(even if you aren't vegan)
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/X Is The New Y/1
The four meet each other.
SKUB: There is a conflict and resolution.
BLUEBRY: there is a climax around the end somewhere
CAST: Strong bad, The cheat, Homestar, Yvonne, Marissa
LOCATION: The hammock, the field(cage trap),
The KOT's castle, The cheats grill
{the screen shows a hammock hung between two trees. Strong bad is relaxing in the hammock, wearing sunglasses. the cheat is curled up next to the tree. both look relaxed.}
SKUB: Why do people get on Bluebry's butt for not capitalizing when there's this mess?
STRONG BAD: This is the life, eh, The cheat?
SKUB: Cheat
CHWOKA: No, it's not. This is the death.
THE CHEAT: {hapy
SKUB: Forgot a p there buddy
NACHOMAN: That's about six errors since the start of the transcript. I'm liking this already!
the cheat noises}
NACHOMAN: 7, 8...
STRONG BAD: First, we got our new computer, than
BLUEBRY: 'then
our tiger trap worked-
BLUEBRY: of course. every household needs a working tiger trap
THE CHEAT: {confused the cheat noises}
{zoom in on strong bads face}
SKUB: the tension is immense
STRONG BAD: {faces the cheat, takes off his sunglasses}
BLUEBRY: this got gritty fast
No, I mean the giant cage in the field. You even made me buy the cage!
THE CHEAT: {angered the cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: Well, it was a trick answer.
CHWOKA: Well, it stands to reason that if you can have trick questions, you can also have trick answers.
No matter who bought it, {zooms back out quickly, stong bad
CHWOKA: more like THONG bad
relaxes again} his wallet paid for the cage and more!
BLUEBRY: i have no idea what's going on in this story
{cuts to the field. a large dog cage is there, with a wooden plank on it, with 'free marshmalows' written on it poorly in pink paint. homestar is trapped inside the cage, in what appears to be a very uncomfortable position.}
CHWOKA: If you know what I mean
HOMESTAR: Um, guys? I'm very uncomfortable! And I still can't find the marshmallows!
{two marshmallows fly onscreen,
CHWOKA: Holy crap, flying marshmallows!
landing just outside the cage. cuts back to the original view}
STRONG BAD: And now we have nothing to do but {pulls a cold on
SKUB: Put a cold on, it's hot outside!
out of hammerspace} drink cold ones all day long!
CHWOKA: You'd pass out before you finished.
THE CHEAT: {approving the cheat noises}
{two shadows begin fading in, some screams are heard. eventually, marissa and yvonne fall on the cheat, one by one. as the cheat makes scared the cheat noises and runs offscreen, strong bad suddenly looks at them, his sun glasses falling off}
NACHOMAN: And homestarrunner.com was never the same
STRONG BAD: WAAGH! Who the crap are you guys!
MARISSA: {slowly getting up, rubbing her head} Oh, where am I?
SKUB: "All I can see are clouds that look like cinnamon buns and the same 7 green lumps!"
NACHOMAN: "I have all these wacky adventures for my characters, but I need a way to introduce them. I know! They fell from the sky for no reason!"
STRONG BAD: In the middle of ruining my perfect day. {turns head} How did you even get here}''
BLUEBRY: yeah guys}''
MARISSA: Um... Are you from that U.S.A. contry,
CHWOKA: Country, County, Contry.
or something.
SKUB: Well it doesn't look like Marissa is from this "contry."
NACHOMAN: I want to make a joke about Comrade Bad from the USSR but I'm just too sad
STRONG BAD: {eye lids lower}
CHWOKA: Eye lids higher!
Um, yeah. You're in that 'U.S.A. country'.
MARISSA: Then how did we get here?
NACHOMAN: Because Strong Bad would know
{Skub begins forcibly restraining Chwoka, who is struggling with all his might.}
NACHOMAN: What are you doing?
SKUB: If I let up, then—
{Chwoka breaks free}
{Skub slaps Chwoka, who stops.}
STRONG BAD: I suspect a catauplt
SKUB: Headlines: English language massacred, 'French is next'
or an airplane.
YVONNE: Too... many... salted peanuts...
NACHOMAN: Too... many... forced jokes...
MARISSA: So, do you know if there's a hotel around here?
