(even if you aren't vegan)
The SkullB Show/6
Episode Six: Super Strike
Jerry goes on strike after he recieves his latest paycheck in the mail. SkullB, feeling sympathy, joins the picket line. Tom and Casey at the same time get stuck to each other and try to find the cure.
CAST: Casey, SkullB, Jerry, Tom, Craftorium Employee
PLACES: The Burgerdome (inside and outside), Casey's Apartment, Decentville Craftorium, SkullB's Apartment
PAGE TITLE: Stuck on You!
{Open: The Burgerdome. Casey and SkullB are there, eating.}
SKULLB: So how's it been since the zombie thing?
CASEY: You know, better. I just wish we had a better ending.
SATAN: {poofs out of nowhere} Oh, don't worry, it's not over!
{Casey tosses Satan out the window and into the street, where he is run over again.}
{Cue theme song.}
{Cut: Outside the Burgerdome. Jerry is sitting outside on the curb. SkullB walks up to him.}
SKULLB: Hey, Jer-bear! What it is?
JERRY: Shut up. I am not in the mood.
SKULLB: Well, what happened?
JERRY: I am not getting paid enough!
SKULLB: You have a job? Ooh-hoo-hoo, exposition!
JERRY: Yes, I have a job. I'm a cook at the Burgerdome.
SKULLB: So why do we never cut to your job in episodes?
JERRY: If they saw how we cooked our food, they'd throw up their intenstines.
SKULLB: Oh. Well I'm never eating there again. Now, then. You're not getting paid enough, eh?
JERRY: Yeah! I get paid below minimum wage! I didn't even know it was possible.
SKULLB: And what are you going to do?
JERRY: I'll go the way of the WGA--on a strike!
SKULLB: A strike? Fancy.
JERRY: You're not invited.
SKULLB: G- awww.
JERRY: Now go away. I've got a picket sign to paint.
{Cut: Casey's Apartment. Casey and Tom are at a table, cutting things out of paper.}
TOM: Remind me why I'm making stupid paper animals.
CASEY: It's the honorable art of kirigami. Paper-cutting to you BAAAAKAAAAS.
TOM: I am most definitely not one of those... things you said.
CASEY: Hey, can you hand me the glue?
TOM: Sure.
{Tom reaches for the glue and accidentally squeezes it too hard. The glue hits Tom's hand, and Tom, for some reason, grabs Casey's hand with his gluey hand.}
CASEY: ... Tom? Why do I feel sticky stuff on your hand?
TOM: Listen, I hope you're not mad at me for this.
TOM: You see, I got glue on my hand, and now that glued up hand is holding yours. In essence, we're stuck together.
CASEY: But that was industrial strength superglue!
TOM: Yeah. Isn't this awkward for everyone involved?
CASEY: Dear Lord, you got us in another sitcom plot.
TOM: What?
CASEY: Family Guy's already done it! And besides, I'm a bit pissed with, you know, the whole "now we're stuck together" thing.
TOM: Hey! Watch your language! We may be stuck but that doesn't mean we're pottymouths!
CASEY: We appeal to the high-school demographic. Of course we are, you {censored for the weak-hearted}
TOM: ...
CASEY: So now what?
TOM: I guess we find a way to get unstuck?
CASEY: Let's hope. Otherwise I'll have to sleep like this, and it will get even more awkward.
TOM: Oh. If that's the case, I hope we never get unstuck!
CASEY: {raising fist} I have one free hand, you know.
{Cut: Outside the Burgerdome. Jerry is holding a picket sign and marching around in circles.}
JERRY: Hey hey hey! We need pay! Hey hey hey!
SKULLB: {offscreen} We need pay!
JERRY: What are you doing here?
SKULLB: I thought striking looked like fun! I'm gonna strike too!
JERRY: You don't work here.
SKULLB: True, but I am supporting a noble cause!
JERRY: You are right. Anything that gets me money is a noble cause!
SKULLB: {raising a picket sign} Hey hey hey!
JERRY: We need pay!
BOTH: Hey hey hey! We need pay!
{Tom and Casey walk up to the two.}
TOM: Hey guys.
JERRY: Wait what what what what what.
TOM: What?
JERRY: Why are you holding Casey's hand?
TOM: It's a funny thing, really.
CASEY: You see, we're stuck on eachother.
JERRY: Oh, is that it? That's how this ends, Casey?
CASEY: What?
JERRY: This is just great! I lost my girlfriend and I'm being underpaid! {sits on the curb} Frikkin' amazing.
TOM: Casey, let's go. Jerry's being weird today.
{Casey and Tom leave.}
SKULLB: You do realize that they're--
TOM: Shut up shut up.
'{Cut: The Decentville Craftorium. Tom and Casey are there.}
CASEY: Hey, can someone help us?
{An employee walks over.}
EMPLOYEE: How can we help you two lovebirds?
CASEY: Call us that and I will eat your eyeballs au jus.
EMPLOYEE: ... eh-hehehehe. So, how can we help you two?
TOM: We need solvent. Industrial-grade.
EMPLOYEE: Oh, that? We don't carry it. Though you can order some from the back of the bottle you bought. Elroy's Glue, was it?
TOM: Well, it looks like this place is a bust.
{The two leave.}
{Cut: Outside the Burgerdome.}
JERRY: Hey... hey hey. We... we need pay.
SKULLB: Hey hey... h-hey. We... {puts down sign} I can't do this. It's been nearly a day, and I haven't eaten. I'm headed to the Burgerdome.
JERRY: Wait, what? No!
SKULLB: Why not? I'm hungry.
JERRY: Because you'll be supporting the same people who pay me jack!
SKULLB: Don't you see? When I eat at the Burgerdome, I'm making a statement.
JERRY: And that statement is?
SKULLB: Get a new job, idiot! If I want to keep eating at the Burgerdome, I will! If you don't get enough money, get a new job! What I'm trying to say is that when you're unhappy, just move on. See?
JERRY: My God. You're right. I shouldn't be mad at my employers... rather, I should leave them and make them feel bad!
{Jerry takes his picket sign and breaks it over his knee.}
JERRY: I have a new lease on life!
{Tom and Casey walk over. They are now unstuck.}
TOM: Hey, Jer! Good news!
TOM: What?
JERRY: You... son of a GUN.
TOM: Wh-
{Jerry jumps on Tom and knocks him to the ground. Now on top of Tom, Jerry starts punching him. Tom starts to bleed while Jerry laughs.}
JERRY: How do you like that? HUH?
TOM: No... I didn't-
{Jerry continues punching Tom.}
SKULLB: Aren't you going to stop him and tell him about the glue?
CASEY: Nah. This is actually pretty funny.
{Cut: The Couch.}
CASEY: Well, today was good!
SKULLB: I taught Jerry a good lesson about striking and why it's stupid!
CASEY: I finally got Tom unglued from me!
JERRY: And I beat the crap out of Tom!
TOM: I- I hurt.
{Everyone laughs.}
JERRY: Wait, glue?
{Cue credits.}
Ask Jerry
JERRY: Forget it.
- The WGA, or Writers' Guild of America, had a strike in early 2008.
- Au jus means with juice, as in steak au jus.