(even if you aren't vegan)
Secret Allies/Players
From Wiki User Wiki
If something does not seem right with your player description, please contact Raiku on the forums. NOT AN EMAIL.
[hide]Sneezy McJeezy
Personal Points: 100
Description: Sneezy is man of few words who resides in a small mountain town in Ocapoco. He is known for his randomness and sarcastic ways, and knows how to deal with money.
Shadow Claw
Personal Points: 100
Description: Shadow is known to be silent, but an observer. He talks in sign language.
The Micah New
Personal Points: 100
The Micah New has really cool sunglasses and has the cunning of a liger.
Personal Points: 100
Description: A tiger/human, he has the ability to leap like a tiger, bite like a jaguar, and pounce like a mountain lion.