Userboxes are a fun feature that can be a nifty addition to any userpage. Simply copy the code of userboxes on this page, or you can make your own.
Making your own userbox:
or, you can omit any parameters which you want to stay the same as the standard values
- Border colour for whole userbox (standard is #999999)
- Background colour for large box (standard is #eeeeee)
- Background colour for small box (standard is #ffff00)
- Font size for text in small box (standard is 14)
- Font colour for text in small box (standard is black)
- Text in the small box
- Font size for text in large box (standard is 8)
- Font colour for text in large box (standard is black)
- Text in the large box
- Style of border (standard is solid)
- Valid values for this parameter: solid, none, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge
- Width of border (standard is 1)
If you've made your own userbox, feel free to add it to the bottom of the table in the correct category. Alternatively, leave a message on the talk page and somebody will add it.
The userbox template is compatible with userboxes from the Knowledge Base - no changing of syntax is required.
Userbox Repository
Source Code
This user does not have Flash.
{{userbox|#660000|#CC0000|#FFFFFF|14|#660000|[[Image:Flash Logo.png|32px|Flash]]<br>-1|8|#FFFFFF|This user does not have [[Wikipedia:Adobe Flash|Flash.]]}}
This user is completely bewildered by Flash.
{{userbox|#660000|#CC0000|#FFFFFF|14|#660000|[[Image:Flash Logo.png|32px|Flash]]<br>0|8|#FFFFFF|This user is completely bewildered by [[Wikipedia:Adobe Flash|Flash.]]}}
This user is a noob with Flash.
{{userbox|#660000|#CC0000|#FFFFFF|14|#660000|[[Image:Flash Logo.png|32px|Flash]]<br>+1|8|#FFFFFF|This user is a noob with [[Wikipedia:Adobe Flash|Flash.]]}}
This user is mildly okay at Flash.
{{userbox|#660000|#CC0000|#FFFFFF|14|#660000|[[Image:Flash Logo.png|32px|Flash]]<br>+2|8|#FFFFFF|This user is mildly okay at [[Wikipedia:Adobe Flash|Flash.]]}}
This user is very good at Flash.
{{userbox|#660000|#CC0000|#FFFFFF|14|#660000|[[Image:Flash Logo.png|32px|Flash]]<br>+3|8|#FFFFFF|This user is very good at [[Wikipedia:Adobe Flash|Flash.]]}}
This user is amazing with Flash.
{{userbox|#660000|#CC0000|#FFFFFF|14|#660000|[[Image:Flash Logo.png|32px|Flash]]<br>+4|8|#FFFFFF|This user is amazing with [[Wikipedia:Adobe Flash|Flash.]]}}
Fireworks Ability
Game Maker Ability
Blender Ability
Source Code
This user is a total newb to Blender 3D.
{{userbox|2=orange|3=blue|6=|9=This user is a total newb to Blender 3D.}}
This user is getting better at Blender 3D.
{{userbox|2=orange|3=blue|6=|9=This user is getting better at Blender 3D.}}
This user is can model with skill in Blender 3D.
{{userbox|2=orange|3=blue|6=|9=This user is can model with skill in Blender 3D.}}
This user is an EXPERT at Blender 3D.
{{userbox|2=orange|3=blue|6=|9=This user is an EXPERT at Blender 3D.}}
Inkscape Ability
Source Code
{{userbox|#333|#000|#555|14|#FFF| -1|8|#FFF|This user does not have [[Wikipedia:Inkscape|Inkscape]].}}
This user is completely flabbergasted by Inkscape.
{{userbox|#333|#000|#555|14|#FFF| 0|8|#FFF|This user is completely flabbergasted by [[Wikipedia:Inkscape|Inkscape]].}}
This user is capable of maybe making a line with Inkscape.
{{userbox|#333|#000|#555|14|#FFF| +1|8|#FFF|This user is capable of maybe making a line with [[Wikipedia:Inkscape|Inkscape]].}}
This user is alright (at best) with Inkscape.
