(even if you aren't vegan)
The SkullB Show/29
Episode 29: Shaken, not Stirred, Part Two
The conclusion to the excitement of the last time! Will Agent J and S find out Princess Pussycat's devilish scheme? Will Angela Fawls seduct Agent J? Tune in now!
CAST: Angela Fawls (Casey), Agent J (Jerry), S (SkullB), Princess Pussycat (Cassie), others
PLACES: BSoC, a harbor, a private jet, Princess Pussycat's Tiger Palace, a throne room, a corridor, a gas chamber, Z's office
PAGE TITLE: The SkullB Show!
{Open: the Black Screen of Continuity.}
ANNOUNCER: Last time, on the SkullB Show...
{Cut: the harbor. Angela Fawls is talking into a wrist communicator.}
ANGELA: Princess? This is the Angel. Target has been identified as Agent J of MI7. Next course of action? ... Of course. Take care.
{Angela closes the wrist communicator. She giggles to herself evilly. Fade to black.}
ANNOUNCER: And now, the conclusion.
{Fade in to a jet. Agent J and S are in the back, which is very luxurious.}
AGENT J: I've gotta say, MI7 knows their luxury liners.
S: Plus we're the only ones on! Isn't that awesome?
AGENT J: Yeah, but they don't show any good in-flight movies. Pity, I thought for a secret spy agency they could get some decent movies.
{A dinging sound is heard.}
PILOT: Now landing in Bangladesh.
AGENT J: Good! I was beginning to think we'd never get there.
{Cut: a palace. It is very luxuriously decorated, with tiger murals adorning the walls. Agent J and S are walking along the hallways.}
AGENT J: You know, Princess P is really taking the tiger gimmick to the fullest.
S: What? I would too if I were a theme villain.
{Suddenly, a group of guards in orange, black-striped uniforms stop the two.}
GUARD ONE: And who might you be?
{Agent J hands the guard the invitation.}
GUARD ONE: ... Alright, then. Carry on.
{The guard growls at the two as they pass.}
S: Something tells me these guys should be neutered.
{The two walk into a throne room, where Princess Pussycat is sitting on the said throne. Surrounding her are many tigers.}
AGENT J: ... Wow.
PRINCESS: Ah, you're here, Hans. Or is that your real name?
AGENT J: You mean... you know?
AGENT J: But... how?
PRINCESS: You just told me!
S: Heh. You got dissed.
AGENT J: Cough it up, Princess P. How did you know I'm not Hans Olbrecht?
PRINCESS: I have my sources. Don't I, Ms. Fawls?
{Angela emerges from behind the throne. She is now in tiger-print spandex.}
AGENT J: Angie?
ANGELA: That's right! You didn't really think I was just flirting?
AGENT J: Yeah, something was suspicious. Not just because I didn't have my wallet.
ANGELA: And that is how we found your identity, Agent J! And now that we know who you are, we can dispose of you before you uncover our secret plan!
AGENT J: Secret plan...!
ANGELA: ... Oops.
PRINCESS: You idiot! Why'd you say that?
ANGELA: Hey, I'm not the best with secrets.
PRINCESS: Ugh, whatever. Ms. Fawls, attack him!
{Angela nods and bares claws hidden in her gloves. She runs at Agent J, slashing. Agent J ducks and rolls under her legs. He stands up behind her and kicks her into a nearby pillar.}
ANGELA: Ahh! You can't hit me, I'm a girl!
AGENT J: Hey, you're evil. I can't just let you go, honey.
{Agent J runs at Angela and punches her again, this time in the stomach. Angela keels over in pain, coughing and gasping for air.}
S: Ooh! You knocked the wind outta her!
ANGELA: ... You just asked for it! Tigers, attack!
{Some tigers run toward Agent J. He starts punching and kicking them off. Meanwhile, Angela escapes through the door.}
PRINCESS: Fawls! You chicken!
{Agent J knocks out the last tiger.}
AGENT J: And now to dethrone the pri-
{Pan over to show the throne unoccupied. Pan again to show Princess Pussycat running away.}
S: Hypocrite.
AGENT J: Come on, S! We've gotta catch up!
S: No prob! Just hop in!
{Agent J jumps into S and starts driving. He starts following Princess Pussycat, who is driving a tiger-striped motorcycle.}
PRINCESS: It's no use, Agent J! You're never going to stop me!
AGENT J: Yeah, right! I've got a tracker on you!
