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Latest revision as of 20:47, 7 April 2009


The cast becomes very confused...


{open to black screen, wind whistles through the nothingness. A long pause follows. Ethan pokes his head in from the right}

ETHAN: Hello?

{Ethan retreats back off screen, and returns from the left}

ETHAN: Anybody there? {steps out} Helloooo? {walks forward and stops} Er... we're waiting! {shifting his positions} Is anyone gonna write anything?

{a white door opens off in the background, and Dolan scurries up towards Ethan}

DOLAN: Ethan, what did you do this time?

ETHAN: What?

DOLAN: What did you do?

ETHAN: I'm telling you, this wasn't me!

DOLAN: Well, what? Everything just randomly cut to black and we froze in our places?

ETHAN: {pauses} Yes! Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying!

DOLAN: Eh... well where's TheDenzel, then?

ETHAN: How should I know? He just... stopped writing about us!

DOLAN: That's absurd! You don't think he'd forget about us, do you?

ETHAN: I don't know, man. He's certainly not writing anything anymore...

{Will's silhouette appears in the white doorway, and he bounces forward}

WILL: Hey are you guys talking again?

ETHAN: Yeah... I guess we are.

DOLAN: So that means TheDenzel must be typing about us again!

WILL: Well, either that or we live in an alternate universe where things continue to happen whether or not TheDenzel documents the-

ETHAN: {leaps forward, covering Will's mouth} Sssh! You can't talk about that stuff!

WILL: {mumbled} Well why not?

DOLAN: Don't you know the age bracket on the wiki? You'll confuse all of our viewers with that talk, and then we'll lose everything!

WILL: {Ethan steps away} You don't honestly think anyone here gives a crap about the show, do you?

DOLAN: Excuse me for trying to be optimistic, Will...

WILL: I mean, sure I'd LIKE to think we still have viewers and fans, but let's face it. We've been gone for so long, and the interviews have been standing for even longer!

ETHAN: Just what are you saying, Will?

WILL: I'm saying the glory days are over! No one cares about Ethan & Dolan...

DOLAN: No, no. That can't be true!

ETHAN: I'm sure there's plenty of people still willing to read about our crazy adventures!

WILL: I mean, seriously, the whole place is deteriorating! TheDenzel can't even make powerpoint images anymore! Just look at Osvaldo! His picture is gone entirely from the character bios!

DOLAN: ...Yes, I've seen it...

ETHAN: {tearing up} But... but-

WILL: I'm sorry, guys, but I don't think E&D could ever make a comeback...

{long pause. Ethan falls to his knees in sadness}

DOLAN: {sighs}

ETHAN: {suddenly outraged, jumps back up} Well screw you, Will!

WILL: {startled} -What?

ETHAN: We will so make our great comeback and it'll be... great. You just wait and see!

WILL: Fine, YOU tell that to the wiki...

DOLAN: {noticing the audience} Eh.. guys? I think they may be watching now...

WILL: ...What?

ETHAN: How long have they been there?

DOLAN: I'm guessing this whole time...

OSVALDO: {echoey, unseen} Hola? Por que?

ETHAN: {long pause} ...This place is so confusing...

{fade to black.}