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User:Yeti/IRC Logs/5
From Wiki User Wiki
Session Start: Mon Feb 09 18:39:07 2009 Session Ident:#hrwiki-fanstuff [18:39] ->> You joined channel #hrwiki-fanstuff [18:39] ->> Topic is: Homestar Runner Fanstuff Wiki: http://fanstuff.hrwiki.org || Please keep discussion and language family-friendly in here. Thanks. [18:39] ->> Topic set by unknown on 5/29/2008 11:24:17 AM [18:39] ->> Channel Modes are: +tn [18:39] ->> Channel created on 11/25/2006 10:43:27 PM [18:39] <NachoMan> not all the time :) [18:39] <Raiku> What I miss? [18:39] <Spyrox6> There's people making out [18:39] <HSB150> raiku [18:39] <Brooksie> Raiku: dont be mad [18:39] <HSB150> read you memos [18:39] <Captcha> im gonna play MBO cya. [18:39] <Brooksie> ;) [18:39] <Raiku> Memos? [18:39] <HSB150> -_- [18:39] <Spyrox6> Fat Mario and Gay Luigi [18:39] <HSB150> type /memoserv read new [18:39] <Captcha> MICAH AND ME WAS NOT INNER BAD FROM THE FANSTUFF WIKI [18:39] <Brooksie> GAY IS A SWEAR [18:39] <Captcha> BYE [18:39] * Captcha ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff () [18:40] <Raiku> Brooksie: About what? [18:40] <NachoMan> You have no memos. [18:40] <NachoMan> ;_; [18:40] * TheBluefox ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [18:40] <HSB150> hey fenri [18:40] <TheBluefox> "I have the right to upload. Lolcats aren't illegal. You are a terrible mod." [18:40] <TheBluefox> Aha. [18:40] <TheBluefox> AHAHAHAHAHAHA. [18:40] <Brooksie> i lold [18:40] <NachoMan> ahaha [18:40] <TheBluefox> Also, Raiku, LOVE YOUR FREE TRI- [18:41] <Brooksie> FREE HAT [18:41] <TheBluefox> You're only a second gen in your mind, Raiu [18:41] <TheBluefox> Raiku* [18:41] <TheBluefox> Troll-loving commie. [18:42] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [18:42] <Brooksie> more like super gay right? [18:42] <Brooksie> oh crap [18:42] <ShadowScythe2X> BLUE REVERBERANCE [18:42] <Raiku> The Blue Fox: Furry-loving commie. [18:42] <TheBluefox> Raiku: Oh you did NOT just go there. [18:43] <ShadowScythe2X> DRAMA [18:43] <_20eric06_> hey Super_Sam can i be a mod :D [18:43] <Brooksie> ryan and cutgirl sitting in a tree [18:43] <TheBluefox> Raiku: I do not see modship on you [18:43] <Spyrox6> The Fury [18:43] <Brooksie> Spyrox6: i see what you did there [18:43] <Raiku> Not yet you don't. [18:43] <Brooksie> haha [18:43] <TheBluefox> Raiku, you will never be a mod. [18:43] <Spyrox6> I AM THE FURY [18:43] <NachoMan> ahahahhahahahahahahjahfdkgdfkjgjfdglLIjrskldjglkjhlkfu{O [18:43] <_20eric06_> WAIT [18:43] <TheBluefox> I AM IMMORTAL [18:44] <_20eric06_> WASN'T RAIKU [18:44] <Raiku> Ryan: Super Sam is still considering. [18:44] <_20eric06_> THE ONE [18:44] <ShadowScythe2X> inb4 maps [18:44] <_20eric06_> WANTING TO JOIN [18:44] <Spyrox6> I WENT INTO SPACE, AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT I SAW [18:44] <Brooksie> they dont - ;-; [18:44] <_20eric06_> WIKI USER FURRY [18:44] <_20eric06_> OR SOMETHING? [18:44] <Spyrox6> THE FURY OF THE SUN [18:44] <_20eric06_> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA [18:44] <TheBluefox> Super Sam: He's considering a 20-time blocked Communist revert warrer? [18:44] <NachoMan> what's wrong with furry g_g [18:44] <TheBluefox> No, that's Super Sam on crack, LSD, and shrooms. [18:45] <TheBluefox> Speaking of which, I got drug tested at my school [18:45] <ShadowScythe2X> WHILE SUPER SAM CONTINUES TO SAY NOTHING [18:45] <Raiku> Bluefox: Do you care about the WUW? I didn't think so. [18:45] <TheBluefox> I had to pee in a cup [18:45] <Brooksie> Raiku: um........ [18:45] <Brooksie> he obviously does [18:45] <_20eric06_> Raiku [18:45] <Super_Sam> HEY GUYS LET'S NOT DEBATE WHAT I DID OR DID NOT SAY WHILST I AM STANDING RIGHT HERE [18:45] <_20eric06_> shush [18:45] <TheBluefox> Raiku: If I didn't care, i'd be you [18:45] <Brooksie> <Super_Sam> brooks is cool [18:45] <Raiku> I CARE [18:45] <_20eric06_> hey Super_Sam can i be a mod :D [18:45] <_20eric06_> plz? [18:45] <Raiku> Can I? [18:46] <Brooksie> CAN I BE A MOD I HEARD ASKING HELPS [18:46] <TheBluefox> Rule 1 [18:46] <NachoMan> can i be a burocrate [18:46] <TheBluefox> Ask to be mod, you lose your chance [18:46] <Brooksie> i want to be a developer lol [18:46] <_20eric06_> <Super_Sam> sure eric you can me a mod! [18:46] <TheBluefox> :well: [18:46] <_20eric06_> YAY! [18:46] <Raiku> ERic lost his chance. [18:46] <Brooksie> me a mod [18:46] <_20eric06_> Raiku: so did you [18:46] <NachoMan> CAN I BE JIMBO WHALES [18:46] <Brooksie> Raiku: poop [18:46] <Spyrox6> he sure can me a mod [18:46] <Spyrox6> wut [18:46] <Brooksie> NachoMan: people [18:46] <_20eric06_> ALSO [18:46] <Brooksie> order [18:46] <Brooksie> our [18:46] <Brooksie> patties [18:46] <TheBluefox> SPANGBEEB [18:46] <_20eric06_> WHAT IS THE MOD PAGE FOR THEN [18:46] <NachoMan> ................................................................... [18:47] <NachoMan> :O [18:47] <TheBluefox> hey guys [18:47] <_20eric06_> WHERE YOU ASK TO BE A MOD [18:47] <Spyrox6> I WANNA OPTIMUS PRIME, LEADER OF THE AUTOBOTS [18:47] <Brooksie> MEME FIGHT [18:47] <TheBluefox> name one good thing raiku's done [18:47] <_20eric06_> GOSHDARN IT THIS WIKI IS FULL OF CONTRADICTIONS [18:47] <NachoMan> TheBluefox: ewiki [18:47] <TheBluefox> if your name is raiku shut up dirty thirdie [18:47] <Brooksie> eric: GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Raiku> Made a good fanstuff, Wiki User High School [18:47] <HSB150> fenri: ewiki for one [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <_20eric06_> THIS WIKI IS A WALKING CONTRADICTION [18:47] <NachoMan> Brooksie: peggy [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <TheBluefox> if your name is raiku shut up dirty thirdie [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Super_Sam> Brooksie [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Spyrox6> Billy! [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Super_Sam> shut up [18:47] <ShadowScythe2X> GOODBYE [18:47] <NachoMan> Brooksie: shut up [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff () [18:47] <_20eric06_> I'M LEAVING THE WIKI >( [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Raiku> BlueFox: I made an interactive that was popular. [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <TheBluefox> Brooksie: NARROW URETHRA [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <NachoMan> nobody likes Brooksie [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:47] <Spyrox6> Look what you did. [18:47] <Brooksie> GOT DANG IT BOBBY [18:48] <Brooksie> ;-; [18:48] <Spyrox6> WE'RE #7 [18:48] <HSB150> i agree with sam [18:48] <Brooksie> TheBluefox: hey wanna be bff [18:48] <TheBluefox> Raiku: IF YOUR NAME IS RAIKU YOU CAN'T TAL [18:48] <Brooksie> ;-; [18:48] ->> Attempting to join #7 [18:48] <TheBluefox> TALK* [18:48] <TheBluefox> i think my k key is broke [18:48] <Super_Sam> don't do that again ever [18:48] <Raiku> ABOUT @) PEOPLE JOINED WIKI USER HIGH SCHOOL [18:48] <TheBluefox> Brooksie: sure wub [18:48] <Brooksie> D [18:48] <HSB150> brooksie bneeds so stop flooding [18:48] <Brooksie> :D [18:48] <NachoMan> brooksie why do you flood ;_; [18:48] <NachoMan> when you flood you flood my heart with nails ;_; [18:48] * _20eric06_ ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff ("THAT'S IT I'M LEAVING THIS WIKI") [18:48] <HSB150> he enjoys annoying us [18:48] <TheBluefox> Raiku: fanstuff does not make you a mod. [18:48] <Brooksie> Raiku: @) PEOPLE?! [18:48] <Brooksie> Nachoman: ;-; [18:48] * stux|away (n=stux|[email protected]) Quit ( SendQ exceeded ) [18:48] <Raiku> *20 [18:49] <TheBluefox> Being a mod is all about if you are a good user, contribute well (as in make things other people find cool, not you), and do your best to report trolls [18:49] <Raiku> EWIKI IS ANOTHER GOOD THING I DID 50 USERS [18:49] <Brooksie> Raiku: go to your userlist [18:49] <Brooksie> i have never laughed harder [18:50] <TheBluefox> Not revert warring, bragging about things that no one cares about, trolling, flaming, and the like [18:50] <Raiku> AND WIKI USER HIGH SCHOOL PEOPLE THOUGHY WAS COOL [18:50] <Raiku> AND YOU HAVE REVERT WARRED [18:50] <TheBluefox> To put it simple: Raiku you cannot and WILL NEVER be a mod. [18:50] <Brooksie> yeah raiku this is the kind of thing that lessens your chances [18:50] <Spyrox6> It's nut [18:50] * stux|away (n=stux|[email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [18:50] <Raiku> BlueFox: There is a chance. [18:50] <Spyrox6> Modship is overrated [18:50] <TheBluefox> Yeah. 1 in a million. [18:50] <Spyrox6> You don't see me asking. [18:50] <TheBluefox> When the world ends, Raiku can be mod. [18:50] <Spyrox6> Problem there [18:51] <TheBluefox> I didn't ask to be a mod, and look at me. [18:51] <Spyrox6> There would be no world and no WuW for Rai to mod around. [18:51] <TheBluefox> Spyrox6: Exactly. [18:51] <TheBluefox> Raiku, get it in your head. [18:52] <TheBluefox> You don't contribute well [18:52] <Brooksie> <Spyrox6> Modship is overrated [18:52] <Super_Sam> Modship is extremely overrated [18:52] <TheBluefox> Nobody acknowledges you for your contributions [18:52] <TheBluefox> You don't benifit to this wiki [18:52] <TheBluefox> You CONSTANTLY flame others [18:52] <TheBluefox> You revert war [18:52] <Raiku> THERE SHOULD BE NO MODS AND YOU ARE FLAMING ME RIGHT NOW [18:52] <TheBluefox> You upload communism [18:52] <TheBluefox> How am I flaming you?! [18:53] <TheBluefox> OH NO PERSONAL ATTACK TT^TT [18:53] <Raiku> Saying I don't benefit at all. [18:53] <TheBluefox> Guys, has Raiku done anything you find good>? [18:53] <Raiku> Wikio User High School [18:53] <TheBluefox> THIS DOESN'T INCLUDE YOU. [18:53] <Brooksie> OKAY [18:54] <TheBluefox> I said "GUYS" not "RAIKU" [18:54] <Brooksie> LETS BE NICE BUT AT THE SAME TIME NOBODY IS CONVINCING ANYONE [18:54] <Brooksie> AND I HIGHLY DOUBT ANY OF US HAVE MUCH SWAY WITH SAM [18:55] <Super_Sam> Joshua > Shadow Scythe > other sysops > most second gens > most third gens > Bluebry group [18:56] <Super_Sam> THIS IS HOW MUCH I RESPECT OPINIONS [18:56] <Super_Sam> anyway LUNCH TIME [18:56] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) Quit ( ) [18:56] <TheBluefox> Eric [18:56] <TheBluefox> Oh wait he isn't here [18:56] <Brooksie> hey cool bluebry group thats me [18:57] <TheBluefox> > means greater than [18:57] <TheBluefox> Everyone > raiku [18:57] <Raiku> I'M GREATER THAN EVERY ONE [18:57] <Brooksie> <Raiku> I'M AMAZIN [18:58] <TheBluefox> Then why leave? [18:58] <Raiku> Because of YOU [18:58] <TheBluefox> If you think you're super great stay [18:58] <TheBluefox> And walk like you're high and mighty [18:58] <TheBluefox> And do your usual thing [18:59] <Brooksie> raiku you wont leave ;D [18:59] <TheBluefox> We know it [18:59] <TheBluefox> Hey, raiku if you hate me so much [18:59] <Brooksie> why dont you marry him [18:59] <Raiku> I won't leave if I get a sincere apology from Bluefox [18:59] <Brooksie> oh wait [19:00] <Brooksie> Raiku: he isnt apologizing [19:00] <Brooksie> and you arent leaving [19:00] <TheBluefox> Hell to the no brotha [19:00] <Raiku> Then I'M LEAVING [19:00] <Brooksie> okay see ya in a day [19:00] <TheBluefox> before you go, say it [19:00] <TheBluefox> Just blurt it out to me [19:00] <Raiku> What? [19:00] <TheBluefox> I know what you want to say right now [19:00] <Raiku> WHAT? [19:00] <Brooksie> oh say say say [19:01] <TheBluefox> I am a furry right [19:01] <Raiku> WHAT????? ARE???? YOU???? TALKING???? ABOUT? [19:01] <TheBluefox> Ok fine [19:01] <TheBluefox> You dunno then [19:02] <Spyrox6> Why has this turned so serious. [19:03] <Brooksie> y so srs [19:03] <TheBluefox> HEY RAIKU I HAVE TO GO NOW [19:03] <TheBluefox> GOOD FOR YOU [19:03] <TheBluefox> BYE COMMIE [19:03] <Brooksie> later man ;D [19:03] * TheBluefox ([email protected]) Quit ( "Everybody! Everybody!" ) [19:05] <Spyrox6> Let's talk about something else [19:05] * HSB150 is now known as HSB150|sleep [19:05] <Brooksie> girls :3 [19:05] <Spyrox6> Powerpuff Girls [19:05] <HSB150|sleep> bye [19:06] <Spyrox6> REMEMBER THAT SHOW? [19:06] <Brooksie> HSB150: later brah [19:06] <Brooksie> yes i do [19:07] <Spyrox6> Wasn't it a great show [19:07] <Brooksie> yes [19:07] <Brooksie> i watched it behind closed doors <_< [19:07] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [19:07] <Brooksie> hey daddyscythe [19:08] <ShadowScythe2X> DARNIT GUYS YOU MADE ERIC LEAVE THE WUW [19:08] <Brooksie> ;-; [19:08] <NachoMan> it's because of you he left [19:08] <NachoMan> and super sam [19:08] <NachoMan> and that other guy [19:08] <NachoMan> you make everyone