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The Shaqs

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  • Shaquille O'Neal - Shaq is the best b-ball player ever, son! Don't you dare say otherwise, or Shaq might eat you up like peanut butta um um um
  • Shaqula - Shaqula is the vampire who lives in the old abandoned b-ball court! When night falls, you'd better hope Shaqula doesn't challenge you to a game!
  • Martian Shaq - It came from planet B-Ball! Martian Shaq's all up in the Earth's hood, and with his intergalactic b-ball skills, he might just be the second best b-baller in the universe!
  • Warrior Shaq - When the giant awakens... Warrior Shaq will be there. Using the arcane power of the Forbidden Dunk, Warrior Shaq will slay all in his way in the name of b-ball and justice!
  • Detective O'Neal - There's crime on these mean streets... and only Detective O'Neal can stop it with his b-ball skills!
  • Shaq A Claus - You'd better watch out... you'd better not cry... Shaq A Claus is coming to town, and b-ball's on his mind!
  • TV Personality Shaq - And now, it's the Shaq Show, starring Shaq! When you hear that ominous theme song, look out--TV Shaq's got some b-balling to do!
  • Elderly Shaq - Old, wise, and powerful... Elderly Shaq has both wisdom and b-ball skills, making him one of the elite.
  • Super Shaq - It's a bird, it's a plane... it's Super Shaq! Somehow, he hasn't gotten better at free throws, but he can still b-ball!