{Zoom in to show a beeping red beacon on Princess Pussycat's neck.}
PRINCESS: Oh, come on!
AGENT J: That's right! Nothing's going to stop me from f-
{Suddenly, the floor drops out from under S and Agent J and they fall down a chute. Princess Pussycat laughs as she stops.}
{Cut: a small room. S and Agent J are there, trapped.}
S: Ah, great. Now we're trapped.
AGENT J: Hey, it could be worse!
{The lights turn on. Pan over to show a large white tiger in the room. Princess Pussycat walks into the room.}
PRINCESS: Heh! Yep! Meet Mittens, my prized tiger! He's going to be slaughtering you, and I'll be watching through the one-way mirror!
AGENT J: Really?
PRINCESS: Yep. Mittens, attack!
{The white tiger jumps at Agent J and pins him to the ground. The snarling beast stares Agent J directly in the eye. However, Agent J stares back, firmly and intimidatingly. The white tiger backs down and submits.}
PRINCESS: What the- I di- But I- unbelievable! Mittens, what's wrong with you?
AGENT J: Intimidation. I know that being stern with an animal proves dominance.
PRINCESS: ... There's no way you knew that!
AGENT J: You're right, I just wanted to scare it off.
PRINCESS: ... Well! Then I'll just take Mittens with me and keep you in here. Come, Mittens!
{Princess Pussycat opens the door and takes Mittens with her. She quickly shuts the door.}
PRINCESS: And now, a deadly neurotoxin will be pumped into the room. We just need to ready the canisters.
{Princess Pussycat leaves the scene.}
S: Oh, dang!
AGENT J: Neurotoxin...? This doesn't seem good. ... Wait! The pen!
{Agent J takes out the explosive pen from before. He dispenses plastic explosives on the door and detonates it from a distance. The door is opened and the two run out.}
AGENT J: Thanks, S.
S: No prob, Agent J!
{Suddenly, guards appear.}
GUARD: Halt!
AGENT J: Not a chance!
{Agent J takes out a gun and shoots the guards.}
S: You had a gun the whole time?
AGENT J: Funny thing is, I only remembered it now.
S: I hate you some times.
AGENT J: Likewise.
{The two keep running down the hall. Eventually, they reach Princess Pussycat's tiger sanctuary, in which are hundreds of tigers with Princess Pussycat at a throne.}
AGENT J: Give it up, Princess P! I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!
PRINCESS: ... Fine.
AGENT J: Oh, really? Cool.
PRINCESS: Let me explain myself, first.
{Flashback: a circus. A younger Princess Pussycat is training tigers.}
PRINCESS: {v.o.} When I was younger, I trained tigers in the circus. I was one with them, you could say. However, one day the tigers attacked the fellow circus workers. I was fired for being inattentent and my tigers were killed. It was a sad day for me. That day, I swore to get my revenge. It wasn't the tigers' faults that those damned clowns kept teasing them!
{Cut: Princess Pussycat ordering tigers to attack people.}
PRINCESS: {v.o.} From then on, I strived to create the perfect army of evil tigers, made to kill. However, you showed up. That's the one thing I didn't think about.
{Cut back to present-day. Princess Pussycat is still at her throne.}
PRINCESS: And that's my story. Arrest me if you want. That's probably best.
AGENT J: ... Okay.
{Cut: Z's Office. Agent J and S are there, as well as Z.}
Z: Great job, Agent J. I trusted you would get it done right.
AGENT J: I'm not your top agent for nothing!
Z: Anyhow, we have Princess Pussycat in jail, as well as Ms. Fawls. I pray they're having a nice time.
AGENT J: Yeah. Sure.
Z: Pasta Roni, anyone? Huh?
{Cue the credits sequence.}
THE SKULLB SHOW Episode 29: Shaken, not Stirred Part Two STARRING Jeremy Cohen as Agent J Francesca Giannopolou as Mrs. Cashmoney Zippy Platypus as Z Skullivan Buggy as S Cassidy Rogers as Princess Pussycat Casey Cohen as Angela Fawls APOLOGIES TO the James Bond series
{Cut: the Living Room. Casey, Jerry, SkullB and Fran are on the couch.}
SKULLB: So? What do you think?
JERRY: The execution was... odd.
FRAN: Why did I have only three lines?
SKULLB: So we wasted two episodes?
JERRY: Does anybody really watch this?
SKULLB: ... You have a good point.
{Cue real credits.}