(even if you aren't vegan)
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/X Is The New Y/2
Yvonne goes to the 'pet store' for a new pet.
BLUEBRY: well now that it's in quotes it just sounds suspicious
SKUB: "You want a normal rabbit or a semi-automatic... rabbit?"
Marissa meets Strong Sad and Marzipan.
CAST: Yvonne, Marissa, The cheat, Strong bad, Bubs, Xaviar, Strong sad (mentioned), Marzipan(mentioned)
SETTING: The grill, The field, Bub's concession stand (outside and inside),
CHWOKA: Backwards and front, and they rejoin themselves, moving in every direction.
NACHOMAN: Chwoka, is that a Talking Heads reference?
CHWOKA: ...technically it's David Byrne, 1981.
The stick
{cuts to Marissa and Yvonnes room. the two are sleeping on turned over kitchen chairs. yvonne gets up, and leaves the room. cuts to the kitchen.
CHWOKA: Where women belong.
SKUB: Oh, Chwoka, never change!
Yvonne walks in, and grabs a cup of coffee on the counter. she then notices the cheat, apparently asleep on the table}
YVONNE: Good morning, cheesy.
BLUEBRY: speak of the devil
{two second pause} Um... the cheat?
{the screen pans to yvonnes eyes. the camera slowly zooms in}
YVONNE: {thinking} I thought the cheat was dead.
BLUEBRY: this got gritty fast
So I did the only logical thing to do at this point; totally
BLUEBRY: TOTALLY! {calls his girlfriends back in the 80s}
call the
SKUB: morgue
BLUEBRY: doctor
CHWOKA: Docter, docter Give me the news! I've got a bad case of constant errors!
{zooms back out. Yvonne pours her coffee on the cheat, whom instantaneously wakes up}
CHWOKA: HINT: only use "whom" if you could potentially substitute "him" or "her," with a minimum of rephrasing. "Him instantaneously wakes up" makes no sense.
THE CHEAT: {painful the cheat noises}
YVONNE: Good morning to you, too.
{zooms back in to yvonnes eyes}
YVONNE: {thinking} And I totally didn't waste my decaf.
CHWOKA: Isn't decaf supposed to be non-energizing?
SKUB: I think this is like how dumb people say "well caffeine makes ME sleepy".
{zooms back out}
THE CHEAT: {annoyed the cheat noises}
YVONNE: Well, I didn't mean to wake you! I thought you were dead!
THE CHEAT: {bargaining noises}
BLUEBRY: so now they're.. bartering?
CHWOKA: For their eternal souls, yes.
YVONNE: Forgetting the whole ordeal would be better. Forgiveness? {holds out her hand}
THE CHEAT: {happy the cheat noises} {shakes yvonnes hand}
CHWOKA: Anti-climactic, planetary, planetary, anti-climactic.
SKUB: Truly the race barrier has been brought down on this historic day
{marissa walks in}
MARISSA: I just had the weirdest dream. What do you think coffee covered cheese would taste like?
BLUEBRY: it would taste like coffee covered cheese
{everyone pauses for a second. then the cheat and Yvonne quickly get into another argument, with the two yelling incoherently.}
MARISSA: Wow. This house is already disfunctional!
'BLUEBRY: dysfunctional
CHWOKA: emphasis is a huge, important part of speech, but you probably shouldnt over do it.
{a loud noise is suddenly heard.} WAAGH! What's happening!
CHWOKA: And Who's The Boss?
{runs offscreen}
{cuts to outside the grill. strong bad is knocking on the lid of the grill.}
STRONG BAD: The cheat! I totally have the videogame that I didn't hide from you!
NACHOMAN: i never got what was so funny about that meme anyway
{the lid opens. marissa climbs out of the grill}
CHWOKA: Get up out of my grill!
MARISSA: What are you doing!?!
BLUEBRY: he is knocking on the grill and he doesn't need a reason because this is america
SKUB: There are absolutely no amendments against this and don't you dare try to check.
STRONG BAD: Um... waking up the cheat?
MARISSA: It was like an earthquake in there!
SKUB: Too soon.
STRONG BAD: You haven't ever been waken up by strong mad.
BLUEBRY: astute observation there
MARISSA: And another thing...
STRONG BAD: Hold on a second.
STRONG BAD: You're beginning to sound like mom.
BLUEBRY: ...wait...not like "my mom"
MARISSA: Sounding like mom
BLUEBRY: the-they're related
is nothing compared to not being able to sleep! What about furniture? We had to sleep on chairs!
CHWOKA: You idiots, those chairs were decorative only!
STRONG BAD: Just grind up a pencil, and go over to bubs!
CHWOKA: Bubs doesn't deserve capital letters or an apostrophe. He must be so sad.
SKUB: "And then make him bleed"
SKUB: Bub is
takes pencil shavings as currency.
MAIRSSA: Who's bubs?
STRONG BAD: The blue guy at the consession
BLUEBRY: concession
CHWOKA: A place where Bubs generally just concedes to anything you ask of him.
stand. It's right over the-
CHWOKA: moon.
MARISSA: I can find a concession stand on my own, thank you. {walks offscreen to the left}
{the cheat flies out of the grill lid. yvonne climbs out, covered in scratches}
STRONG BAD: Woah, what ha-
CHWOKA: Catfight.
STRONG BAD: Calm down! Just take this {holds up a bad of pencil shavings,
and tosses it to yvonne}
BLUEBRY: walking-around money
and follow me.
