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Wikitours/Tour Hub/skullb/skullstairs

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This is the upstairs hallway. Several doors are here, each leading to a room (duhhh). The door immediately facing the stairs leads to the bathroom, while a door at the left end of the hall leads to a closet (previously Jerry's room). The door on the right end of the hallway leads to Jerry and Casey's shared bedroom.


  • A flower laying on the floor



{zorax rolls out of the closet, holding the wire. the vase falls, and gets stuck on his foot. he then rolls out of the house}

CONCHRIS: Well, here I am, at the place...

{Conchris pauses to look and then suddenly runs across the corridor, crazily, before tripping on a loose wire}

CONCHRIS: OUCH! {looks around to find the wire} Stupid wire! {gets up} Let's see... which door... I'll try number 1! {checks the bedroom}

DOT: {runs upstairs} Do you have a toaster?

{Conchris suddenly stops what he is doing to look at Dot}

CONCHRIS: Yeah, I have a toaster. Want one?

DOT: Yep!

{Conchris pulls out a toaster from his Hammerspacial Pocket (TM) and hands it to Dot}

CONCHRIS: One question, what do you need it for?

DOT: Don't you know? There's a new kind of game disc that that you can use in a toaster! {puts a disc in a slot, pushes down the lever, and the toaster turns into a game system. dot begins playing zoo's level of albino: sugar coma}

CONCHRIS: Huh. Okay, I'm-a go look in some rooms now. {opens the door that he WAS about to open and walks in}