(even if you aren't vegan)
[hide]The Keelhaul Club
Yarrr! Welcome to the shadiest, piratiest club in all of Portside! If'n ye want a drink, or just want to hit on the slovenly wenches, ye're in the right place! Of course, we've also got some... secret deals.
Ask for our special deal on Skully's Own© Grog!
Head To...
Chat With...
The pub is filled with the stench of body odor and grog. Mostly body odor.
A stout, chubby man with quite a beard on his chin. He's the one you want to ask for drinks... or other things.
RICK: Give me the strongest stuff you got.
BARKEEP: Sure thing, kid. Here's a pint of Monkey Island Rum, free of charge.
{The barkeep hands Rick a glass.}
{Rick drinks it.}
RICK: Hmm... kinda sweet.
RICK: Now what's this deal about Skully's Grog?
BARKEEP: A free sample for every customer! Here's a bit!
{The barkeep hands Rick a small glass of grog.}
Bar Wench
What's a bar without a wench? She likes chatting--spreading rumors more than anything.
RICK: You got any people or rumors I should know about, lass?
WENCH: Well a'course I do, hon! You see them pirates over there?
{The wench motions toward the group of rollicking pirates.}
WENCH: They're on the HMS David Bowie. Talk to them about pirates if you want, sugar... but it's risky.
Shady Group
A shady, swarthy bunch of men sit at a table to themselves, playing cards and drinking Skully's Own© Grog. One of them looks especially frightening.
{The lanky man from the docks comes to the table.}
INTIMIDATING MAN: Well, well! Dread Stan! How's it going?
STAN: Hah, I bumped into some kid early on--sent him clean into the water.
INTIMIDATING MAN: Hahaha! Well done, Dread Stan!
STAN: Thanks.
{Stan sits at the table.}
STAN: Deal.
{One of the pirates deals cards to the group.}
RICK: Hello, I've came to see Captain Skull.
STAN: ... Kid, you're in over your head. The Captain ain't gonna talk to-
CAPTAIN SKULL: ... Let 'im talk.
STAN: ... A-alright, Captain.
CAPTAIN SKULL: Now, then, kid... what do you want?
RICK: I heard you are looking for crew mates. Well, here is one.
CAPTAIN SKULL: ... Well, where is he?
{The pirates laugh.}
RICK: Come on, Skullivan D. Buggy.
CAPTAIN SKULL: My full name's not going to intimidate us.
RICK: Well, do you guys need a deckswabber? I'm one.
CAPTAIN SKULL: ... You know, we've been looking for some manual labor.
STAN: What?
CAPTAIN SKULL: Tell you what... do some work on my ship and I'll let you on.
RICK: You mean I'm a deckswabber on your ship?
???: Excuse me, mates...
{A man wearing a red shirt with a star on it, black pants, white feet with soles at the bottom and a blue and red bandanna tied aroun his head walks up to the table}
BAD SPARROW: Mind if I join the game?
CAPTAIN SKULL: ... I dunno. What position are you looking for?
BAD STARROW: Looks like you wanna get right down to buissness. Alright, then. {Sits down} I wish to be a member of your crew.
CAPTAIN SKULL: ... I like the cut of your jib. Head to my ship, the HMS David Bowie. Talk to Cock-Eye, he might know a good place for ya.
BAD STARROW Yes, captain. Good day to ya. {Gets up and walks out}