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TheDenzel's Interview With Patrick

THEDENZEL: Welcome to another installment of TheDenzel's Interview Show. I am TheDenzel. Today I will be interviewing another friend of mine, Patrick. Welcome to the show, Patrick!

PATRICK: Thanks! I always wanted to be interviewed! Well, everyone wants to be interviewed.

THEDENZEL: That's true. Okay, let's get down to business. You see to be pretty obsessed about cars. Why is that?

PATRICK: What's not to love about cars? The looks, the speed, the aerodynamics, just look at this car here. {points at a Porsche 911}

THEDENZEL: Well... I guess that makes sense. But, I want to ask you something. Which is better? M.U.G.E.N., or Cars?

PATRICK: I've gotta say cars. I don't play M.U.G.E.N. that often nowadays. And I've been playing games like Need for Speed: High Stakes, and other racing games that involve cars.

THEDENZEL: Which racing game is your favorite?

PATRICK: Gran Turismo, even though I haven't played it that often. But other than Gran Turismo, it's Need for Speed. My favourite game in the NFS series is High Stakes.

THEDENZEL: Cool. Okay, let's move onto your email show. How long have you been running it?

PATRICK: I've been running it since March 6, 2007. Anything else you like to ask me about my email show?

THEDENZEL: Yes, I was getting there. Now, if I seem ignorant for asking this I apologize, but, who exactly is this Iori Yagami guy?

PATRICK: Iori Yagami is a guy from the video game "King Of Fighters". And as I said in email 5, he retired because he didn't want to see anymore blood spattered banters. And as I said in e-mail 1, he is stupid and has an addiction to bananas. Remind you of 1-Up?

IORI: {from crowd} Hey! That was mean!

PATRICK: {to Iori} Shut up. {to TheDenzel} Anyway, anything else?

THEDENZEL: Sheesh, you seem kind of eager to get out of that question... Anyway, "Cars:What Would You/They Be?" Where'd you get the idea for it?

PATRICK: Well, I'm a fan of the Disney/Pixar movie Cars, and I told my friend once that I would be a yellow Porsche 911. And that's how I came up with the idea. What would you be? Either tell me now, or edit the page. Wait, have you?

THEDENZEL: I just did. I would be a 1953 Packard Clipper 2601 (Dark Red with a thick yellow stripe down the center and an orange lightning bolt on the hood.) I have to say, it is a lot of fun coming up with those things. I can see why it's gotten so popular. Anyway, let's see. What haven't we talked about yet... Oh! Pat-Points! That seems to be coming along nicely. What would you like to see happen to Pat-Points in the future?

PATRICK: More people signing up, more QotW Head requests, more QotW Head purchasing, etc.

THEDENZEL: Well, I hope it becomes more popular. It says here on your bottom ten that you hate the kids in your class. Are they really as annoying as you say?

PATRICK: Yes. If you spend enough time with them, you would probably want to pull your hair out.


PATRICK: Stupid yo mama jokes, being rude, loudness, not listening, and more.

THEDENZEL: Ah, I think I know what your talking about. It also says here that you hate getting busted by the cops. Has that ever actually happened?

PATRICK: Yep. Well, at least in the Need for Speed dimension.

THEDENZEL: OOOOOH! Okay. I thought their may have been some back story to that. Anyway, why do you like the show The Wrong Coast so much? It seems kinda crappy to me!

PATRICK: Well, I don't watch it nowadays, since there is no new episodes. You can read why here.

THEDENZEL: I've also seen that you are currently #1 on the blacklist. Did you have to work your way up there, or did you just sign your name when it came out?

PATRICK: Both, actually. I was #3 on the blacklist on the game and on the wiki, and on my game, I worked hard to get #1, and when I got to #1, I moved my position up to #1 on the wiki.

THEDENZEL: Ah, so it was sort of a way to relate the wiki to the actual video game?

PATRICK: Uhh... Sort of... Well, that's going to be new rule. Anyone else to reach #1 on the game, gets to move their position to #1 on the wiki.

THEDENZEL: Well, what'll you do when that happens? How will you reclaim your title?

PATRICK: Easy. I'll challenge them to a NFS time attack. NFS Deuce!

THEDENZEL: Well, we're almost outta time here. Anything you'd like to say to the audience before we go?

PATRICK: Well, I have 3 things to say. As a matter of fact, my real name is Patrick, Iori Yagami might be stupid, but he is very clever when it comes to making us laugh,-

IORI: It's true!

PATRICK: And if anyone in the crowd thinks this was boring, I shall pour alcohol in your face, and laugh hysterically while the camera is on you. {to TheDenzel} This was a very great interview. Will you accept a handshake?

THEDENZEL: I always do. {shakes his hand} Thanks for stopping by, Patrick. {to audience} This has been another episode of TheDenzel's Interview Show. I'm TheDenzel, and see you next time! Bye for now!
