(even if you aren't vegan)
[hide]Present Day
This is Chaos. Chaos is the son of death, and has a crazy life. When he was......an age.... Beedup The Invincible came to the underworld, and befriended Chaos. However, Beedup was taken back by his father, Robo-Tega. Joseph then went to the human world until his body had aged to the appearence of a 12 year old, taking on the name and appearence of Joseph his perennial nobody. He had made 3 new friends, and fought evil with them in their spare time. A few years later, Chaos ended up living a human-like life outside of his home. When he had begun hosting Battels, his powers as a fighter had expanded severly. Whenever he's in a Battle of any kind, he makes sure to use only 0.5/1,000,000 of his powers. That's right, he's much, MUCH more powerful than he appears to be. If Chaos were to use his full output on powers, nobody would live to read this page. He seemed to leave certain friends for a while, heading to the realm of Wikihood to help out in a small way. For 10 years he was there, until returning and settling some old ties. he then spent his time patching up the book.
Chaos' known techniques
- Zanmato
- Comet
- Meteor
- Devil's Throne
- Red Thunder
- Nova
- Supernova
- Afronova
- Shade of the Zanmato
- Shadow Zanmato
- Mark Of The Beast
- Demonic Slave
Forms of Chaos
Demon Chaos
This is Chaos' first transformation. Chaos had originally used it while leading Shadowmarks, but has no recollection of using him. Unlike regular Chaos, he uses a small bit of his power, equaling out to 100/1,000,000 on Chaos' power scale.
Demon Chaos' known techniques
- Impure Zanmato
- Comet
- Meteor
- Red Thunder
- Nova
- Supernova
- Afronova
- Shade of the Zanmato
- Shadow Zanmato XX
- Black Pyro
- Rain of Pyro
- Storm of pyro
- Demonic Anchoring
- Mark of the Beast
- Tribal stones{Appear with him}
Chaosus Omegas X
This form of Chaos can only come out when Demon Chaos uses both Mark of The Beast and Demonic Anchoring on himself, pulling this powerful form out. This Chaos uses a tenth (100,000/1,000,000) of his power.This Chaos is what won in the Great Catacalysm of Death. Chaos had originally used it while leading Shadowmarks, but has no recollection of using him. Never make this Chaos angry, or else it'll remove you from the earth.
Chaosus Omegas X's known techniques
- Impure Zanmato Storm
- Comet
- Meteor
- Red Thunder
- Nova
- Supernova
- Afronova
- Shade of the Zanmato
- Shadow Zanmato XX
- Black Pyro
- Rain of Pyro
- Storm of pyro
- Demonic Anchoring
- Mark of the Beast
- Dragonus Trio
- eX-Evolution(turns him into Alphamon)
"I must protect them. My 'friends!'"
Alphamon is Chaos' absolutely most powerful form. but is said to be just a myth, since Chaos has never used it.Alphamon is the true leader of the Royal Knights. When in this form, Chaos doesn't ever hold back. He uses ALL of his power, even the dreaded Kyūkyoku Senjin Ōryuken(Ultimate War Blade King Dragon Sword). Whenever he appears, the dreaded Royal Knights Always come to aid him. Alphamon also has the ability to repair damage to his Digi-Armor. This is truly the most powerful being ever.
Alphamon's known techniques
- Zanmato
- Comet
- Meteor
- Devil's Throne {doesn't appear when used}
- Impure Zanmato
- Impure Zanmato Storm
- Red Thunder
- Nova
- Supernova
- Afronova
- Shade of the Zanmato
- Shadow Zanmato
- Shadow Zanmato XX
- Black Pyro
- Rain of Pyro
- Storm of pyro
- Demonic Anchoring
- Mark of the Beast
- Dragonus Trio
- Digitalize of Soul
- Holy Sword Gradalpha
- Kyūkyoku Senjin Ōryuken
Family of Chaos
"Chaos, my boy, it's been so long. One of your frineds stopped by, Zephyreth was it?"
My father, Death. He's the only one of his kind, and has 6 children. I can't believe he finds time to hang out with us, what with a new person dying every 13 seconds or so.
"My little boy's all grown up, and slaying like his father!"
My momsy! She's pretty for a 1200-year old woman. But don't tell her I said that.
My favorite bro, who is almost as old as my mother. Well, he's even more uglier, that's for sure!
"Aw, come on. You know I need my demon form for the utmost situations."
She's my eldest sibling, and my sister. The one thing I don't understand is how I hug her. Oh, well. That's another story for science to finish.
"Chaos, I still can't believe you did the things you did."
My brother, Lucifer. He just so happens to be a half-human, like yours truly. But, I guess it's expected of him. But he's an awesome brother, for a maniacal demon.
Myou and Takai
My littlest twin brothers, Myou and Takai. They're fraternal, and cool. The only pro to being their brother though, is the fact that I can harm them.
Odin's Family
"It sure has been a long time."
My granpap. He's awesome. He has a big horse, and 2 little granddaughters. Speaking of which...
