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Tahu Emails/Emails/3

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TEMAIL3: internets

Tahu gets trapped in the Internet! Oh noes!

Cast {in order of appearance}: Tahu, Chollf, Intercom

Places: Computer Room, The Net

Computer: Compu 3000


TAHU: I'mma checkin' mah email! BLAAAAAGH!

TAHU: Well this just sounds like a plot device. {Exit stage left and falls into a portal} OH SH-

{Chollf walks in}

CHOLLF: Hee hee.

TAHU: You know, portals always look so weird inside. {the Dr. Who warp is playing behind him, and he falls onto a wireframe floor} AW CRAP. {He is in the Net from Megaman} Well, I guess I'll be here for a while, so... Might as well-

VOICE OVER INTERCOM: INTRUDER ALERT! {A huge picture of Tahu appears on every monitor}

TAHU: Well this sucks. Gotta run! Until next time, let's hope your Emails don't get intercepted!