(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Badstar/Top tens/TT1.
WARNING: This review is full of opinions. Please note that these are opinions. Please don't yell at me cause you think differently.
[hide]Number 10
Number 10 goes to Spark Man. Why? Because of three reasons. One: To me, Spark Man seems to stand out from all the other robot masters. He is designed differently and I really like that about him. It gives that unique feeling to him, and I like that. Two: His stage music kicks major ass. Certainly one of the best. Two: I love the overall design of his stage. Even those red things which the arrows which I hate, yet I think are kind of fun. Three: He is really, really easy to beat aside from all the other robot masters from Megaman 3.
Number 9
Splash Woman
Before I start talking I would like to say this. I have not played Megaman 9 yet. But I have read about it and watched some stuff about it on youtube. But I may get the game on friday, so this list may change a bit. Anyway, on to why Splash Woman is on here. First of all, she's a female robot master. Ya gotta give her credit for that. Second, I love that litte animation of her raising her laser trident. Third, once again... LOVE THE STAGE MUSIC. And last, but not least, call me creepy, but I'm gonna say it even though I may regret it... I think... she's kinda hot........ YES, I KNOW SHE'S A ROBOT BUT C'MON! SHE IS KINDA HOT!
Number 8
Metal Man is on here for two reasons. One: The metal blades kick ass. Seriously. I used this to kill, like, 3 bosses. The metal blades can kill almost anything. Two: I find it friggin' hillarious that near the end of Megaman 2, Metal Man can get killed by his own weapon in one hit.
Number 6
A tie between Woodman and Airman
These guys are going to have to share a spot. Lets start by talking about Airman. I think his stage is the easiest. Yes, I'm serious. I find his stage easy and not as hard as everybody says. But the song, "Airman will not die" is indeed truthful. Face it, without the leaf shield, you're screwed. Not even the metal blades kill this guy! They bounce right off. The only thing that can kill this guy good and quick is the leaf shield, thus leading me to Woodman. Everybody says Woodman is tough to beat, but... thats a big lie. He's possibly the easiest boss in the game. You can even beat him without the metal blades! You can just use your buster. Plus, I think he's badass. No kidding.
Number 5
Number 5 is Heatman! First of all, I love his design. Brilliant. Two: He's the second easiest robot master in Megaman 2. His stage on the other hand... well, it's actually kinda easy if you have item number two. and last: Like Woodman, I think he's badass.
Number 4
Quickman zooms in at number 4. I despise Quickman's stage and fighting him. Other then that, he's a pretty cool guy. He has an awesome weapon and find it highly amusing that you turn pink when you use it.
Number 3
We're down to the final 3! First up in the final three, is Cutman! Now here is something I've gotta admit. I've never fought Cutman. I can't even get past his stage! Go ahead and say it, I suck at Megaman one. Well, the truth is, I do. But that doesn't stop Cutman from being number 3. First of all, how can you not love the fact that he has a giant pear of scissors on his head? Second, he looks cool. Third, he has great stage music. Fourth, I like his personality, although I prefer to give him my own. I always see Cutman as a wuss. Anyway, I like his personality. And by that I mean like in Megaman 8. Yes, he's in Megaman 8. Fifth, I like his later color scheme. Y'know like in power fighter/battles. All and all, I think he's an awesome character.
Number 2
And number two is, Crashman! One, he looks the most badass. Just look at his hands! Man, you could use those things to stab someone! Two, he has an awesome weapon. And three, he's one of those robot masters I like giving my own personality, like Cutman. I always see Crashman as the guy who wants to be a hero. Anyway, he has an awesome desgin. And well... I just love him! But I don't think he as awesome as number one...
Number 1
Now, this used to be Crashman. But I played Megaman 4 yesterday (and I'm currently at the second stage of Cossack's castle), and I really love this guy. First, I know I've said this a lot, but I love his design. He just looks plain threatning, unlike some of his other brothers (COUGHCOUGHBULBMANCOUGH). Two, his stage is completly made out of bones. Nothing but bones. Try and tell me thats not badass. Third, his stage music. ...Nuff' said. Fourth, his weapon. Unlike the leaf shield, you don't launch this one when you walk, which is actually pretty helpful. Ya just wait to hit something, while projectiles bounce off. Pretty cool. Fifth, his title. You probably don't know what I'm talking about. Well, according to his kick-ass theme song that is beyond kick-ass, the title of the song refers to him as "A True Soldier Of The Underworld". NOW THAT... sounds just plain awesome. SIXTH... the guy seems a little scary. Seriously, his whole stage would probably scare a little kid. Fighting a guy who uses souls as a shield and has armor made out of bone? That could scare a kid. Anyway, I love this guy and thats pretty much all there is to it. ...NOW GO AWAY. THE LIST IS OVER.