(even if you aren't vegan)
The SkullB Show/5
Episode Five: Super Soul
Story Arc: Deal with the Devil
In an effort to save Casey from zombiedom, Jerry heads on down to Hell to reclaim her soul. Meanwhile, on Earth, SkullB and Tom are bored out of their minds, so they head to a fun fair!
CAST: Casey, Jerry, Tom, SkullB, Demon, Stan/Satan
PLACES: The Food Court, SkullB's Apartment, Purgatory, The Fun Fair, Hell
PAGE TITLE: Jerry and Casey's Bogus Journey!
{Black screen. The words "The SkullB Show" appear in bold, white text.}
VOICE: Last time, on the SkullB Show...
{Cut: The Food Court. All the gang is there.}
CASEY: Does anyone have any brains on them? I'm getting kinda hungry.
{Cut: The black screen again.}
VOICE: And now... the conclusion.
{Cue theme song.}
{Cut: Food Court.}
JERRY: Brains?!
CASEY: Yeah! I don't know why, but suddenly I've got an urge for human flesh.
SKULLB: Human flesh, eh? Well I guess I'm safe.
CASEY: And bones.
JERRY: Well, come to think of it, you have been looking a bit pale lately, Casey.
CASEY: I know. Now does anyone have brains here or not?
TOM: Pale skin? Hunger for brains? This all seems mighty sur-spicious...
TOM: Casey, do you play Warcraft?
CASEY: What? No!
TOM: Oh. Then I guess you're a zombie.
CASEY: A zombie? NO! My complexion will be ruined forever!
JERRY: Wait a minute. A zombie? But... you never died!
CASEY: Then how'd I lose my soul?
JERRY: Hm. I wonder if this has anything to do with that record contract... I'll go get a copy and read it over.
{Pan over to show Casey sucking on SkullB's head.}
CASEY: You'd better hurry. I'm getting hungry.
{Cut: SkullB's Apartment. Casey, Tom and SkullB are on the couch. Casey is eating a raw steak.}
CASEY: You know, I never had my steak rare before, but it's not bad!
TOM: God, when's Jerry gonna be back? It's getting uncomfortable sitting next to a corpse.
CASEY: You mean the Corpse Briiiide?
{Jerry enters.}
JERRY: Guys! Guess what?
SKULLB: Make me.
JERRY: It turns out Casey sold her soul...
{Dramatic pause.}
JERRY: {closeup} TO THE DEVIL!
TOM: Shock!
CASEY: Horror!
JERRY: And it turns out the only way to get her soul back...
{Dramatic pause.}
CASEY: Is that it?
JERRY: Yeah. That's all the contract was.
CASEY: Huh. Hard to miss.
JERRY: Yep. Well, guys, Casey and I are going to Hell.
SKULLB: So you finally took my advice?
JERRY: Try not to break something while we're gone.
{Jerry and Casey poof away in a burst of fire.}
TOM: ...
SKULLB: ... So, what do you want to do?
TOM: I dunno.
SKULLB: Hm. ... Hey! I just remembered... the fun fair is in town!
TOM: Let's go to the fun fair!
{Cut: Purgatory. It looks a lot like a waiting room. Jerry and Casey poof there.}
CASEY: What the...
DEMON: Hello, welcome to Purgatory. Are you visiting or here to stay?
JERRY: Visiting.
DEMON: Alrighty, then! Now, where would you like to go? Valhalla's looking nice right now, and there's some nice lakefront properties in Nirvana...
JERRY: I told you we're just looking!
CASEY: And we're headed for Hell.
DEMON: Alright, let me get Stan on the phone.
CASEY: Stan?
DEMON: Some folks know him as Satan, but we just call him Stan around here.
CASEY: No wonder.
JERRY: So... how long do we have to wait?
DEMON: Just give me a couple minutes. Sit over there.
{Casey and Jerry sit next to a murder victim. He has an axe in his head.}
VICTIM: So, what're you here for?
CASEY: Uh, I'm... I'm here to get my soul back.
VICTIM: Bahahaha! Good luck with that... Stan's not a very submissive guy, from what I've heard.
CASEY: Oh. ... You've got something in your--
VICTIM: I know. I know.
{Cut: The Decentville Fun Fair.}
SKULLB: Oh, man! The fun fair!
TOM: What should we do first?
SKULLB: Let's do the log ride!
TOM: No, let's go on the Tilt-A-Spin!
SKULLB: No... let's eat COTTON CANDY.
{The two run over to the cotton candy stand.}
{Cut: Hell. Casey and Jerry are in an office. Satan walks into the room.}
SATAN: Ah, Casey! I didn't think you'd be back! What is it you want?
CASEY: I want to break this contract!
SATAN: Oh, do you? You do understand it's not easy to break this contract.
JERRY: Oh, but we know how... we must defeat you!
SATAN: Bwehehehehe! You do know I'm invincible, right!
CASEY: But it never said we had to kill you. It just said we had to defeat you. So I challenge you... to a game of chance!
SATAN: ... You're on!
{Cut: The Fun Fair. SkullB and Tom just got off the Tilt-A-Spin. The two are dizzy and stumbling about.}
SKULLB: Heh, wow! That was awesome!
TOM: Man, I'm gonna puke!
{He proceeds to upchuck.}
SKULLB: Hahaha, ew!
TOM: Heh! Heheheh! Dude, what should we go on next?
SKULLB: Dude! Let's go on the Elevator to Hell!
TOM: They have one of those? Cool!
{Cut: Hell. Satan and Casey are at a poker table.}
CASEY: Hit me.
{Casey gets a card.}
SATAN: With this hand, I will have your soul forever!
CASEY: ...
JERRY: ...
SATAN: ...
{Suddenly, an elevator crushes Satan. SkullB and Tom step out.}
TOM: Woah! We're in Hell!
SKULLB: Sweet!
JERRY: ... You just killed Satan.
CASEY: I take it that means I'm better now?
JERRY: I guess. Everyone on the elevator!
{Cut: SkullB's Apartment. Everyone is on the couch.}
CASEY: NOW everything's okay!
JERRY: Albeit it was a bit anticlimactic, but we defeated Satan and got Casey's soul back!
TOM: And Skully and I got to go to the fun fair!
SKULLB: I honestly didn't know Satan could die.
{Satan pops out of nowhere.}
SATAN: I can't!
{Casey kicks Satan out the window and into the street. He is then run over.}
{Cue credits.}
Ask Jerry
JERRY: Hey, all. Jerry here, with no new mail. God, why do I do this?
- The Elevator to Hell is from an episode of Rocko's Modern Life.