. Anything you'd like to say to the audience before we go?

JOE: Okay everyone, repeat my mantra. Haaaam. Haaaam.

THEDENZEL: Ham? Why Ham?

JOE: Haaaam.

THEDENZEL: Are you upsessed with ham or something?

JOE: Yes.

THEDENZEL: Ooooookay then. Pleasure talking to you today. {shakes his hand} {to audience} And thanks to all of you for watching. Good bye for now!