leave >:O [19:09] <ShadowScythe2X> joshua doesn't even visit the wuw dangit [19:09] <Spyrox6> Hey Scythe, do you remember the Powerpuff girls? [19:09] <ShadowScythe2X> SWALLOW IT [19:09] <Spyrox6> just a question :( [19:10] <ShadowScythe2X> no you see it was a quote [19:10] <ShadowScythe2X> from the show [19:10] <ShadowScythe2X> you remember markie's poops right [19:10] <Spyrox6> oh, right [19:10] <Spyrox6> I thought so [19:10] <NachoMan> what ever happened to markie [19:10] <Brooksie> <Markie> I MADE TWO POOPS! [19:10] <NachoMan> inb4 robot jones [19:10] <Spyrox6> Anyone notice how Violent that show was? [19:10] <Brooksie> rob- ;-; [19:10] <Spyrox6> Markie's slightly active [19:10] <NachoMan> sugar [19:10] <NachoMan> spice [19:10] <Raiku> NO ONE CARES THAT I LFET? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEARTLESS SONS OF BEOTCHS [19:10] <ShadowScythe2X> brooksie: I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T HAVE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MARKIE [19:10] <NachoMan> and everything nice [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> raiku: you always leave [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> and you come back quite [19:11] <Brooksie> ShadowScythe2X: shut up tucker [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> quickly [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> you'll be back like always so we don't particularly care <('-'<) [19:11] <NachoMan> ATTENTION UNIVERSE [19:11] <NachoMan> ALLOW ME TO LEAVE FOR .521 SECONDS [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> GASP [19:11] <NachoMan> SO AS TO GARNER YOUR PITY [19:11] <Brooksie> nachoman no ;-; [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> ERIC ON THE OTHER HAND [19:11] <NachoMan> GOODBYE FOR .521 SECONDS [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> WELL [19:11] <ShadowScythe2X> sad [19:12] <Brooksie> come back [19:12] * NachoMan leaves for .521 seconds [19:12] <Brooksie> come back [19:12] <Raiku> CAN'T BELEVIE YOU GUYZ [19:12] <Brooksie> Raiku: chill out man [19:13] <Brooksie> just go with the flow [19:13] * Brooksie passes the second gen [19:13] <NachoMan> RAIKU IS GONE???? [19:13] <Spyrox6> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTVkOyp1vxI [19:13] <NachoMan> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [19:13] <NachoMan> Spyrox6: oh my god [19:13] <NachoMan> that's amazing [19:14] <Spyrox6> It's funnier now, even if I knew the reference back then. [19:14] <NachoMan> brb [19:15] <Raiku> It's been 5 minutes now. [19:15] <Spyrox6> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjH1yfsnKCs [19:15] <Brooksie> Raiku: people [19:15] <Brooksie> order [19:15] <Brooksie> our [19:15] <Spyrox6> Oh god, this is funnier [19:15] <Brooksie> patties [19:16] <ShadowScythe2X> http://wuw.clamburger.org/w/index.php?title=User:Raiku&diff=prev&oldid=114218 [19:16] <ShadowScythe2X> this speaks for itself [19:16] <Brooksie> ...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA [19:17] <Spyrox6> Wow [19:17] <NachoMan> back [19:17] <Spyrox6> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjH1yfsnKCs [19:17] <Spyrox6> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjH1yfsnKCs [19:17] <Spyrox6> Come on, this is hilarious [19:19] <ShadowScythe2X> Spyrox6: DON'T BUNNIES [19:19] * Jicem ([email protected]) Quit ( "You haven't seen the last of me" ) [19:19] <Spyrox6> We haven't seen the last of him [19:19] * NachoMan ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer) ) [19:19] <Spyrox6> ifffffffffffff I were a bunny.... [19:19] <Spyrox6> I would [19:19] <Spyrox6> HOP HOP HOP [19:19] <Spyrox6> HOP HOP HOP [19:20] <Spyrox6> ifffffff I were a rhino I would [19:20] <Spyrox6> STOMP STOMP STOMP [19:20] <Spyrox6> STOMP STOMP STOMP [19:21] * Nachobragers ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [19:21] <ShadowScythe2X> IT'S TIME FOR BED [19:21] <Spyrox6> Ha, there's more [19:21] <Spyrox6> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tQk_T2Msws&feature=related [19:21] <Brooksie> NACHOMAN [19:22] * Nachobragers is now known as NachoMan [19:25] <Raiku> I uploading a drunk pic [19:26] <Brooksie> .............................................. [19:27] <Raiku> AFTEER