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Sprite Comics Are Terrible/4

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Oh, no. I gotta make another one of these again? Well, I might as well get this over with.. I'm just gonna do the first crappy sprite comic I see..

Gah, enough of that! Today, I'm going to do things a little differently! I'm going to rant on the most popular sprite comics on Smackjeeves. 60% of the most popular comics are utter bullcrap, they just are not interesting or funny at all. Most of them are just candy coated bullcrap. Let's not waste any time and begin with a very popular comic with the name of Amy's Playhouse!


Oh, well okay. It doesn't look too bad so far. The custom sprites don't look too.. wait. What does that say in the description?

"What would happen, if all of the people in Sonic's world sudently turned into girls?"

...........Oh god no. You freaks. Why are you so interested in female cartoon characters (other than the obvious answer of them being the only thing you have a chance of banging)?? But maybe there's something worthwhile about this comic (yeah right). Let's take a look at the latest comic!



I know Retsupurae just talked about this, but seriously: Your zany humor is not as funny as you think it is. "CHEX MIX LOL". No. Also the mute character thing has been done, give the character something new. Oh, by the way.


I mean seriously, this is the comic equivilant to me eating a bunch of fairy dust and then barfing it all up. It's pretty, yes, but it's still a pile of vomit. At least it's funnier than this tripe.

Speaking of things that are funny, let's take a look at our next waste of space, Poke-Mutates-R-Us!


Oh, well lookie here! Such custom sprites! Oh and they even took the time to flip the "R" upside down, ho ho ho! This'll probably be an enjoyable...


...comic? Is this a comic? No, it's not. It's one of the five million image-only comics that plauge Smackjeeves. They just post they're crappy little sprites here just to show them off, and I hate it. HEY, DUMBASSES! IT SAYS RIGHT IN THE HEADER "WEBCOMIC HOSTING", NOT "RANDOM CRAP IMAGES HOSTING".

I mean, haven't these people ever heard of Photobucket?? Just give everyone the password to one account and post all your images there! You have no size restrictions and you can still comment and crap! Why do you need to infest my comic site???

Anyway, what's next? Oh no. Not Am--


You want to talk about Amy's Revenge?? Oh, we'll talk about it alright. This comic is a waste of my life. It's the same fracking "Amy Rose is evil/Amy Rose loves Sonic/comics done from the perspective of Amy Rose" comic I have seen about seventy thousand times already. There is nothing original about it at all. None. Zip. Zero.

And you know what the worst part is?

You know what the REALLY worst part is?


somebody thought

this comic

is the best sprite comic

in the entirety of smackjeeves

I just

I can't

I can't go on

I'm so sorry

I will continue this in a part 2 eventually

but for now

just let me sleep

oh god..