(even if you aren't vegan)
Total Drama Wiki Island/Decision3
[hide]After the Challenge
RYAN: Jerry! Estelle! Come hither.
ESTELLE: ...What?
RYAN: While Zoo was off to parts unknown, he had not aided us in the challenge. When he returns, we all should blame him for us losing. Also, don't you get disqualified for leaving the island?
ESTELLE: ...That is brilliant.
{Outhouse cam: Estelle}
ESTELLE: Y'know, this is beggining to seem... kind of wrong. I feel like a jerk for framing Zoo. Sure, he may deserve it. But its still a little mean...
CHRISTOPHER: {dancing} We win. We win. We win, we win, we win! {barfs} Oh God, I'm losing my stomach acids.
JERRY: ... The last thing we need to do is vote off Zoo for inactivity. What we need to do is vote him off for something a little more... he-was-here-to-do-it-ish. I say we blame him for being a nuisance around camp.
{man-o-man is seen easedroping}
MAN-O-MAN: {to himself} What has he done that was so bad?
{hambrin runs in and falls over, stays there for a few seconts, then gets up}
HAMBRIN: Woah! I'm finaly over my suger buzz!
RYAN: Zoo's a real pain in the ass.
SEPHIROTH: Totally. Plus, why is he even allowed to go out of the island? Shouldn't he be shot for that or something?
MAN-O-MAN: Even so, Jerry shoudn't have thrown the match for that.
{cuts to inside of the forest. zoo is stuck in a ton of pricker bushes.}
ZOO977: Help? Anyone? I'm gonna miss the chalange! And this isn't a very confortable position, either!
{cuts back}
SEPHIROTH: So, Zoo is going down!
JERRY: Mm-hm. Just remember to watch what you vote him off for...
CHAOS: Hey guys, I'm not going to be able to vote, I'm looking after for Noelle, she hit her head pretty bad. so somebody vote for me.
SEPHIROTH: Don't worry. We have that planned. {Pan to Wilson from Cast Away, only with Chaos's clothes and a voice recorder taped to the head.} Who do you want to vote off?
CHAOS: Who do we all hate today?
SEPHIROTH: Poo... I mean Zoo.
CHAOS: Yeah, I vote him off.
Barracuda (Decision Campfire)
{Outhouse cam: Estelle}
ESTELLE: Zoo the poo. Heh... I gotta remember that...
{Outhouse cam: Jerry}
JERRY: I vote Zoo. Why? Because he's been nothing but a nuisance all this time, that's why.
{Outhouse Cam: Sephiroth}
SEPHIROTH: Zoo. He's annoying. Plus, he left the island. HE MUST BE SHOT.
{Outhouse Cam: Raggon}
RAGGON: Zoo. I am trying to win here.
{Outhouse Cam: Man-o-man}
MAN-O-MAN: Jerry. Just because he dislikes Zoo, dosn't mean that he can throw the challange.
{Forest cam: Zoo stuck in the pricker bushes}
ZOO977: I don't get it. Everyone is holding an event that happened one week ago against me! {fast forwards} No one minds that he bar-b-cued his cabin mates and is off with someone from the other cabin! {fast forwards} Made us lose the challenge! {fast forwards} And chef only gave me cheese flavored jello! {pants} Jerry, you're dead. Chaos, you're next.
{Chaos pops up from the top of the screen.}
CHAOS: 'Kay. Say, what are you doing in this bush?
ZOO977: I was running through the trees in a race. I tripped.
{Outhouse cam: Dot}
DOT: I couldn't wait to see this next clip.
{outhouse cam: "Chaos" (really a puppet of him)}
ZOO977: {Not seen, holding the puppet. sounding just like chaos.} It is feeling kind of wrong to be framing zoo. Maybe Jerry needs to go.
{Cut to outside of the Outhouse. Zoo leaves with the puppet. Sephiroth spots him.}
SEPHIROTH: You can't do that! That's Cheating!
ZOO977: Remember harold?
SEPHIROTH: Umm.... Who?
ZOO977: The guy from season 1 who rigged the voting?
SEPHIROTH: Oh... Right... {Shifts offscreen.}
{Cut to the campfire ceremony}
Puffers (Tuck Shop)
BADSTAR: YAY! ...Wait, a what shop?
CHRIS: Think of it as like a camp store! Food, TDWI novelty things, and more!
BADSTAR: Aaaah... OOOOH!!! {Grabs a shirt that says "I won my team a visit to the Tuck Shop and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."}
DOT: {walks in} Hey! You wouldn't believe whats on the other side of the island! I found a giant buffet, a resort, and a really nice trailer! Also, a crashed yellow helicopter. A tranquilizer dart was stuck in it.
{SkullB grabs a toothed necklace.}
SKULLB: Are these racc-ca-coon teeth?
HAMBRIN: I Hope thay have this shirt in size "Extra Husky"! For my dad, and not my sister.
DOT: {walks into the shop} I'd get something, but I have no money with me.
CHRISTOPHER: I have some cash with me. You can have some, I'm just buying a lot of food to get rid of that flaming taffy taste. {gives Dot $100}
HAMBRIN: Now for the food!
{Outhouse Cam: Hambrin}
HAMBRIN: All I've realy wanted on this island is some real food. Not some leftover, blended, fishfood look-alike!