(even if you aren't vegan)
Sfcu emails.cake/inbox
From Wiki User Wiki
Please send me emails that can actually be written with a plot. Not something that is random and gives me nothing to work with.
This blockquote is an example of the one you should use to email me:
<blockquote class="email"> <div style="background:#60C">Subject:example</div> <font color="white"> Dear sfcu,<BR> This is an example email.<BR> Don't you think it's cool?<BR> From,<BR> some kid<BR></font></blockquote>
Using exactly the code above will get this:
Subject:exampleDear sfcu,
some kid
This is an example email.
Don't you think it's cool?
Emails go under here.
Subject:Crash landingDear
I was riding my ship to my friends house, but it crashed into pluto. What should I do to repair my ship? (dont ask, pluto is a natural wire(less) hhotspot)
Subject:I Like YouDear SFCU,
A Kid Named The New Micah
I Like You.