(even if you aren't vegan)
Sfcu emails.cake/confusion
Superfield clears up some confusion over his name.
Cast (in order of appearance): Superfield Credit Union, Homestar Runner, Marzipan
Places: Superfield Credit Union's Living Room, Superfield Credit Union's Kitchen
Date: April 17, 2008
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: Ah, email. One of the only things that beats the Simpsons. Well, not really.
{Clicks on "Check E-Mail" button on screen. An email pops up.}
Subject:credit cardDear Superfield Credit Union,
-Sam Man, Fighting Challenges
I would like to thank you for credit cards. I was wondering, can you renew my credit?.
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: {typing, growing steadily angrier} Arg! Aghpfl! AHHGHGH! I am NOT the same thing as that stupid credit card company! I just happen to like the email it came from! I am Superfield Credit Union, {calmly} or SFCU, {angry again} NOT Superfied Credit Union! The "l" makes all the difference! I AM NOT A CREDIT CARD COMPANY! THEY ARE! AAARRRGGGHHH!
{Zoom out to show Superfield fall off his chair and pass out. Homestar Runner walks in.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Wow! You're really good at yelling so everybody's houses shake! Loud prize! Ding!
{A blue ribbon with "Loud Prize" written on it appears on Superfield's chair as Homestar says "ding".}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Um, how did I get in here?
{Marzipan walks by wearing and apron and carrying a tray of a pizza with wierd looking vegetables on it.}
MARZIPAN: His kitchen window's shattered.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. Well, then, I see ya later, you stupid ATM!
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: {mumbling} I'll kill you.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {quickly} See ya later!
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: {coming to} Oh, my head. Wait, my window's broken!?!
{Superfield runs out of the room. Cut to the kitchen. The window above the sink is broken with pieces of glass everywhere. A brick with a piece of paper is in the middle of the room.}
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: Ah! My window! {notices brick} What's this?
{Superfield takes the paper off the brick. Cut to a shot of the paper. It's written in cut-and-paste letters of a magazine.}
Superfied Credit Union is not stupid, you are!
One more insult and we'll close your account!
SUPERFIELD CREIDT UNION: {reads paper out loud} Woah. It's like I'm in a low-to-no budget horror film: "Revenge of the Wierdos Who Think That Because Something's From TV It's Cool"! I don't even belong to this stupid bank. Empty threat. But those jerks broke my window! They'll pay for this!
{Cut to a shot of a building with a sign that says "Superfied Credit Union" on the front. Superfield is in front of it with an open carton of eggs, a small pile of rocks, and a garbage bag.}
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: Oh, man! This is gonna be the coolest revenge ever!
{Superfield picks up a rock and winds up to throw it. Suddenly, a bowling ball falls on Superfield's head.}
{Superfield looks up and notices two shadows on the roof. The quickly duck out of sight.}
SUPERFIELD CREDIT UNION: Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K. I mean, that stupid bank I hate.
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