(even if you aren't vegan)
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/The Adventures of Domo and T Pedo
[hide]Opening Comments
CHWOKA: Ah, this reminds me of when MFT3K first started. Riffing on irrelevant things nobody knew about, that we found by just rattling down the indexes or random page. Heck, we're even riffing a Bellstar fic again! It's just like Season 1.
NACHOMAN: Season 1 sucked. Who the hell is a Skull Buggy?
{A monitor lowers. It's Dr. Brainfreeze!}
DR. BRAINFREEZE: Yes, it IS just like Season 1!
CHWOKA: oh FUCK no, you were the worst thing about season 1!
DR. BRAINFREEZE: Wow, SkullB, you've gained a lot of wait... and flesh.
SKUB: shut that fuck up g
{Skub takes out a pistol and holds it sideways. He shoots the monitor, but somehow Dr. Brainfreeze is shot anyway.}
SKUB: anyway what were you were saying?
CHWOKA: Today we're riffing The Adventures Of Domo And T Pedo, written by Badstar and Bell. I had to review the first two episodes for Crap-O-Meter back when it was still active, and it's added a whole new episode I haven't read yet!
BLUEBRY: so we have to do more
BLUEBRY: fantastic
CHWOKA: It really isn't.
SKUB: god chwoka shut UP nobody wants to hear about what you did in the halycon days!!!
CHWOKA: But but but but my falcon days!
BLUEBRY: shut thef fuck up
{Chwoka holds his heads in his hands and starts weeping very quietly.}
SKUB: Actually this is a Bell-Melon fic. Not Bellstar, unfortunately.
NACHOMAN: What would you call that? Bellon? Mell?
SKUB: Let's call it shitty and end it there.
NACHOMAN: But we... haven't even read it yet!
SKUB: Oh, I think we're in for something just awful.
BLUEBRY: then let's get into it, let's ROCK AND ROLL
{Bluebry takes off his shirt and slides down a fire pole.}
BLUEBRY: {off screen} the theater isn't down here
The Adventures of Domo and T Pedo
SKUB: Oh, wow.
CHWOKA: Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days!
- Domo and T Pedo meet and have a good time
SKUB: I have a really bad feeling about that phrase. Good times with pedophiles don't tend to be... well, legal.
- Coolcon '09 - Domo and T Pedo go to "Coolcon '09".
SKUB: Cool 'con? No such thing.
BLUEBRY: because if there was, I would be invite-
NACHOMAN: no you would not
CHWOKA: Millions of Ghosts
- T Pedo's house is haunted!
Domo is
SKUB: the Japanese word for "thank you", but also
is the mascot of Japan's NHK television station, appearing in several 30 second stop-motion sketches shown as station identification during shows. In 2006, Nickelodeon brought Domo to America. In May 2008, Domo was running around happily until he tripped over T Pedo. They have been friends ever since. Oh, and he likes Scrubs.
SKUB: Domo is Scrubs' entire fanbase.
CHWOKA: skrubs
T Pedo
T Pedo is a relative of Pedobear and Domo's friend. His full name is Timothy Alvin Pedo.
SKUB: Sometimes you're just born into a business, I suppose!
He likes to eat corn.
CHWOKA: Man, fUCK corn!
He was born in Brazil.
SKUB: Okay, I thought I'd like this character but now that I know that he's Brazilian I just really hate him.
In episode one, Happy Days, he turns invisible and he gains a flying ability. Oh, and he doesn't really care about Scrubs.
SKUB: One of six billion!
Closing Comments
CHWOKA: So? What'd y'all think?
SKUB: I wish I was on fire.
NACHOMAN: I wish I was on chemical fire.
BLUEBRY: i wish i was on chemical explosion
CHWOKA: Yeah. Y-yeah. I agree.
CHWOKA: Can I step out for a second?
SKUB: I see no reason not to.
{Cut to a dimly-lit shower. Chwoka is curled up, naked and weeping, as cold water beats on his skin.}
{Cut back to the theater.}
NACHOMAN: So, uh... what are we going to do after this?
SKUB: Chwoka... isn't here to tell us. That's actually something new!
NACHOMAN: So what do we... do?
BLUEBRY: doesn't the movie just come on the screen when we're done?
NACHOMAN: No, it's like... Chwoka goes and changes it. I think. He makes one movie into another movie.
SKUB: Shit. Shit! Looks like there's no second part to this double feature.
BLUEBRY: wait, i think
BLUEBRY: i can do this
NACHOMAN: Bluebry, you're mad!
BLUEBRY: i'm mad hot
{Bluebry takes off his shirt and slides down a fire pole.}
BLUEBRY: i found the movie