i figure out my cszmeraz [19:27] <Raiku> *camera [19:28] <Brooksie> dude just stop [19:28] <Brooksie> you dont need to get whatever youre looking for by doing stuff like that [19:30] <Spyrox6> wait, a picture of you drunk? [19:31] <Spyrox6> Don't do that [19:34] <Spyrox6> SHOWER TIME [19:36] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [19:38] <Raiku> SUPER SAM REMOVE MODS ALLTOGHETER [19:38] <Brooksie> lolno [19:38] <Brooksie> raiku: didnt you leave lol [19:39] <Super_Sam> Mods are kind of necessary since the sysops don't hang around [19:39] <Brooksie> supermodddddddddddd [19:39] <Super_Sam> yeah we call them sysops [19:39] <Brooksie> oh okay [19:40] <NachoMan> why have sysops if they do nothing [19:40] <Super_Sam> WHY HAVE ME THERE IF I DO NOTHING [19:41] <Super_Sam> The mods were create solely because the sysops do nothing [19:43] * stux (n=stux|[email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [19:46] <ShadowScythe2X> THERE'S NOTHING TO DO [19:46] <ShadowScythe2X> IS THERE [19:46] <Super_Sam> THIS IS TRUE [19:46] <Super_Sam> I will probably continue working on my glorious WUW improvings [19:47] <Brooksie> people [19:47] <Brooksie> order [19:47] <Brooksie> our [19:47] <Brooksie> patties [19:47] <Super_Sam> Brooksie please stop saying that it's really annoying [19:48] <Brooksie> well what can i say sir [19:48] <Super_Sam> nothing [19:48] <Super_Sam> nothing at all [19:48] <Brooksie> but i was going to tell you that i worried about you today ;-; [19:49] <ShadowScythe2X> weren't you planning to assassinate him in #wuw [19:49] <ShadowScythe2X> oh wait that was me [19:49] <ShadowScythe2X> sad face [19:52] <ShadowScythe2X> http://randomreviewer.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!4E0E3C618B689CDB!680.entry [19:54] <ShadowScythe2X> HOORAY CRITICISM [19:54] <Super_Sam> Of what exactly [19:55] <ShadowScythe2X> DISNEY PRINCESSES [19:55] <ShadowScythe2X> IT IS ACTUALLY AN AMUSING READ [19:59] * stux|away (n=stux|[email protected]) Quit ( Connection timed out ) [19:59] <NachoMan> byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [19:59] <NachoMan> <33 [19:59] <Brooksie> bye love [19:59] * NachoMan ([email protected]) Quit ( "byeeeeeeee" ) [19:59] * stux|away (n=stux|[email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [20:00] <Raiku> IM DRUNNK [20:00] <Brooksie> no you arent [20:00] <Raiku> I took a drunk pic. [20:00] <Super_Sam> aren't you like 7 [20:01] <Raiku> *11 [20:01] <Raiku> AND I DRANK WINE [20:01] <Raiku> ALOT [20:01] <Brooksie> raiku what did you get drunk on [20:01] <Raiku> WINE [20:01] <Brooksie> what kind [20:01] <Super_Sam> WAS IT GREEN OR YELLOW WINE [20:01] <Raiku> I NEVER LOOKED [20:01] <Brooksie> of course [20:01] <Raiku> I JUST DRANK [20:01] <Brooksie> also you are fooling me [20:01] <Super_Sam> wine tastes like craaaap [20:01] <Brooksie> i like sparkling grape juice :3 [20:02] <Raiku> Grateful Dead Skulls and Roses [20:02] <Super_Sam> uhhhhhh what [20:02] <Raiku> A special wine [20:03] <Super_Sam> sounds like the name of a song to me [20:03] <Raiku> Nope, they made a wine of it. Look at the pic [20:04] <ShadowScythe2X> WATCH OUT!!!! [20:04] <Super_Sam> LINK PLZ [20:04] <Brooksie> YEAH YOU LOOK DRUNK ALL RIGHT [20:04] <Brooksie> also communism [20:04] <Raiku> MY PIC [20:04] <Super_Sam> i can't see any links wah [20:04] <Raiku> http://wuw.clamburger.org/wiki/Image:New_Raiku_IRL_Digs_4.jpg [20:04] <Super_Sam> OR IS THAT JUST BECAUSE NOBODY IS POSTING ANY [20:04] <Raiku> http://wuw.clamburger.org/wiki/Image:New_Raiku_IRL_Digs_3.jpg [20:05] <Super_Sam> Looks more like blurry photographic evidence to me [20:05] * stux (n=stux|[email protected]) Quit ( Connection timed out ) [20:05] <ShadowScythe2X> BLURRY [20:05] <ShadowScythe2X> PHOTOGRAPHIC [20:05] <ShadowScythe2X> EVIDENSE [20:05] <Super_Sam> THAT COULD BE ANY 7-YEAR OLD [20:05] <Raiku> 11 [20:05] <Brooksie> one things for sure [20:05] <Raiku> AND ME [20:05] <Brooksie> he is totally drunk [20:06] <Raiku> YEAH [20:06] <Super_Sam> CLEARLY [20:06] <Brooksie> raiku do you feel like partying [20:06] <Super_Sam> he is not totally just lying on the floor and taking a picture of himself [20:06] <Raiku> Nope, Sam, and yes Brooks, LETS PARTY [20:07] <Super_Sam> I AM SORRY I DO NOT EMPLOY ALCOHOLICS [20:07] <Brooksie> untz untz [20:08] <Super_Sam> also stop uploading communism [20:08] <Raiku> DON'T DELEYE [20:09] <Super_Sam> (I'm referring to the cat pictures here) [20:09] <Brooksie> A THIRD GEN UPLOADING COMMUNISM? [20:09] <Raiku> (oh they aren't_) [20:09] <Brooksie> YEP HE MUST BE DRUNK [20:09] <The_Mu> guys am i the only person who sees "pom pom" sometimes and reads "porn porn" [20:09] <Super_Sam> yes [20:09] <Raiku> no [20:09] <Brooksie> The_Mu: ...