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User:Miss Peach/characters/Albino

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And then this excuse for a pet comes in.


Albino 's origins are unknown. Some say he lived in the latches with zorax until the wheeling, others say that he was one of the few cheats to survive the war between cheats. One thing is known for sure about his origins: it wouldn't be pleasent to experience.

Becaues of this, albino took on his smart-idiot personality. He gladly gave up his former life (trapped in a cage at the humane society) for the giant house filled with a bunch of things no one really knows about. He is know for messing things up, and can hide from anything. He once tied the worlds strongest GPS to him, and still couldn't be found!

He also believes he is a superhero that can make pizza appear out of nowhere. This is the effect of having too many diablos. The only effects he gets from that is lauhter from the suit made of molten cheese he wears each time he goes insane.