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TheDenzel's Interview with SimplyMP

THEDENZEL: Welcome to TheDenzel's Interview Show. This episode, I'll be interviewing SimplyMP. Glad to have you here, SimplyMP!

SIMPLYMP: Glad to be here, Teddy. Sorry I'm late, but you know how stardom is.

THEDENZEL: Teddy? Stardom? What's up with that?

SIMPLYMP: TheDenzel = TheD = TehD = Teddy. That's where Teddy came from. As for stardom, I'm just a natural born celebrity. Why else would people be interviewing me?

THEDENZEL: But you signed up... didn't you?

SIMPLYMP: No. Just no. That's all a lie.

THEDENZEL: Okay then. Let's start off with your username. Where did "SimplyMP" come from?

SIMPLYMP: Be prepared for a long explanation: I started off with the name "strong414bad", but I wasn't going to use that moniker here because it wouldn't be original at all. So I thought back to my other names I used on the internet and came across an old one: DJ Mastapope. However, after thinking that would be considered insensitive, I changed it to SimplyMP.

THEDENZEL: How did you get "SimplyMP" out of "DJ Mastapope?"

SIMPLYMP: MastaPope. {Holds up sign that says "I got TheDenzel to say Mastapope!"}

THEDENZEL: What about the "Simply" part?

SIMPLYMP: Because it was a simplified version of Mastapope... okay, I don't really know where Simply came from. It just sounded cool.

THEDENZEL: Oh, okay. Changing pace here, let's talk about your email show. MP-Mail. If you could see anything happen to it, what would it be?

SIMPLYMP: Two things: I start getting time to write more emails, and it becomes the most popular thing than sliced bread. And then I kick DarknessLord's butt in popularity. No offense, DarknessLord.

THEDENZEL: Anything we can expect to see from it in the future? Plot twists etc?

SIMPLYMP: I'm writing an email right now that makes fun of both zombie movies and Phoenix Wright at the same time. But other than that, I don't have anything planned. I make up the story as I go.

THEDENZEL: What about Fire and Ice? It seems... new. What can we expect from that?

SIMPLYMP: I'm having problems with advancing the plotline right now. However, you will get to see some amazing fight scenes very soon. Fire and Ice were both modeled after boss characters, so fighting is pretty much all they can do.

THEDENZEL: What's the plot gonna be like?

SIMPLYMP: Basically, Fire and Ice are two robots that work for the Shadowy figure as special agents, hunting down Stinkoman and other assorted foes. However, Ice betrays the Shadowy figure and joins with Stinkoman, so Fire has to go stop him. They then fight a lot.

THEDENZEL: Sounds kinda familiar. What inspired you to come up with the story?

SIMPLYMP: I don't know. I just wanted to make a comic that doesn't focus mainly on Stinkoman and 1-up, and I wanted to show my sprite editing skills. I thought this was the perfect way to do it.

THEDENZEL: Cool. Can you tell us who's gonna win in the end?

SIMPLYMP: Nice try, Teddy. Nice try.

THEDENZEL: Well, can't blame me for trying! Anyway, let's move onto your interactive game, Homestar Runner Universe. How's that been going?

SIMPLYMP: Well, DarknessLord hasn't been here for a while, so I'm taking it over, improving the quantity and quality of the worlds. Running an interactive game is much harder than I thought, though. Still, I'm trying my hardest to stop it from being dead.

THEDENZEL: Are any big changes coming to it in the near future?

SIMPLYMP: Just a lot of quality control. Have more things for people to do and add more places for people to do them in.

THEDENZEL: What kinda things do you like to do in the real world?

SIMPLYMP: I go on the computer. I play video games. I... paint. Yes, I'm huge on painting. You know, landscapes. Portraits. Bowls of fruit.

THEDENZEL: How many paintings have you made?

SIMPLYMP: Over nine thousand. Seriously. I am in no way, shape or form being sarcastic.

THEDENZEL: Wow! How long've you been painting?

SIMPLYMP: Ever since I was... three. I'm serious. I am telling the total truth.

THEDENZEL: Do you enjoy other artists?

SIMPLYMP: Yeah. I have a lot of respect for the old painters. You know, like Picasso and Da Vinci. And Bob Ross.

THEDENZEL: What's your favorite painting?

SIMPLYMP: Probably "The Scream". It has some nice Impressionism undertones. Great wet-on-wet work.

THEDENZEL: Wait. The Scream is the one with the stretched out person on a boardwalk screaming right?

SIMPLYMP: Yes. That is correct.

THEDENZEL: I like that one too. Well, we're almost outta time here. Anything you'd like to say to our audience before we go?

SIMPLYMP: Teddy's an awesome person. Go check out his Powerpoint Creations.

THEDENZEL: Ooh! Thanks! You've been a great interview, SimplyMP. {shakes his hand} Thanks for stoppin' by. {to audience} This is TheDenzel... out.