CHWOKA: No, but there is a brothel. An empty one, but still.
STRONG BAD: I could always force the cheat to let you use the guest room in his grill.
SKUB: You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave! Because you'll be, like, wedged in there.
YVONNE: {getting up, gripping her stomach}
CHWOKA: Then she vomits.
Where are we?
BLUEBRY: that U.S.A. contry
MARISSA: Almost in a grill, apparently.
{facing strong bad} How do you expect us to live in a grill?!?
SKUB: That's just so improbable!!!!
STRONG BAD: Hey, it's apparently a mansion that looks like a grill.
YVONNE: Is that physically posible?
SKUB: Laws of physics, prove me wong!!!
STRONG BAD: {groans} Follow me.
{cuts to the king of towns castle. The cheat is curled up on a wall, looking mortified. Strong bad, the cheat, and yvonne walk in. the cheat screams}
STRONG BAD: Calm down, the cheat! They're not here to hurt you!
CHWOKA: They're here to take you to the farm, where you can run and play forever!
STRONG BAD: Look, these guys-
NACHOMAN: It's kinda bad when a woman-crazed guy like Strong Bad mistakes you for a dude
STRONG BAD: -got launched off a catapult-
MARISSA: Fell off a plane.
STRONG BAD: -And are some how here now.
SKUB: Are you sure it wasn't a skydiving accident? Or, like, attempted murder?
THE CHEAT: {inquizitive the cheat sounds}
CHWOKA: This method of transcribing The Cheat will get old fast.
STRONG BAD: You're the only person with a guest room in this entire series!
THE CHEAT: {intrigued the cheat noises}
STRONG BAD: Pay you?!? How much?!?
NACHOMAN: can't strong bad just let them fend for themselves and die in the blizzard
THE CHEAT: {holds out right arm} {smarmy the cheat noises}
SKUB: The Cheat, I'm pretty sure this is a kid's cartoon. I don't think you can say that!
STRONG BAD: {poorly acting reluctantly} Oh man. If I have to pay that much... {holds out a bag labeled 'fresh pencil shavings}
THE CHEAT: {excited the cheat noises} {runs offscreen}
MARISSA: Pencil shavings?
SKUB: No, but it's a joke from the cartoon
{cuts to a small peacock room.
SKUB: A what now
CHWOKA: The NBC room, where they think of new and exciting ways to ruin their public image.
the floors are a sea foam.
SKUB: Phew! I was afraid my immersion into the Homestar Runner universe would be ruined.
CHWOKA: I'm on a sea foam diet; If I see foam, I eat it!
strong bad opens the door, and the three walk in.}
YVONNE: What's wrong with physics today?
CHWOKA: Well, water has been running upwards since noon.
STRONG BAD: This is your room. Unpack your bags, and get out of my life.
BLUEBRY: oh, if i could only say the same things
'MARISSA: {angered} We have no bags.
CHWOKA: I thought all girls had bags.
STRONG BAD: Not my fault. {leaves}
CHWOKA: Like a tree.
YVONNE: Um... where's the {zooms out, shows the room is empty.} furniture? {furniture echos}
MARISSA: Cool. ECHO! {echos}
YVONNE: Back on topic, {zooms back in} what will we sleep on?
{the screen quickly changes to marissa and yvonne sleeping on some wooden kitchen chairs turned over.}
SKUB: And that's where we end. No, really.
NACHOMAN: "I was going to write more but I couldn't see through the tears of pure joy in my eyes"
Easter Eggs
- After seven seconds, the following plays:
- MARISSA: {half asleep} Back... in... pain...
SKUB: You know, it would be much easier to sleep on the floor. Maybe you could have spared a slipped disc.
Fun Facts
- 'Tiger trap' is a reference to Calvin and Hobbes, a fameous comic strip.
CHWOKA: famous
- The room echo only appears when the camera is zoomed out.
NACHOMAN: In what universe is this a fun fact?
- Marissa yelling echo is a reference to 'Finding Nemo,' when Dory yells the same thing into a trench.
SKUB: Yeah, her and everybody who's ever climbed a mountain.
- '...in the entire series!' is a reference to breaking the fourth wall.
CHWOKA: Can it really be a reference to breaking the fourth wall?
BLUEBRY: stop thinking so much about this or you will break your brain/blockquote>