Lenneth & Silmeria
"Cousin Chaos, Cousin Chaos! Do you like this invention?"
My cousins. They have gi-normous imaginations, and have never traveled to the real world. It's amazing that we still see them on Thanksgiving. But I digress.
Family Of the Devil
"Chaos, chap, come have a seat! Did you hear of the news?"
I don't even know why I'm putting him in here. He's not even my godfather. But....he is a godfather in my family. Nevertheless, I seem to care...even less now.
"Chaos, tell me, do you really enjoy your life?"
My godbro. I enjoy being with him, since he's uba-cools. I like the word uba-cools, too. But I still like Diablo more. Whatever.
Children and Such
Adel is Chaos' megalomaniacal genius son, who seems to hate him. He turned to the darkness inside of his heart, giving him immense power, but not immortality, as he had hoped. He tracked him down and spent most of his time attempting to kill him in Wikihood, where he thought he successfully did. But he didn't He then tried to steal Universitas, an immense power inside Joseph, to transform him. It only made him stronger, seeing as how he wasn't able to completely steal Universitas. However, an obscebe amount of power seems to be building up inside of him.
"I can feel it, dad! I like this 'Light'!"
Raffaello is Chaos other son, twin brother to Adel. Whereas one needed to subside with light, the other needed to subside with darkness. In short:He possesses the light of Chaos and Noelle's accusred seed which bore both him and his brother. Though he carries light elements inside of him, there is also something else. He seems to enjoy being happy, yet despises it. This is because Raffaello was meant to be the Darkness, but Adel chose to go down that path, leaving the true darkness in him stranded, and thus growing without a destination. He has the ability to restore memories, and piece them together properly, as well as forge new life from old and discarded memories.
Chaos' Allies
Kanjiro is an Anime-watching, army wielding powerhouse, with tons of tricks up his sleeve. He even has his own pet tiger, Hotaru(not to be confused with Homestar Tiger}. Kanjiro and him were allies before the Battling began. Chaos spent some time tracking down Kanjiro after a vandalizing incident . He hunted him down for days, before stopping him and almost killing him in a single confrontation. a full 10 years later, he wasn't heard from, presuming he died.
Im A Bell
An Anthromorphic percussion instrument of pure darkness, Bell and Chaos became friends after duking it out in battels only the gods dream of even watching. After 10 years of a mysterious disappearence(in Bell's case), Chaos returned slightly more sullen than before. The two then quested to find pages of The Book.
Cow Puncher
A mysterious fighter, she seems to have disappeared. 10 years after a mysterious disappearence, she seemed to come back as well, with no literal backstory as to how she left and when she returned.
A hedgehog of some sorts, we became friends during our first battel against each other. Granted he almost killed him!
We became friends after our first battel, which hasn't ended yet, or hardly even started. During a rough transition, Chaos seemed to return into the scene of Wikihood with a hatred for Vindicator, which has now subsided.
I guess we are family. He's kind of my Brother/Cousin. Or something. Nothing has been heard of him.
Spehiroth was one of his closest friends, seeing as how he spent a long period of time with him adventuring for the peace of all sanity in Wikihood. During this time, Sephiroth seems to have gotten darker, and become moresover a deathknight, slaying people for the sake of Chaos' father, under an unknown reason. 10 years after the craziness, He simmered down, still as powerful as ever.
This marauding time-traveler ventured with Chaos for 10-something-odd episodes of Wikihood before busting out the holograms and putting himself under a mysterious disappearence. 10 years later, he returned, being more sullen, with even more power than before. He sports the Cuff of Time, which can alter history of even space matter to some degree. He values this very much.
A small automobile Chaos just recently met, he seems to be one cool guy. Not much else can be said at this time.
A mysterious man, Chaos took a brief bonding to him in the latter years of his adventures.
A poison man, and member of Organization XIII, Chaos didn't really start to bond with Noxigar until recently. The two seem to get along fairly well, but Noxigar appears to connect with Joseph better, due to some unspeakable event, which in turn was just Chaos infiltrating The Organization XIII Base with Sephiroth to get Joseph back. 10 years later, he hunts D-Lords with Panderans. Or something.
Met on his adventures through sheer boredom, Him and Kirbychu are some of the best creative minds on the planet. A lot of their adventuring hasn't been archived, and Nothing has been heard of him as of the 10 years Chaos was gone.
Lucas Aura
Another ally of Chaos', he seems to enjoy hanging out with him mostly because there's usually some kind of challenge involved, and he seems to be the most senseful in any situation.. He's gone for some time, and it seems he's been replaced.
Ryan Bluefox
This man has Taken Lucas' place, and Chaos senses some faint connection between the two. They best know each other from the time he spent following his mysterious partner, Amirula, and a third partner, which he never could seem to track. They usually ran into each other.
A kid who's little in every aspect. Chaos doesn't seem to know him that well, and vice versa. User:Chaosvii7/Navigation