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Wild Mass Guessing/Wiki User Email Zoo977
From Wiki User Wiki
[hide]- 1 Zoo loves the flute because...
- 2 Hardhat, Dot, or Albino will mutate
- 3 Dot is autistic
- 4 The reason Vinera hasn't been found yet is because...
- 5 The reason no one but maloa wants randa, blatona, and blatonas robot to watch asparagus is...
- 6 The end to this trainwreck of a puzzle will be..
- 7 Zoo lived because...
Zoo loves the flute because...
- ...it welcomed him when born by poking in the head.
- ...he's a flute in a disguise, and playing the flute is actually some form of mating. LOLWUT.
- Um...
- ...he just likes playing it okay
- Good guess, but still not the case.
- ...he was raised by sentient flutes.
- Try no.
- In Zoomails: The Movie, it reveals Zoo977 is really a flute when he unleashes his ultimate power he first discovered when two years old.
Hardhat, Dot, or Albino will mutate
- into mole people.
- into zombies, making "Wiki of the Dead".
- Um...
- Nevermind. It was going to be hardhat, but...
Dot is autistic
- What? -pmelondemon43y 00:09, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- One of my chacters is autistic. But not dot.
Miss Peach
- Is it Hardhat? - SKUB ? 00:20, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- Good guess, but no.
Miss Peach
- Nicholas?
- Marisa?
- Albino?
- Surprisingly, no.
Miss Peach
- Yvonne? -pmelondemon43y 00:25, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- Wendy?
- Zorax?
- Larry?
- Xaviar?
- You guessed him/her!
Miss Peach
- Larry?
Miss Peach
- Wendy?
- Nope!
Miss Peach
- Xaviar?
- It's Yvonne. -pmelondemon43y 00:31, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
Miss Peach
- Zorax. -pmelondemon43y 00:33, 17 October 2008 (UTC)
- Larry?
- Zorax is correct. It won't be mentioned for a few emails, though.
Miss Peach
The reason Vinera hasn't been found yet is because...
The reason no one but maloa wants randa, blatona, and blatonas robot to watch asparagus is...
IT'S PORN OMG belstrnnmmvnmn 23:55, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah, no.
Miss Peach
- YES IT IS DON'T DENY IT belstrnnmmvnmn 23:56, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
The asparagus is to go into a very nice puff pastry and if anybody were to cast their gaze upon it the asparagus would wilt out of embarrassment.
The end to this trainwreck of a puzzle will be..
Zoo lived because...
- God came and said "I don't like you, but you are fun to watch get hurt."
- There are many flaws with that sentance.
Miss Peach
- "flaws"
- "sentance"
- ...OH I GET IT belstrnnmmvnmn 22:39, 27 February 2009 (UTC)
- There are many flaws with that sentance.