(even if you aren't vegan)
Wiki-Con/Concert Hall
Bands play here! When adding your band or another band, please add ==BAND NAME (YOUR Added by NAME)==.
[hide]The Game
Ringer (Added by Ryan)
{Ryan's group walks into the concert hall, all of a sudden, they here a Proto Whistle}
CRASHMAN (RYAN): What was that?
???????: Ryan. Come up on stage.
???: We need you to play this song.
????: After all, you're the drummer.
{Stage lights go on revealing Aruseus dressed as Metal Man, Tom dressed as Quick Man, and Wolf as Proto Man.}
METALMAN (ARUSEUS): We even got dressed up for you!
QUICKMAN (TOM): Now get on stage!
CRASHMAN (RYAN): You got it!
PROTOMAN (WOLF): Nice costumes, everyone!
{The band plays Programmed To Fight by The Megas}
CRASHMAN (RYAN): All right! My song!
Twisted Pistol (added by Styx Fan)
- DRUMMER: Darth Vader (Styx Fan)
- LEAD GUITAR: Anikan Skywalker (Camo Jones)
- SECOND GUITAR: Commander Cody (Kilroy)
- LEAD BASS: Indiana Jones (Eddie)
- SECOND BASS: Han Solo (Ad'm)
{The Band Plays Walkin' on The Sun [1] by Smash Mouth}
Scorpions (added by Raiku)
They play "Rock you like a Hurricane!"