(even if you aren't vegan)
Ryan Bluefox's House Party/Front Door
You are at the front door of Ryan's house.
RYAN: Don't worry, Wolf. They should be here any minute.
WOLF: I can't wait! This is going to ROCK.
{A time portal opens above Wolf and Ryan. Gilligan falls out of it on his back.}
GILLIGAN: OOF! {Gets up} Hello, my name is Gilligan .J. Strunner, future son of Badstar!
RYAN: Badstar's your Dadstar? Cool.
GILLIGAN: I'm here for the party! I just hope dads not coming. Cause that would create a HUGE time paradox and would possibly wipe me from existince.
{Sephiroth comes in, all black and white.}
SEPHIROTH: I got involved with a time clash with a 1928 version of myself, and we fused. I look like Oswald the Rabbit.
{X On Fire teleports in.}
X ON FIRE: Sweet!
BLING:{voips in as an adult(like teenage but slightly taller)with Niblet} Hey. Um, Bell couldn't make it. He's visiting his parents. So, since I didn't want to come alone, I brought my kid with me. His name's Niblet.
{a sky blue Slugbug (who is Counting Blue Cars) drives in. Luigi hops out of the back seat.}
CBC (Counting Blue Cars): Yo! Wassup! Counting Blue Cars, The User formerly known as Styx Fan, Is in Da House! I'm here to PAR-TAY!
LUIGI: {angrily} Stop it! I told you 5,000,000 times, talking like that is not cool!
CBC: Sorry, Mama Luigi.
LUIGI: I'm not your Mama!
{Kirby smashes through the window. Kirbychu enters through the door.}
KIRBYCHU HR'D: I told you that the door wasn't locked!
KIRBY: Sorry...
{Tahu falls from a portal in a cloud}
TAHU: (Stupid portal gun...) Here I am! Rocked you like a hurricane! {High pitched} Are you ready to rock?
{Porygon falls from the same portal on top of Tahu}
PORYGON: Shut up. Please.
CBC: Oooh, Tarragon I love that stuff!
LUIGI: You are an Idiot, aren't you?
CBC: Yes!