(even if you aren't vegan)
Secondie and Thirdie
From Wiki User Wiki
A song by Sephiroth
THIRD GEN: We all know, that the users aren't the same wherever they go.
SECOND GEN: My fanstuff's good,
THIRD GEN: And mine is crap...
SECOND GEN: We learn to live, we learn to not REVERT WARS
THIRD GEN: Except for the fact, I do it all the time!
SECOND GEN: Secondie,
THIRD GEN: and Thirdie!!
SECOND GEN: Live together in imperfect infamy!
THIRD GEN: Side to side on the wiki, bitching about everything!
CHOIR: Secondie, Thirdie, living together in infamy.. Secondie, Thirdie, living together in infamy..