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Peach's random reviews/2

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Okay, short story: This game is one of the best I've ever played.

The box art

The game Ghost Trick is about you, a man named Sissel, who's just discovered you've died in a junkyard. While they're, you learn about your 'ghost tricks', powers certain people get when they die. These allow them to manipulate or swap objects. You need to use these powers to save a woman in the junkyard, Lynne, to try and find out who you are.

The graphics in this game are incredible. First, everything is spirted in the same style. This way, it doesn't look like blocky sprites on a painted background, one of my pet peeves about another game. The animation is incredible as well. At times, I had trouble remembering even if the sprites in the game were well made 3-D models, or just very well animated images.

Okay, i'll admit, the story sounds like a drug trip, but it's really incredible. The more you get into the game, the more characters you meet. These people, with them, bring more drama and mystery to the story, lest it be something small, like family drama, or something vital, like information on yourself. The plot twist through the game make it all the more confusing and fun to try and follow.

The only thing I don't really like about the game is one level, where you must help a convict, Inspector Jowd, escape for a well protected prison. The way to escape is simple enough, but the timing is vital, and hard to get exactly right. Even if you do fail, there are still many "trick" levels after it, which are levels where you step back in time to try and save someone who's just been killed for whatever reason.

Overall, the game is amazing. If Capcom is ever remembered for just one game, it should be this.

RATING: 8c74829f07cf15c6850c30e17bf593f2.png 8c74829f07cf15c6850c30e17bf593f2.png 8c74829f07cf15c6850c30e17bf593f2.png 8c74829f07cf15c6850c30e17bf593f2.png 8c74829f07cf15c6850c30e17bf593f2.png