#wuw also no [20:10] <The_Mu> Brooksie: its a word lol [20:10] ->> Attempting to join #wuw [20:10] <The_Mu> sheesh [20:10] <Brooksie> lolololk [20:10] <ShadowScythe2X> well of course NOW I'll always read it like that dangit [20:10] <ShadowScythe2X> thanks a lot [20:10] <The_Mu> ShadowScythe2X: yr welcome [20:10] <Raiku> got dangit it super_sam [20:10] <Raiku> *dangit super_sam [20:10] <Brooksie> peggy [20:10] <The_Mu> THAT'S MY PURSE [20:10] <Brooksie> thats my horse [20:10] <Super_Sam> http://x.clamburger.org/steam.png [20:11] <Super_Sam> THIS IS THE ONLY GOOD LOLCAT [20:11] <Raiku> The boy ain't right! [20:11] <Brooksie> i have a narrow urethra [20:11] <Raiku> *The sysop ain't right! [20:12] <Raiku> Sam, you DO know people can use show bots to see you, right? [20:12] <Brooksie> i c wut u did ^ [20:12] <ShadowScythe2X> DON'T LOLCATS [20:12] <Super_Sam> Raiku: yeah [20:13] <Super_Sam> But I still avoid showing all 50 million of my pointless edits to the entire WUW populace [20:13] <Raiku> AND WHAT"S THE POINT WITH THE NEW FANSTUFF THING [20:13] <Raiku> *OF [20:14] <Super_Sam> IT'S OBVIOUS [20:14] <Brooksie> raiku you sure are an angry drunk [20:14] <Super_Sam> http://wuw.clamburger.org/w/index.php?title=Stinkoman%27s_Escape&action=fanstuff [20:14] <Super_Sam> Scroll down to the bottom of this page [20:14] <Raiku> AND HOW DO YOU MAKE THE SANDBOX LIKE THAT? [20:14] <Brooksie> Super_Sam: approve [20:14] <Raiku> IT'S LAME [20:14] <Raiku> Wait.. [20:14] <Brooksie> they dont love you like i love you [20:15] <ShadowScythe2X> Oh crap I got bankrupt twice in one day [20:15] <The_Mu> Super_Sam: IS IT REALLY ETHICAL TO TEST NEW SPECIAL PAGES ON A STABLE WIKI [20:15] <Super_Sam> YES [20:15] <Super_Sam> WHEN IT IS THE WUW [20:16] * ShadowScythe2X chortles [20:16] <Brooksie> the chort [20:16] <Brooksie> oh ho ho [20:16] <Super_Sam> Besides apart from the SEEMINGLY RANDOM errors popping up for a few seconds at a time (unless I break something, which I inevitably do) it's not much of a problem [20:16] <Raiku> HOW DO SUBPAGES WORK [20:16] <ShadowScythe2X> super sam did you just put doggie on the test page [20:16] <Brooksie> Raiku: so i herd you liek mudkipz [20:16] <Super_Sam> HOW IS BABBY FORMED [20:19] <Super_Sam> http://wuw.clamburger.org/w/index.php?title=The_Nice_Third-Gen_Club&action=history [20:19] <Super_Sam> I SPY REVERT WARS [20:19] <Brooksie> no you dont [20:19] <Brooksie> <_< [20:19] <Brooksie> spy sappin mah sentry [20:20] <ShadowScythe2X> inb4 anti-valve [20:20] <ShadowScythe2X> oh wait nachoman isn't here [20:20] <Brooksie> <NachoMan> you guys suck brooks is so cool [20:20] <ShadowScythe2X> why the heck are you brooksie rather than thecheese anyhow [20:21] <ShadowScythe2X> I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED THIS [20:21] <Brooksie> i dunno [20:21] <Brooksie> well on the original #wuw [20:21] <Brooksie> i put my full rl name under whois [20:21] <Brooksie> so noid being a loser was like hey your name is [] [20:21] <Brooksie> also someone registered thecheese ;-; [20:22] ->> You are now known as TheCheese [20:22] --NickServ-- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>. [20:22] ->> You are now known as Raiku [20:22] <Brooksie> oh you [20:22] <Raiku> Yes they did. [20:22] <ShadowScythe2X> someone registered shadowscythe too unfortunately [20:22] <Raiku> It wasn't me. [20:22] <Super_Sam> GUYS I have statistics [20:22] <ShadowScythe2X> THIS MAKES ME SAD [20:22] <Brooksie> um sorry to hear that [20:22] <Brooksie> *im [20:22] <ShadowScythe2X> WHAT ARE YOUR STATISTICS SUPER SAM [20:22] <Raiku> GASP HE DELETED USERBOXES [20:22] <Super_Sam> I