(even if you aren't vegan)
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VFX, or Viewtiful Effects, are a mystical power in the Viewtiful film world. They give the user the strength of a director, letting them slow down time, zoom in to strike a pose, or, the most deadly of all, kill off a character. Not everyone can use every power, though.
- Slow, when activated, slows down time to a tenth of its original speed, also improving reflexes a ton. With it you can dodge almost anything and slow down spinning things.
Mach Speed
- Increases your speed by ten times so you can become an unstoppable powerhouse. Everyone else is at normal speed, so you can just burn through them! Watch out, friction affects everything! If you move too fast, you catch on fire.
Zoom In
- The camera zooms in on you! Strike a cool pose! This makes you look SUPER cool, but it has lost its effect from Viewtiful Joe. It does nothing except make you look awesome and freeze the adoring fans around you.
- This lets you replay a certain action three times! If your VQ is higher, though, you may be able to do more. Unfortunately, that includes getting hurt, so if your pain is replayed, that's not very good.
- Pause allows the user to completely stop time. If the controller is strong enough, they can still move within the chunk of time it affects, but if not, they'll have to use Edit to do anything.
- If someone wants to do something differently, they simply edit the scene in their favor! Like, if someone gets shot while an ion cannon is just sitting on the ground, going to waste, they can edit the scene so it is in their hand.
- If you want to take a break or something, just cut the scene! You can go get some soda, pick your nose, whatever. Or, you can cut to another scene with this! If you're about to get killed, just cut to the hospital.
- This gives you the super-exaggerating power of Japanese cartoons! If you're flying through the air, lots of strange colors fly by, supposedly showing the wind. If you're laughing, lots of mushrooms pop out of your face! If you think something is weird, a tear drop bigger than your head appears!
Kill Off
- The deadliest of VFX powers, this one completely fires a player from the set. Just take the "off" off of the name, and you've got a more realistic name!