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Wikitours/Tour Hub/conchris/hill/lab

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You walk downstairs to a more familiar and villainous setting. A futuristic lab with machines and some other stuff littering the walls and the floors. There also appears to be a rectangular metal table with four straps, it appears to be connected to a black metal pole that rises up. An organ just sits by the stairs, should anyone dare try to bring anything to life, it is customary to have someone play the organ whilst doing so in this lab.

A small humanoid robot eyes you suspiciously but he continues to patrol the lab anyway.

Also, for some strange reason, there is a pumpkin under the ta- Oh... never mind.


  • How to bring stuff to life for idiots - It's an idiot's guide for bringing stuff to life!
  • "Dollarama" - An oddly named laser, it now sits on top of the cabinet. It is broken, mind you.
  • Sirhcnoc's Welder's Mask - It's a welder's mask. No, it's not possessed by an evil spirit. Yes, it does have Sirhcnoc's name on it. Yes, he has several more. On close inspection, it seems to be painted at the bottom with red and blue paint.