{yvonne opens the bag, and looks in it}
SKUB: Wait, wasn't the bag, like, plastic? Why couldn't she see inside of it? THE LOGIC DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY
STRONG BAD: Never mind. {walks offscreen to the right. Yvonne follows}
{cuts to bub's concession stand. bubs is standing there. The sign reads 'pets - 50% off!'.
CHWOKA: I'll take the front half, thank you.
Yvonne and strong bad walk onscreen.}
YVONNE: Um... Who are you?
STRONG BAD: Bubs. he's a lonely old guy with no life.
BLUEBRY: way to say it right in front of his face you monster
SKUB: I know somebody who would agree!!! Please, read Coach Z Emails :3
BUBS: I havent seen you before!
CHWOKA: This is how Bubs talks.
YVONNE: Hello! I'm... Um... Simone U. Dono.
BLUEBRY: seymour butz
STRONG BAD: Righ- wait, I didn't know you sell pets!
BUBS: They're in the basement.
BLUEBRY: "where screams can't be heard"
YVONNE: A pet would be nice... do you take {holds up the bag}
SKUB: "bullets to the head? If not, FILL UP THE BAG"
pencil shavings?
BUBS: It's on the list! {checks the bag} With this many, I'll let you get... a pet, and... two large pieces of furniture,
BLUEBRY: how convenient
or a homestar.
YVONNE: Perfect!
SKUB: "I've always wanted a Homestar!"
I'd like to see your pet selection!
CHWOKA: B-but, you came here for furniture...
BUBS: Right this way! {presses a button. a round patch of grass yvonne and strong bad are on lowers}
BLUEBRY: what doe—i don't even know what that means
CHWOKA: You know risers? Those are like that, only exactly the opposite.
SKUB: Lookin' like a fool with yo patch of grass on the ground
{cuts to a large grey room. many cages with birds are seen all around. the round patch of grass comes down. yvonne and strong bad stepp off
BLUEBRY: "Bring it On: Yvonne and Strong Bad Stepp Off"
it. bubs walks in}
BUBS: Just tell me if you find one you like.
SKUB: "Remember, you pay by the hour!"
{walks off screen}
STRONG BAD: Woah, he has scorpions? {runs offscreen}
???: {scraggley voice}
CHWOKA: Now let me tell you a story...
Psst. Hey, missy.
BLUEBRY: "got some candy in my van over here"
YVONNE: Huh? Who's there?
???: Over here.
CHWOKA: There, and everywhere.
{yvonne walks to the right. the screen pans quickly to a rainbow bird}
CHWOKA: Then the cameraman vomits from motion sickness.
YVONNE: Was that you?
???: Yes. You need to get me out of here! I can't stand it here!
BLUEBRY: he thinks he's people
YVONNE: Who are you?
SKUB: "A victim of the maaan"
XAVIAR: Xaviar. Just get me out of here!
BLUEBRY: "get me out of the basement of screams"
YVONNE: I do have enough to buy a pet...
XAVIAR: Please! It's either me, or that red potato guy
BLUEBRY: he has a name
gets a scorpio-
SKUB: I'm a Leo
{cuts to the front of the concession stand yvonne is standing in front of it, with xaviar on her arm.}
YVONNE: I'd like to buy this bird.
CHWOKA: So she can FLIP IT.
CHWOKA: This joke is going so hard over Zoo's head it's tearing his scalp off.
BUBS: Will that be all?
YVONNE: I would also like to small beds.
BLUEBRY: not for me, i small bed-ed yesterday
BUBS: I repeat; will that be all?
BUBS: The beds will be transported to your adress.
BLUEBRY: address
SKUB: Bubs is on the cusp of current technology!
Where do you live?
BLUEBRY: this dialogue is like if robots took over the world...
YVONNE: Um... in a grill...
BUBS: I know exactly where your talking about!
BLUEBRY: "I Googled it in my head."
Enjoy your new pet!
BLUEBRY: "Before we eradicate their species from the earth."
YVONNE: Thank you! {walks off screen}
BLUEBRY:"And hail robots."
SKUB:"Thank you customer! We will come for you last!!"
{cuts to the stick. marissa is sitting there. yvonne walks onscreen, with xaviar flying close by.}
YVONNE: Hey, Marissa!
MARISSA: Aw, what a cute bird!
CHWOKA: I'll hug it and love it and call it George!
SKUB: Tell me bout the rabbits, George
XAVIAR: I do have some dignity.
CHWOKA: But not mdesty. Put some clothes on already, you perv.
YVONNE: How was your day?
YVONNE: What'd you do?
{the camera angle turns. marissa is hiding a book labled
BLUEBRY: labeled
'poetry book' behind her back. 'from strong sad and marzipan' is written on it}
MARISSA: Oh, much of nothing.
BLUEBRY: "now let's break for tea"
{the camera turns back} What's with the talking bird?
XAVIAR: Bubs was holding me hostage!
SKUB: "He has my family! Why aren't we going back?!"
YVONNE: He owns a pet store.
XAVIAR: So? It was pure torture there!
BLUEBRY: "in the basement of screams"
MARISSA: I see you are having a weird day, too?
YVONNE: You have no idea.
CHWOKA: That wasn't quite weird enough to justify this line, unless these people lead very dull mononous repetitive days.
{the screen fades to black}
CHWOKA: symbolic of the death overcoming the town}
Easter Eggs
CHWOKA: "Go away."
Fun Facts
- Simone U. Dono is a play on 'someone you don't know'.
BLUEBRY: amanda love-n-kiss