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Skullbuggy's Completely and Totally Honest Video Game Reviews (Among Other Things)/tv9

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TV/Movie Review #2: MST3K

An awesome show is reviewed!


Hey all! It's Skullbuggy here for


Today, we'll review a show that reviews things. It's Mystery Science Theater 3000! A show noted for taking bad movies and skewering them like a bad movie-kebab, I found this episode on--where else--Youtube! After being recommended the episode, "The Brain that Wouldn't Die", by Chwoka, I braced for the best/worst.

The show starts up with its neat theme song, a soft tune that explains how this guy got on a space ship with robots. Apparently, a scientist and TV's Frank decided to shoot this guy Mike up into space for experimental reasons. Being sent horrible movies, the only way Mike can possibly survive the ordeal is with the help of his robot friends, conviniently named in the opening sequence! First off, there's Cambot, the aptly-named cameraman/bot. Then, there's Gypsy. I have no idea what Gypsy does, but he/she is purple and has a long neck. Then there's some gumball machine Tom Servo, one of the two robot commentators. Finally, we have a r


Crow, the robot spider monkey or something, is the other robot commentator. With the help of these two robots, Mike struggles to get through horrible movies and have fun while he's at it! Well... at least, as much fun as you can have on a satellite.

This episode was special because it was the first episode starring Mike instead of Joel, the former commentator for MST3K. The episode started off with Joel just a-finishing his commentator training with Tom and Crow


when all of a sudden, they recieve a message from the scientist and TV's Frank. They're sending him his first movie, "The Brain That Wouldn't Die"! Highlights of this segment include Frank dressed as a child and violence with lollipops. But you'd have to see the episode to understand it.

And so begins the all-too-familiar door sequence, and we start the movie. The movie starts with the title, of course. Along the way, we see a surgery scene that goes on for all of about ten minutes, we hear crappy music and witty commentary, and we silently feel sympathy for the commentators. It'd be hard to condense the story for you, but it goes like this. A surgeon experiments with revival, and his wife gets decapitated. He then brings his wife's head back to life and a monster is involved for some reason.

But the movie's not why I watched this. No, to me, it was more about the host segments, my personal favorite parts. They usually involved Mike, Tom, Crow


and the other robots in wacky shenanigans. My personal favorite was the introduction where Tom is wearing a coach's uniform. I say anything involving a bird/gumball machine in humans' clothing is good to me.

All in all, MST3K was an enjoyable experience. I liked hearing the banter over the terrible movie, I liked the "behind-the-scenes" action, it's pretty awesome as a whole. My one gripe? It needed more TV's Frank.

You can never have too much TV's Frank.