{{userbox|#333|#000|#555|14|#FFF| +2|8|#FFF|This user is alright (at best) with [[Wikipedia:Inkscape|Inkscape]].}}
This user is actually really good with Inkscape.
{{userbox|#333|#000|#555|14|#FFF| +3|8|#FFF|This user is actually really good with [[Wikipedia:Inkscape|Inkscape]].}}
This user could teach another user how to use Inkscape.
{{userbox|#333|#000|#555|14|#FFF| +4|8|#FFF|This user could teach another user how to use [[Wikipedia:Inkscape|Inkscape]].}}
Computer Applications
Source Code
{{userbox|2=orange|3=blue|6=[[Image:Mozilla.PNG|50px|Mozilla Firefox]]|9=This user contributes to this awesome wiki using <span class=plainlinks>[ Mozilla Firefox]</span>.}}
{{userbox|2=#99CCFF|3=white|6=[[Image:Paint.net_image_10.PNG|50px|PDN]]|9=This user's art program is <span class=plainlinks>[ Paint.Net ]</span>.}}
Source Code
This user likes the Beatles.
{{userbox|2=white|3=black|6=[[Image:Beatlesuserbox.png]]|9=This user likes the Beatles.}}
This user is a MJ fan.
{{userbox|2=blue|3=white|6=[[Image:Mjuserbox.png]]|9=This user is a MJ fan.}}
Source Code
{{userbox|2=white|3=black|6=[[Image:Bluebrymemory.png|60px|bry]]|9=this user misses [[User:Bluebry|bluebry]]}}
{{userbox|2=grey|3=black|6=[[Image:Thirdgen.png|65px|DIRTYx3]]|9=This user is a [[The_Nice_Third-Gen_Club|third gen]]}}
{{userbox|2=grey|3=black|6=[[Image:Secondgen.png|65px|SEXYx3]]|9=This user is a [[Irrational Researchings#Second Generation Users|second gen]]}}
This user is a disciple of Christ, a cross-bearer, the found lamb, the forgiven son, or to put it plainly, a Christian, and proud of it!
{{userbox|2=yellow|3=white|6=[[Image:Cross.png]]|9=This user is a disciple of Christ, a cross-bearer, the found lamb, the forgiven son, or to put it plainly, a Christian, and proud of it! }}
Source Code
{{userbox|1=black|2=#6EFF6E|3=white|6=[[Image:FruitopiaMap.PNG|50px]]|8=black|9=This user is from [[Fruitopia]].}}
{{userbox|1=black|2=#32FF00|3=#3299CC|6=[[Image:Oralina.PNG|50px]]|8=black|9=This user is from [[User:Zoo977|Oralina]].}}
{{userbox|1=black|2=#EECF8A|3=#84C8E1|6=[[Image:Land of Gwid.png|50px]]|8=#776745|9=This user hails from [[User:Homfrog/landofgwid|The Land of Gwid]].}}
This user hails from Hell.
{{userbox|1=maroon|2=black|3=red|6=666|8=orange|9=This user hails from [[User:Raiku|Hell]].}}
{{userbox|1=black|2=#6EFF6E|3=white|6=[[Image:No Known Place.png|50px]]|8=black|9=This user is from [[User:StrongRad|No Known Place]].}}
Source Code
{{userbox|1=#000|2=#000|3=#FFF|6=[[Image:Clarinet.jpg|50px]]|8=#FFF|9=This user plays the [[Wikipedia:Clarinet|clarinet]].}}
{{userbox|1=#000|2=#F00|3=#000|6=[[Image:STEER.jpg|70px|YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH]]|8=#000|9=This user plays [ A STEERING WHEEL]!}}
Video Games/Computer Games
Source Code
{{userbox|1=black|2=darkred|3=white|6=[[Image:MKLogo.png|50px|MORTAL KOMBAT!]]|7=8|8=black|9=This user loves [[Wikipedia:Mortal Kombat|MORTAL KOMBAT!]]}}
This user likes Super Mario Bros. 3.