have gone through EACH AND EVERY EDIT SUMMARY and collected the ones using the Undo button [20:23] <Super_Sam> There are 45 uses in total [20:23] <Super_Sam> GUESS WHO USED THE MOST [20:23] <Super_Sam> AND HOW MANY TIMES [20:23] <Brooksie> BROOKSIE :D [20:23] <Raiku> ME [20:23] <Brooksie> 12 [20:23] <ShadowScythe2X> WAS IT RAIKU [20:23] <Super_Sam> Indeed it was [20:23] <Super_Sam> BUT HOW MANY TIMES [20:23] <Raiku> I WON [20:23] <ShadowScythe2X> IS IT MORE THAN 30 [20:23] <Brooksie> now will you come back ;-; [20:23] <Raiku> 45 [20:23] <Super_Sam> SORRY the answer is 20 [20:24] <Super_Sam> RAIKU LOSES [20:24] <Raiku> I ALREADY AM BACK [20:24] <Brooksie> lol [20:24] <Raiku> HHOW DO YOU KNOW? [20:24] <Brooksie> super sam has powers the likes of which our minds cannot comprehend [20:24] <ShadowScythe2X> HE CAN MAKE YOU EDIT [20:24] <ShadowScythe2X> DO IT SUPER SAM [20:24] <Brooksie> no daddy dont make me edit again [20:25] <Super_Sam> Sorry I have not installed the re-assign edit extension [20:25] <Raiku> DO IT TO ME MAKE ME DO STUPID STUFF LIKE RAMSHACK MY OWN PAGE [20:25] <ShadowScythe2X> oh well [20:26] <ShadowScythe2X> I'm sure we'd be hard pressed to make most of the users here look more stupid than they actually are [20:26] * ShadowScythe2X chortles [20:27] <Super_Sam> ANYWAY once I get this new WUW stuff done I'm forcing everybody to use it so I hope you all enjoy it [20:27] <ShadowScythe2X> WILL IT BE IMPLEMENTED INTO THE NEW FANSTUFF WIKI [20:28] <Super_Sam> HOPEFULLY [20:28] <Raiku> FANSTUFF WIKI IS NEVER COMING BACK READ JOSHUA'S FORUM SIG [20:28] <Super_Sam> If it isn't too annoying and isn't covered in 3000 bugs [20:28] <Super_Sam> Raiku: we were there during the conversation that is in Joshua's sig [20:28] <Super_Sam> WE KNOW MORE THAN YOU PUNY USERS WILL EVER KNOW [20:28] <ShadowScythe2X> hey super sam how about that super secret sysop irc channel [20:28] <Brooksie> where do babies come from [20:29] <Super_Sam> http://wuw.clamburger.org/w/index.php?title=User:Raiku&diff=prev&oldid=114217 [20:30] <Super_Sam> This is reasonably glorious [20:30] <ShadowScythe2X> MY FAVORITE PART IS WHEN HE REVERTS IT [20:30] <Super_Sam> DON'T REVERT WARS [20:31] <Super_Sam> also he used ABUSE OF THE UNDO FUNCTION [20:32] <Raiku> I SAVED THE LAST EDIT [20:33] <Brooksie> Raiku: still tipsy [20:33] <ShadowScythe2X> OUT OF CURIOUSITY CAN YOU FIND OUT WHAT IS ON OUR WATCHLISTS [20:34] <Brooksie> Raiku: hey can i be in the sysop crew [20:34] <Raiku> The Mod Squad [20:35] <ShadowScythe2X> You're not a syso-o-o-o-op! [20:35] <Brooksie> the second gen [20:35] <Brooksie> pen [20:35] * ShadowScythe2X CREEPY 1-UP FACE [20:35] <Raiku> HOW DO YOU MAKE NEW FANSTUFF [20:36] <Brooksie> shoot the jay [20:36] <Raiku> WE NEED GUIDELINES [20:36] <Brooksie> according to da rules [20:38] <Raiku> What? [20:38] <Brooksie> never mind love [20:39] <Raiku> SUPER_SAM, HOW DO YOU USE THE NEW FANSTUFF THING? [20:39] <The_Mu> Raiku: doggie [20:39] <Brooksie> doggie [20:39] <Raiku> SupeR_Sam [20:39] <Raiku> super_sam [20:39] <Super_Sam> Raiku: you don't [20:40] <Super_Sam> It doesn't work yet [20:40] <Raiku> HOW DID YOU? [20:40] <Super_Sam> Rest assured I will announce it to everybody when it is ready [20:40] <Raiku> CAN YOU MAKE SYSOP CREW FOR ME [20:40] <Raiku> SO I CAN START> [20:40] <Super_Sam> can I what? [20:40] <Brooksie> im glad to see doggie is working for the force [20:41] <Raiku> Do what you did to Stinkoman's Escape to Sysop Crew [20:41] <Super_Sam> I could, but there's no use [20:41] <Super_Sam> Since it doesn't actually work [20:41] <Raiku> I can't edit? [20:42] <Brooksie> tide [20:42] <ShadowScythe2X> why the heck am I a henchman [20:42] <Raiku> HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE [20:42] <ShadowScythe2X> I'M MUCH COOLER THAN A HENCHMAN [20:42] <Brooksie> HOW LONG [20:42] <Brooksie> HOW LONG [20:42] <Raiku> Scythe: CHANGE IT THEN [20:42] <Brooksie> WILL I SLIDE [20:43] <ShadowScythe2X> NO RESPECT FOR SCYTHE [20:43] <The_Mu> WHOOOOOA [20:43] <ShadowScythe2X> I DECLARE IT TO BE A NEWSPAPER FAILURE [20:43] <The_Mu> I NEVER MEANT [20:43] <The_Mu> TO BRAG [20:43] <Brooksie> find out what it means to me [20:43] <Raiku> CHANGE IT