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The SkullB Show/8

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Episode Eight: Super Clip Show

Season Finale

The SkullB Show gang look back at the good times from the past season.

CAST: SkullB, Jerry, Casey, Chaos, Lucas Aura, Znex

PLACES: The Stage, Pledge Booths, Backstage


{Open: a stage. Casey, SkullB and Jerry are sitting on chairs on the stage. Behind them is a screen.}

SKULLB: Hey, guys. I'm Skullbuggy, and these are my friends Jerry and Casey. As some of you may or may not know, this is our season finale episode.

JERRY: So, in celebration, we're having a clip show!

CASEY: You know, like all bad sitcoms.

SKULLB: And, since we over here at the SkullB Show studios are running short on funds--

ZIPPY: {offscreen} We need money!

SKULLB: --we're also going to be holding a pledge for our second season!

{Pan over to the pledge booths.}

SKULLB: {offscreen} Please say hello to our special guest pledge takers! Introducing... CHAOS!

CHAOS: I... I don't know who this man is or why I'm here. I think I was drugged.


LUCAS: Hi, Mom!


ZNEX: ... Oh, wh-what? I wasn't paying attention. What am I doing?

SKULLB: Ah-hah-hah. How fun. Anyway, over to you, Jerry.

{Pan over to Jerry.}

JERRY: You know, we over at the SkullB Show have had our history of hilarious jokes.

CASEY: If you find the prospect of vomiting hilarious.

JERRY: So here's a couple clips from our first season!

JERRY: Well, look who's back.
SKULLB: Hey, Jerry. I got something cool!
JERRY: What is it and how much money did you spend?
SKULLB: It's a brand new video game!
JERRY: Welp, looks like one of us isn't eating today.

JERRY: Ahahaha. Our pilot episode was so terrible.

TOM: God, when's Jerry gonna be back? It's getting uncomfortable sitting next to a corpse.
CASEY: You mean the Corpse Briiiide?

CASEY: Oh, man, I remember my goth phase.

JERRY: You were a zombie.

CASEY: Zombie, goth, same thing.

EMPLOYEE: How can we help you two lovebirds?
CASEY: Call us that and I will eat your eyeballs au jus.

JERRY: Okay, that time you were just being creepy.

CASEY: Huh. I guess I still have some zombie in me.

{Casey coughs into a handkerchief.}

CASEY: Never mind, it's gone.

{Jerry just stares in shock.}

{Cut: SkullB at the pledge booths.}

SKULLB: Ha, ha. What a great time we're having! Now, let's check our patented, totally-don't-steal-it Pledgeometer!

{The Pledgeometer reads zero.}

SKULLB: ... Come on! Why isn't anyone calling in?

LUCAS: Well, while one of the clips was playing, I got a call, but they were just looking for the Pizza Palace.

SKULLB: Mmf. Let's... let's go to commercial.

{SkullB walks over to the rest.}

SKULLB: Why is this not working?

JERRY: Nobody watches fundraiser-slash-clip shows anymore. It's a sitcom cliche, man!

SKULLB: Oh, yeah? Well we'll get money, I swear!

CASEY: Well if you can't, we're out of jobs. This is all we have!

SKULLB: Keep in mind they're just filming us living our lives. It's not like we're actors.

CASEY: But think--we're getting paid for doing what we do every day! Think what would happen--we'd have to get REAL jobs!

SKULLB: Oh, dear NO.

CHAOS: Hey, I got a call!

SKULLB: Really?

CHAOS: ... This guy's giving us a dollar and fifty cents.

SKULLB: It's not much, but we'll take it!

{The Pledgeometer rises.}

SKULLB: Woo! We're in the money!

CAMERAMAN: Hey, we're on in three!

SKULLB: Oop, get back in place.

CAMERAMAN: Two... one... now!

SKULLB: Hey, everyone. Welcome back! Now, during the break, we only got one pledge. What can we do at the SkullB Show to help you help us?

JERRY: I find that physical comedy attracts many a viewer.

SKULLB: Physical wha-

{Jerry tosses SkullB into a stagehand, who then knocks over a spotlight, which crashes on them both. Then, a bowling ball falls from offscreen and onto Jerry's head.}

JERRY: Wh- where do- they keep getting those?

LUCAS: {offscreen} Blame the writing staff!

{Cut: Zippy's studio.}

ZIPPY: Hey, don't look at ME, man!

{Cut: the stage again. Everything seems back to normal.}

SKULLB: How'd we do that during the cutaway?

JERRY: I dunno. Now here's some more clips to keep you at bay!

{Some clips start rolling. Meanwhile, Jerry, SkullB and Casey are backstage.}

JERRY: Even with the violence, people still aren't calling in!

SKULLB: I don't know why it's happening!

CASEY: Remember, it's our show or your head.

SKULLB: You wouldn't kill a guy with glasses, would you?

CASEY: One thing, you're not wearing glasses. And two, I don't think taking off your head would kill you. I think it's just a skull anyway.

SKULLB: Whatever, it still sounds bad. ... Oh! The clips are over.

{Cut: the stage. SkullB and all come back on.}

SKULLB: My, weren't those clips awesome? Now, let me take a moment to say how much this show means for us. This show is my only source of revenue, since not many people hire skull car things. So, to express my gratitude for our viewers, I'd like to sing a song.

JERRY: Oh, Lord.


Hast du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht grad' an mich
Dann singe ich ein Leid für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass sowas von sowas kommt

{Cut: the pledge booths.}

ZNEX: Ach, du lieber!

CHAOS: Who ever told this guy he could sing?

LUCAS: Blame the writing staff.

{Cut: Zippy.}

ZIPPY: It's true.

{Cut: the stage.}

JERRY: Well, let's be thankful for that cutaway.

CASEY: Well, I thought it was okay!

JERRY: Shut up. Nobody cares what you think.

SKULLB: Anyway, let's check the Pledgeometer!

{The Pledgeometer reads zero.}

SKULLB: I thought we had money!

{Znex walks back up to his booth with a soda.}

ZNEX: What? I was thirsty.

SKULLB: Great. Just awesome.

ZNEX: Really? Tha-

SKULLB: I was being sarcastic.

ZNEX: Oh. Well if you're going to be that way, I'm leaving.

{Znex leaves.}

SKULLB: Oh, fine! FINE! We don't need celebrity phone operators anyway!

CHAOS: In that case, I'm leaving too.

LUCAS: Eh, I've got a show to be on.

{The two leave.}


{The Pledgeometer reads "-10,000".}


JERRY: About that. We were figuring the pledge money would cover the expense of this here stage and such.

CASEY: And now we're in debt.


JERRY: See ya. I've got a guest appearance on some cooler show.

CASEY: And I'm going shopping.

{The two leave.}

SKULLB: No! NO! I tried everything!

{The lights flicker off.}

SKULLB: No.. no... no...

{The scene fades out.}



  • Worry not, there's a Season Two on its way.
  • Clip shows are usually held on reality shows.
  • The song SkullB sang was "99 Luftballons" by Nena, a fairly popular German song.