(even if you aren't vegan)
The Peanut Gallery
From Wiki User Wiki
Instructions and Guidelines
== The thing, probably linked == by Your Username Here === Peanuts === === Tomatoes ===
Peanuts are specific compliments, while Tomatoes are specific constructive criticism.
For those of you giving feedback, you put your criticism, formatted like this:
# ([[Image:Gallery1.PNG]] for Peanuts/[[Image:Gallery2.PNG]] for Tomatoes) I HATE/LOVE MYSELF FOR HATING/LOVING YOU
under the correct header.
Each different compliment or criticism goes under a new bulletpoint.
Breaking any of the guidelines will suspend you from putting your own fanstuff up for review.
Don't offer vague reviews, like "It stinks!" or "It's great".
When giving out Tomatoes, make sure what you're saying is constructive, and not just an attack.
If someone says something about your thing you don't like, you can not remove it, even if it breaks the rules above - someone else will remove it.
You can only put your own creations up for review.