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The Hideaway

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A fake game show.


  • When doing an action, only Lemon can pick the outcome.
  • Game 1: Obstacle: A normal obstacle coarse with a fence, a water pit, growing walls, and the coal run. The slowest loses. Format: {Blah climbs the fence} and lemon adds "But falls off"
  • Game 2: Time Test: A race. Remember, Lemon chooses the winner. The slowest of the race loses
  • Game 3: Find the key: You're almost into the hideaway. They blind fold you, hide the key, and make you find it. Format {Blah blah looks east.} and Lemon adds "No key" or "Key". The one that doesn't find the key loses.
  • Game 4: Your in the hideout. now you gotta find the secret money and a secret item in a room. If you do it in less than 60 seconds, you win a prize and 100,000,000! Format {Blah looks in a couch.} and Lemon adds either "No money", "Money", "No item", or "Item"

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  • Isaac
  • Liame