{{userbox|2=red|3=blue|6=[[Image:super mario bros 3.png|50px|racoon taaaaail]]|9=This user likes Super Mario Bros. 3.}}
{{userbox|2=blue|3=white|6=[[Image:320px-Gmodlogo.svg.png|50px|Gmodding rocks!]]|9=This user plays [[Wikipedia:Garry's Mod|<font color=white>Garry's Mod.</font>]]}}
{{userbox|1=#999999|2=black|3=white|6=|8=white|9=This user plays [ Blockland].}}
This user likes Mario is Missing!
{{userbox|1=black|2=blue|3=white|6=[[Image:Weegee.gif|50px|OBEY WEEGEE]]|8=white|9=This user likes ''Mario is Missing!''}}
|{{userbox|1=gold|2=#0F0|3=white|6=[[Image:Jiggy.jpg|50px|Puzzling.]]|8=blue|9=This user plays [[Wikipedia:Banjo-Kazooie|Banjo-Kazooie]].}}
{{userbox|2=orange|3=black|6=[[Image:tf2box.png|50px|TF2 FTW]]|9=This user doesnt play, he lives [ <font color=white>Team Fortress 2</font>]}}
{{userbox|1=#white|2=green|3=white|6=[[Image:farmville.png|50px|Farmville]]|DarkGreen|9=This user plays [[Wikipedia:Farmville|<font color=white>Farmville</font>]].}}
Car Companies/Cars
Source Code
This user's favorite type of car is Lotus.
{{userbox|2=orange|3=blue|6=VROOM|9=This user's favorite type of car is [[Wikipedia:Lotus Elise|Lotus]].}}
Source Code
This user is of European heritage.
{{userbox|1=grey|2=white|3=white|5=black|6=[[File:Wundabred.jpg|100px]]|8=black|9=This user is of European heritage.}}
This user is of CRACKA ASS WHITE heritage.
{{userbox|1=grey|2=white|3=white|5=black|6=[[File:Wundabred.jpg|100px|Cracka]]|8=black|9=This user is of CRACKA ASS WHITE heritage.}}
This User has Native American Heritage.
{{userbox|1=Black|2=Tan|3=Brown|4=14|5=Black|6=[[File:Sitting Bull.jpg|100px|Bull that's Sitting]]|7=8|8=black|9=This User has Native American Heritage.|10=solid|11=1}}
This User has Latino Heritage
{{userbox|1=Brown|2=Tan|3=Tan|4=14|5=Black|6=[[File:Lopez.jpg|100px|Low Rider]]|7=8|8=white|9=This User has Latino Heritage|10=solid|11=1}}
This User has African Heritage
{{userbox|1=Black|2=Black|3=Brown|4=14|5=Black|6=[[File:MJ (NBA).jpg|100px|Air Jordan]]|7=8|8=White|9=This User has African Heritage|10=solid|11=1}}
Different Userboxes
Source Code
A userbox is a small box that looks like this.
{{userbox|1=#999999|2=#DAA520|3=#FFD700|4=10|5=black|6=Box|7=8|8=black|9=A userbox is a small box that looks like this.}}
Userboxes can come in many different styles…
{{backwardsbox|1=#008000|2=#7CFC00|3=8|4=#000000|5=Userboxes can come in many different styles…|6=#FFFFFF|7=10|8=#000000|9=xoB}}
{{useroval|1=lightgrey|2=grey|3=black|4=15|5=white|6=Not a Box|7=8|8=black|9=…even ovals!}}
A userbox can have one or two side boxes.
{{double userbox|1=#00CDCD|2=#8FD8D8|3=#00CDCD|4=14|5=#000000|6=Dou|7=8|8=#000000|9=A userbox can have one or two side boxes.|10=#00CDCD|11=14|12=000000|13=ble}}