(even if you aren't vegan)
Total Drama Wiki Island/Desicion2
[hide]After the Challenge
CHRIS: Congrats to the Puffers! You guys win...an all-you-can-eat gourmet buffet!
{Outhouse Cam: Ryan}
RYAN: A BUFFET?! That no good dirty rotten son of a...That's it, I'm hoping Raiku gets kicked off. That little idiot sold his own team out!
{Outhouse Cam: Dot}
DOT: To tell the truth, I've been hiding in this outhouse under the floorboards for the whole time. Time for hiding spot two.
{Outhouse Cam: Christopher}
CHRISTOPHER: Alright! I won and i didn't even do anything! {cheers and jumps, but knocks over the camera} Uh oh, better put that back up and- OW! I fried my {bleep sound}finger.
{Outhouse Cam: Jerry}
JERRY: And thus, my plan comes to fruition.
{Jerry walks over to the other Barracudas.}
JERRY: Hey, you guys know who, other than Raiku, was messing you up? I mean, seriously messing you up? That's right, Zoo. He should go.
ZOO977: Tell me you wouldn't superglue someone you hate to a tree and stuff a small car in a bear to protect someone you love.
JERRY: I wouldn't because I'm not INSANE.
ZOO977: I bet you couldn't even do either!
JERRY: Is... is that really a skill I can use?
ZOO977: I just did!
Celebratory Buffet (Puffers)
{dot walks in, grabs a tray of food, and leaves quickly}
BADSTAR: {Is wearing all black. His mask is dark grey} I would be happy if I didn't know I was a complete faliure...
CHRIS: Woah, man. Chill. At least you're not the one selling your own team out. Oh, and it was mostly Zoo's fault.
BADSTAR: You don't understand me! Nobody does! {Runs off crying. Walks back a few seconds later, grabs a corndog and runs off crying again}
CHRISTOPHER: Sweet, a lot of good food.{starts eating}
SKULLB: Good food is all the time! At least, that's what Daisy said.
NOELLE: Badstar, I don't know if I can eat any of this.
SKULLB: Baby, live every day like it's your last. Go hog wild!
{dot appears in a chair}
DOT: The good news is I get to blow something up! '{takes a bottle of blue soda, gladly drinks it}
SKULLB: Woah, they brought back Blue Soda? Man, I love that stuff!
{SkullB takes a swig of Blue Soda.}
DOT: Anyways, who want to blow up someone's bed?
BADSTAR: {Walks back in wearing a huge medal} Hey guys and two girls! I'm not emo anymore!
DOT: Aw... I thougth you and jerry were going to start a depressed idiots club.
BADSTAR: ...You do realize I hate you, right?
DOT: Yep!
{Bell and UT walk in, holding numerous suitcases}
IM A BELL: Hey, guys? We're outta here, but we don't mind eating something first.
DOT: Why are you leaving?
UNHOLY TRACY: Well, I'm causing a horrible, life-threatening paradox by just BEING here.
IM A BELL: And the guy that controls me is too lazy to do this anymore.
DOT: Okay!
BADSTAR: You could at least PRETEND you're going to miss them.
{Freezeframe, Chris pops up}
CHRIS: WOAH WOAH, here! Quitting the show? Well, Tom has thought about replacing dead weight campers, but what about this option? If you quit, you can stay on the show under the control of someone you trust. Ok, back to the show.
ZOO977: {walks onscreen} Hey! Mind if I have one of those apple sodas with the glass marble in the bottle?
BADSTAR: {Picks up a pickle and takes a bite out of it} Mmmmmmm.... salty!
ZOO977: ...how is that gourmet?
Desicion Campfire (Barracuda)
{Outhouse Cam: Ryan}
RYAN: Raiku. The little punk tried to reveal all of the hiding spots of his own team!
{Outhouse Cam: Raiku}
RAIKU: Jerry. He is lame.
{Outhouse Cam: Zoo}
ZOO977: Jerry has to go. If not, he won't have a bed tomorrow.
{Outhouse cam: Estelle}
ESTELLE: THAT GODAMN SQURRIEL! ...Nah, just kidding. Raiku.
{Outhouse Cam:Chaos}
CHAOS: Man-O-Man. He's dead weight, he hasn't done anything!
{Outhouse Cam: Fenri}
FENRI: I vote Raiku. He's an annoying little punk who tried to ruin our team.
{Outhouse Cam: Jerry}
JERRY: Zoo. All the way Zoo. He deliberately sabotaged not only the other team, but our own.
{Outhouse Cam: Dot}
DOT: I've been at the campfire after I won. You'll see why. Also, jerry will be a dead man if he votes off zoo.
{Outhuse Cam: Raggon}
RAGGON: Raiku. He is a traitor.
{Outhouse Cam: Jerry}
JERRY: You know, I'm actually hoping somebody other than Zoo gets off... we'll see when it happens.
{Cut to the campfire}
CHRIS: Alright, campers. Whichever one of you does not recieve a marshmallow will have to leave. And the first 'shmallow goes to...Fenri.
CHRIS: Chaos, Ryan, Chwoka, Raggon, Man-o-man, Seph, and Zoo. This is the last marshmallow...and it goes too...
{Jerry and Raiku have nervous looks}
CHRIS: Sorry, Jerry...you didn't get your wish. {tosses him a marshmallow}
{dot pops up from the campfire. apparently, the fire has been a wig on her head on fire}
DOT: Good choice. {lowers back into the pit}
JERRY: NOOO! MY ONE CHANCE TO LEAVE THIS... HELLHOLE OF AN ISLAND... and it slips through my fingers...
{Jerry gets down on his knees and starts sobbing.}
{the tears put out the fire. apparently, dot left the area}
JERRY: ... Why? Why didn't you all vote for meeeeee?
{Jerry continues sobbing.}
ESTELLE: {Walks in. Pats Jerry on the back} There, there...
Camper Leave: Raiku
RAGGON: You deserved it.
CHRIS: Yo, Proto-boy. Boat. Now.
JERRY: I... envy you.
ZOO977 AND DOT: {walk in with a battering ram} We've got this. {they hit raiku into the boat}
ESTELLE: Awwwwwww, I wanted to punch him!
RYAN: See ya, you dumb recolor!
ZOO977 AND DOT: Ok! {turn it around, resembling the pulling end of a hammer. they pull raiku out of the boat}
ZOO977: Go crazy!
JERRY: You... you're a lucky son of a gun, Raiku.
DOT: I can hit you into the boat, if you want.
{Sephiroth comes in.}
SEPHIROTH: Sorry I am late. {Kicks Raiku in the nuts, and he falls back into the boat.}