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Super Smash Bros. Revolution/Codec
Here, put Snake Codec easter eggs below. If you have transcriptions of the REAL ones from Brawl, They can be put on the talk page. If you're a character/you have another character in the game, put their easter eggs below.
SNAKE: Mei Ling, I need all you got on this black-haired kid using Red Lightning.
MEI LING: That must be Chaos, the son of Death.
SNAKE: His real name is Chaos?
MEI LING: Well, his full name is "Chaos" Abraxas Malifact.
SNAKE: That's greek. But isn't his mother...Norse? What else do you have on him?
MEI LING: He is about 6,995 years old, and has roamed the earth since egyptian times. He uses Red Lightning, which he calls Red Thunder, and has multiple villainous powers, but be careful of his Zanmato attack. If you get hit with it, you're GONE.
SNAKE: Well, he seems nice for a demon.
MEI LING: Maybe you're on his good side.
SNAKE: Because you can call anyone with the intent to kill you a "friend".
Lucas Aura
MEI LING: Snake, have you ever heard of Youtube Poop?
SNAKE: Er...no...
MEI LING: Well, Lucas Aura is a big fan of it. One of his weapons was inspired by a YTP called "Dinner Blaster LOL". More importantly, Lucas has skilled Aura tactics that can pull him through even the toughest of times.
SNAKE: Seems easy to me. I've got tactics and weapons. I'll surpass his power.
MEI LING: That's not it, Snake. He also has a hidden form called Darkspine Aura. It is released when Lucas is feeling great anger or sadness. One shot of energy from Darkspine Aura, and you're done for.
SNAKE: Good thing you brought that up.
SNAKE: Wait, I think I've seen this guy before...
OTACON: Really? Where?
SNAKE: He looks similar that blue hedgehog I've seen before...but he's red.
OTACON: Wrong, Snake. That's Cyrus Falcon. He is associated with Sonic, however.
SNAKE: Really?
OTACON: Cyrus is actually believed to be the descendent of a deity in the Sonic world, Aegius. When Aegius was vanquished, he became three demi-god beings, representing his wrath, knowledge, and courage. Cyrus seems to be the courage side.
SNAKE: Let's see how courageous he is when I kick him in the teeth.
OTACON: Wait, why? Oh. That reason.
SNAKE: Otacon! Who's the dragon thing?
OTACON: That's Pter, Snake. He's actually some form of a pterodactyl.
SNAKE: But...pterodactlys have legs...don't they? This guys got nothing below the waist!
OTACON: Correct. Pterodactyls have legs, Dongrels don't.
SNAKE: Why are we getting into Dongrels!? This isn't biology!
OTACON: What I mean is, Pter's father was just like him, except he actually had legs and feet.
SNAKE: Then that means...
OTACON: Yep, his mother was a Dongrel.
SNAKE: Weird...
SNAKE: Otacon! Do you have any info on this guy?
OTACON: That's Tom, Snake. He's a teenage kid associated with his friends, Lyle, and Aruseus.
SNAKE: A teenager? Those were my good years...
OTACON: Don't let his appearance fool you, Snake. He's able to conjure fire in the Smash world, but outside of there, he's completely average.
SNAKE: Completely average in the normal world, huh? Why can't I just fight him there?
OTACON: Snake...play fair.
SNAKE: Otacon...I never play fair with my enemies...
SNAKE: Coloneal, there's another wolf here.
COLONEAL: That's Fang, Snake. Fang is a very dangerous person. His martial arts techniques are very strong.
SNAKE: Yes, but does he have weapons?
COLONEAL: Actually, yes. Fang's Gunbreaker technique is very powerful. If you get caught in his range, you're dead meat.
SNAKE: Ugh...this will be annoying.
SNAKE: What? Who is this guy?
COLONEL: His name is Sephiroth, Snake.
SNAKE: Sephiroth? Don't joke with me. Sephiroth has grey hair, and a long sword.
COLONEL: They share the same name.
SNAKE: Oh. So what does he do?
COLONEL: He focuses mostly on close range attacks, however, he can shoot Ki Blasts at you, along with do a 360 Power Blast.
SNAKE: Wow. I should watch out then.
COLONEL: Yes you should.
SNAKE: Otacon, since when fould bell change colors?
OTACON: That's actually Megaman, which Bell is based off of. He appeared in video games about 1993, and has evolved just as much as Mario or Sonic has.
SNAKE: You and your overly-extensive information.
OTACON: Anyways, he can use special powers with his blaster, and turn into Rush Suit Megaman.
SNAKE: Where he fuses with a robot dog?
