(even if you aren't vegan)
The Stan Show/cast
Ever wondered who runs the show on The Stan Show? ... Why? That's a dumb question. Also here are some people.
Stan is, to all intents and purposes, the lead character of the show. Smart, funny, and well-dressed... are not words you'd use to describe him. Other good words would be cynical, high school graduate, and microwave pizza, for some reason. Probably because he likes microwave pizza. But we digress. Stan is the guy behind all the interviews, and he's not gonna quit bragging about it. He has mild tolerance for all who come on the show, but if the interviewee annoys him to a certain degree, he'll just forget about it. And probably make a microwave pizza.
Jon is Stan's right-hand man/dwarf. Seriously, the guy's like four feet tall. What's with him? Any-hoo, Jon is behind most of the backstage stuff, including scheduling, set management--I guess you could call him the backstage manager. That could've worked earlier. Whatever. Jon also takes duty as interviewer when Stan calls it quits. Jon enjoys long walks on the beach and deviled eggs.
That hardly-lovable platypus, Zippy, is the cameraman. Not much else he does, really. Kinda boring. Let's go somewhere else.
SkullB is the director of The Stan Show. Coincidentally, his show also shares the acronym, TSS. Weird, huh? SkullB mostly does offscreen work, perhaps calling to the cast once or twice to help them out. Otherwise, he goes unseen. Poor guy, always being a bit role- oh wait.
ANNOUNCER is the robot behind the announcing work. His name stands for nothing in particular, but he has a soothing, yet booming voice. He's never seen, so it's assumed he works backstage.