(even if you aren't vegan)
[hide]The Docks
Welcome to the docks! There's not much to say... all we do is keep our boats here.
Oh, that big one? Don't touch it.
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Seen here is a massive, gilded ship. It's fairly imposing, compared to the tiny little dinghies surrounding it. Standing beside it is an odd purple duck in pirate uniform.
Zippy Platypus
The first mate on the HMS David Bowie. He's polishing his flintlock pistol.
HOMESTARRA: Hey! What's up? I'm new here, and looking for a job as a deck swabber.
ZIPPY: Hm? Oh. I don't do that kind of thing. Look for the Cap'n.
{maloa slides across the dock, right into the water}
RICK: Why do you have all the rooms, mate?
ZIPPY: We're staying for the time, really. We'll be shoving off soon--we just need a couple more on our crew.
RICK: Could I be on your crew?
ZIPPY: Kid, I don't do that kind of work. Ask the captain.
{maloa sticks his head out from the water. He spits a stream of water out of his mouth}
MALOA: I'm never buying the milk again.
ZIPPY: ... Sure.
RICK: Hey, Captain Skull!
ZIPPY: He ain't here, kid. Try the pub.