THEN [20:43] <Brooksie> BUT I GOT HIM WHERE I WANT HIM [20:43] <Brooksie> NOW [20:43] <Brooksie> WHOOOOOOOOOA [20:44] <Raiku> What's New Pussycat, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA [20:44] <Brooksie> i dont get it ;-; [20:46] <The_Mu> i get knocked down [20:46] <The_Mu> but i get up again [20:46] <The_Mu> you're never gonna keep me down [20:47] <ShadowScythe2X> SOMETHING'S TEARING ME DOWN [20:47] <ShadowScythe2X> AND I [20:47] <ShadowScythe2X> CAN'T HELP BUT FEEL IT'S COMING FROM YOOOOOOU [20:47] <ShadowScythe2X> uh don't remember the next few lines [20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> I JUST WONDER WHAT WE'VE GOTTEN OURSELVES [20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> INTO [20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> IN THE TRAIL OF FIRE I KNOW WE WILL BE FREE AGAIN [20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> IN THE END WE WILL BE ONE [20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> IN THE TRAIL OF FIRE I'LL BURN BEFORE YOU BURY ME [20:48] <ShadowScythe2X> SET YOUR SIGHTS FOR THE SUUUUUUNNNNNNN [20:48] * ShadowScythe2X AWESOME BASSLINE [20:49] <The_Mu> awesome bassline = hysteria by muse [20:52] <Raiku> Brooksie:Done [20:52] <Brooksie> what lol [20:53] <Raiku> Mod Squad. Look at you're postition/ [20:53] <Brooksie> oh hokai [20:54] <Raiku> Super_Sam: HOW LONG WILL TJE FANSTUFF THING TAKE [20:54] <Brooksie> aw poor jicem [20:54] <Super_Sam> Raiku: probably a while [20:54] <Brooksie> also :wub: [20:54] <Raiku> How MAny Days/ [20:55] <Raiku> !purge [20:55] <Super_Sam> Raiku: I don't have a time schedule [20:55] <Clamburger> 171:04:42:22 [20:55] <Raiku> !stupid Raiku adjust +1 [20:55] <Super_Sam> It'll be done WHEN IT'S DONE and not a second beforehand [20:55] <Raiku> How many years? [20:55] <Raiku> How many Doggie years? [20:56] <Raiku> !stupid Raiku [20:56] <Raiku> SO IT SAM [20:56] <Raiku> *Do [20:57] <Raiku> Super_Sam [20:57] <Super_Sam> why did you type the underscore hmmmmm [20:58] <Super_Sam> HMMMMMMMMMMMM [20:58] <Raiku> So that you will adjust my stupid meter. [20:58] <Super_Sam> what does the underscore have to do with that [20:58] <Brooksie> bye [20:58] <Raiku> To notify you. DO IT [20:58] <Raiku> NO O [20:58] * Brooksie ([email protected]) Quit ( "the game" ) [20:59] <Super_Sam> SORRY MY CLIENT DOESN'T PING MY SUCKER [20:59] <Super_Sam> *ping me [20:59] <Raiku> JUST STUPIDFY ME [20:59] <Raiku> I REVERT SO DO 500 [20:59] <Super_Sam> Raiku please be quiet [21:00] <Super_Sam> the stupid thing doesn't exist any more [21:00] <ShadowScythe2X> it's true [21:00] <Raiku> why [21:00] <ShadowScythe2X> because it was stupid [21:00] <Super_Sam> because Bluebry didn't like it [21:00] * ShadowScythe2X chortles [21:00] <ShadowScythe2X> oh that's also true [21:04] * stux (n=stux|[email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [21:07] <Raiku> hey Stux [21:19] * stux|away (n=stux|[email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) ) [21:20] <Raiku> atux [21:20] <Raiku> *stux [21:25] <ShadowScythe2X> raiku [21:25] <ShadowScythe2X> how can jcm be a backseat mod [21:25] <ShadowScythe2X> IF HE IS A MOD [21:25] <ShadowScythe2X> RIDDLE ME THIS, LIMO-LOSER [21:33] * SMB|Laptop ([email protected]) has joined #hrwiki-fanstuff [21:33] <Raiku> Hey SMB [21:33] <SMB|Laptop> oh noes it's that guy [21:34] <SMB|Laptop> hi Raiku [21:34] <SMB|Laptop> my sound appears to be not working... [21:40] * Super_Sam ([email protected]) Quit ( ) [21:44] ->> You are now known as Raiku|Sleep [21:44] ->> Attempting to join ##the_castle [21:44] <SMB|Laptop> ighty night [21:44] <SMB|Laptop> *nighty [21:44] <Raiku|Sleep> night [21:44] <Raiku|Sleep> boa noite [21:44] <SMB|Laptop> buenos noches [21:48] <ShadowScythe2X> BLUEBRY HAS SUPER SAM HAIR [21:53] * ShadowScythe2X ([email protected]) has left #hrwiki-fanstuff () [23:32] <SMB|Laptop> i'm sleepy [23:32] <SMB|Laptop> should I go to bed y/n [23:33] <SMB|Laptop> bye [23:33] * SMB|Laptop ([email protected]) Quit ( "Ex-Chat" ) [23:34] * HSB150|sleep ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer) ) [23:38] * Spyrox6 ([email protected]) Quit ( Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) )