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Zippy Emails/emails/7
Zippy Email #7: radio
Zippy gets an email from a German viewer about radio.
CAST: Zippy, Kooky, Casey, Frank
PLACES: Zippy's Bedroom, Kooky's Lab
{Open: Indy X9.}
ZIPPY: {opens email} This week, Zippy checks an email!
subjekt: übersetzungGeehrte Zippy,
Haben sie ein Übersetzung program?
Hamburg, Deutschland
ZIPPY: Hold- hold on. Just let me translate this.
subject: radioRunning translator...
Dear Zippy,
Do you have a radio show?
Hamburg, Germany
ZIPPY: Oh, that makes sense. {typing} Well, Franz, that's a good question. I do not have a radio program, sorry. I do, however, know somebody who does. Let's go see him now.
{Zippy leaves the room.}
{Cut: Kooky's Lab. Zippy walks in on Kooky, who is half-asleep.}
KOOKY: {mumbling} Psy... Psychonauts...
ZIPPY: {yelling} Kooky wake up!
KOOKY: Gh- AAH! Zippy, stop coming into the house when I'm asleep!
ZIPPY: Kooky, it's almost eight. You know what that means, right?
KOOKY: Wh- what?
ZIPPY: Time for Mean Green to go on the air!
KOOKY: Oh. Oh, yeah. I forgot.
{Kooky gets up and puts on a pair of sunglasses. He walks over to a booth with a microphone on it. He coughs and turns on the microphone.}
KOOKY: {in a completely different voice} Hey hey hey hel-LO! Welcome to Mean Green in the Morning! I'm Mean Green...
{Kooky presses a button on the booth. A monster growl plays.}
KOOKY: ...and with me today is my good friend the Purple Power!
{Kooky presses another button. A woosh sound plays.}
ZIPPY: The Purple Power? What kind of nickname is that?
KOOKY: Haha, look at this guy! A comedian, isn't he?
{A laughing sound plays.}
ZIPPY: Does every sentence need a sound? Really?
{A donkey sound plays.}
'ZIPPY: Ugh.
KOOKY: Today on the show we're doin' something wacky! Every fifth caller to our show... gets a hundred dollars! But only--but only--if you share your biggest secret!
ZIPPY: Um, what?
{A phone rings.}
KOOKY: Oh! We've got our first caller!
WOMAN: Hel- hello?
KOOKY: Hello, you're the fifth caller! What's your name, sweetie?
WOMAN: EEEE! I'm being called a sweetie by Mean Green!
KOOKY: Yeah, yeah. Name, please?
WOMAN: Casey Harris!
KOOKY: Ooh! That's a nice name you've got. So anyhow, you want that hundred dollars?
CASEY: Yes yes yes!
KOOKY: Okay, then. Your big secret, honey!
CASEY: I... I, um... I stuff my bra!
KOOKY: Ooh, saucy! Come on down after the show for your hundred bucks!
CASEY: Oh my God! Oh my God! Thank you thank you thank you!
KOOKY: Alright, baby, see you soon.
{Casey hangs up.}
ZIPPY: Wow, this is pretty cool!
KOOKY: Yeah, I know, man. Next caller!
MAN: Hello?
KOOKY: Alright, caller! You're the next fifth! Tell us a secret and you'll get some dough!
MAN: Oh, man! You rule! My biggest secret... I'm a closet homosexual!
KOOKY and ZIPPY: Woooooah!
{Kooky presses a button.}
VOICE: Oh. My. God.
KOOKY: Alright, name, please?
MAN: Frank!
KOOKY: Alright, Frank. Come on down to the studio for the hundreds after the show!
FRANK: Alright! You rule, Mean Green! Oh, and by the by?
KOOKY: Yeah?
FRANK: Keep on rockin', Purple Power!
ZIPPY: You too, Frank!
{Frank hangs up.}
KOOKY: Okay, after the music break we'll be having some ladies come down to the studio and get nude for cash!
{Kooky presses another button.}
VOICE: Heh-heh! Alright!
ZIPPY: And that's where I've gotta stop. It's been good, Mean Green!
KOOKY: Take care, take care.
{Zippy leaves the room.}
{Cut: Indy X9.}
ZIPPY: {typing} So there, Franz. I know Mean Green. {speaking} Now then, I've gotta get off to the studio. Do not want to miss that. Aufwiederseh'n!
{Zippy runs off.}
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