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Wikihood Redux: The Remake/characters/zhar

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Zharanakuva was once a young boy living on a world untouched by nothing but its inhabitants, until a strange vessel crashed into the surface. Zharan(his original name), who was quite curious, decided to see what it was. Somehow, however, after he stayed near it for a prolonged amount of time, he fell ill, and was taken back by his relatives. Slowly, he became to change, both in appearance, and in size. Before long, he looked nothing like what he used to look like, and he was as tall as the tallest trees. Not only this, but his heart had also changed. He quickly forgot what his people meant to him and quickly set destruction to their villages, eating the debris and inhabitants. As he did so, he became bigger at a faster rate than before, and more evil, and more hungry. After a short period of time, his entire world was destroyed by his hand, and he went off to seek more food. He has quickly become feared among the many inhabitants of the universe.