(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Lilfut/I'm Not Insane!/chars
[hide]Ghostfreak (Post-Omnitrix)
Ghostfreak, a ghost character from non-Alien Force Ben 10, is pretty much my autism. When I'm acting like a freak in front of the whole class, Ghostfreak's probably the one who gave me the idea.
Larry, a living cucumber from VeggieTales, is my inner kid. If I'm watching Land Before Time, playing with LEGOs, etc, he's up there chatting with me about it.
Bron, Littlefoot's dad from Land Before Time X, is my voice of reason, and is at a sort of war with Ghostfreak. He's sensible, smart, and a complete bore. I kinda hate him.
The Brain
The Brain, a super-intelligent mouse from Pinky and the Brain, is my genius side. Basically the reason I'm skipping 8th grade and going to a high-level high school.
Chris, the host from Total Drama Island, is my "Stranger with Candy". He's probably a servant of Satan, or maybe he is Satan. Either way, I make sure to stay faaar away from him.
Sal, the geek from Phoenix Wright, is my puberty. Yeah, not gonna touch this one.