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Oh god, where do I start? TheCheese makes doggie a few months ago. That's all well and good. But then he starts spamming it on people's talk pages. And when I say "spamming", that's really a stretch because he only did it to what, 6 people? And the wiki goes nuts! They go on a rampage! Anti doggie bumper stickers! I Hate Doggie userboxes! Campaigns to get Doggie banned! A HUUGE discussion on whether all memes should be banned! Are you kidding me? Are you freakin kidding me? I'm not saying TheCheese was right for spamming, but I'm not saying it's right for people to go so crazy OVER A PICTURE. And what do the mods do? They delete doggie! Nevermind solving the problem or explaining in a calm way why the spamming should stop, just delete the picture! You gotta be kidding! This is some kind of FREAKING JOKE! WHAT'S NEXT, WHAT'S NEXT, WHAT'S NEXT???