OTACON: And you called me a nerd.
Rocket Slime
OTACON: Snake? I heard you call. What do you need?
SNAKE: There's a blue pile of slime jutting around the field, like a rocket!
OTACON: Bingo. That's Rocket Slime, from Dragon Quest, or originally, Dragon Warrior. He can blow the defense bugle, stretch to great amounts, a lot actually.
SNAKE: So, he's a relative of that Kirby thing?
OTACON: No, he is older.
SNAKE: But the two are alike.
OTACON: But not related.
SNAKE: Colonel, there's another kid around here, with a...giant key.
COLONEL: That would be Sora, bearer of the Kingdom Key. He has good speed, and just as well strength. He's a tough cookie.
SNAKE: But I'm a secret Agent.
COLONEL: He's saved a universe, beaten the toughtest 13 people in existence, opened the door to the realm of hearts, and aided a LOT of disney characters.
SNAKE: Mickey Mouse can fight?
COLONEL: To a better extent that you can imagine.
Officer Superdude
SNAKE:Colonel, there's a kid with no arms here and he's trying to shoot me.
COLONEL:That would be Officer Superdude, co-commander of SUN.
SNAKE:SUN? That some sort of religon?
COLONEL:SUN stands for Superdude united nations. They are a version of the UN.Officer Superdude is here to look for his friend a co-commander, Userunknown, mother.He will be one tough fighter.
SNAKE:Colonel, I have C-4 and RPGs.How can he beat me?
COLONEL:HE has blasters and lightsabers.How can you beat him?
SNAKE:Lightsaber?That's from Star wars, right?
COLONEL:Yes.He will also call for his SUN S-7 command tank and 5 SUN troopers.He's a soilder, commander and a jedi on a quest.He'll be hard to beat.
SNAKE:Not if I cheat...
Kirbychu HR'D
SNAKE: What is that thing? It has the body of that Kirby, but the ears and tail of that electric mouse.
OTACON: That's Kirbychu, Snake.
SNAKE: Kirby... chu?
OTACON: Yes. He's like a combination of Kirby and Pikachu. He also has the special attacks of both of them.
SNAKE: He doesn't sound so tough.
OTACON: I wouldn't be so sure. His attacks are about twice as strong as they are with Kirby and Pikachu, and if he gets the smash ball, look out.
SNAKE: What would happen?
OTACON: A gets engulfed in electricity and blasts across the stage. then he flies back to the middle of the stage and uses cook. Both attacks are super strong.
SNAKE: I'll keep that in mind.
Im a bell
SNAKE: Um, this is Im a Bell Bellstrom?
OTACON: No... Just Im a bell.
SNAKE: Oh? Well, the Smash Dojo calls him Im a bell, this game guide calls him Bellstrom, and the trophy catalogue lists him as Bell. Mistaken identity or something?
OTACON: Um, actually, his full name is Imothy Albert Bellstrom.
SNAKE: Um, I think it's illegal to shorten your last name.
OTACON: Ringo Starr did it.
SNAKE: Okay, but, since when could you shorten your first name to two syllables? And what kind of name it "Imothy"?
OTACON: Bell couldn't find a name that started with Im.
SNAKE: And what's "Bellstrom"? Is it supposed to mean Bell Storm in Pig Latin or something?
OTACON: No, but he claims that someone called him that. Then again, he also claimed to invent Anti-Users.
SNAKE: ... Um... {coughs} Nevermind. I don't want to know.
SNAKE: Mei Ling, who's this guy with the mask?
MEI LING: That's Tahu, Snake. He has the power of fire on his side. He is also a Pokemon Trainer, who's sole Pokemon is a mentally challenged Dialga.
SNAKE: Hmmm... So what does he use it for?
MEI LING: Roar of Thyme. It will freeze you in time, and give him thyme to restore his own health.
SNAKE: Thyme? Like the spice?
MEI LING: Yes. He is also rumored to have a love interest, although he never talks about it.
SNAKE: Just like me...
MEI LING: Err, yeah.
SNAKE: This Guy is powerful. What can you give me on him, Colonel?
COLONEL: That's Hiei. A Fire apparition. He was shunned in the tribe he was born in, which was all women.
SNAKE: You can put me in that tribe any day.
COLONEL: MOVING ALONG...He eventually got his third eye, the Jagan Eye, implanted into his skull. It gave him The power of the Darkness Flame.
SNAKE: ...And?
COLONEL: Well, he's on a hunt to find his sister Yukina now, which I guess led him here.
SNAKE: Well, I fell honored and disgusted to fight with him.
COLONEL: Just be careful.