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Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/KPSRTV/NPPnSRCEmail/ninja or melon

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NPPnSRCEmail #1

NPP tells Rob about him being a ninja while SR gives Rob a watermelon.

Characters {in order of appearance}:


Page Title: Pommy 900! Raddy 486! Pommy 486? Raddy 900?


NPP AND SR: The email song is checked, now for the email!


Dear Ninja Dude Pom

Is you really a ninja?! Did you have to go through years of rigorous training
with a sensei who took you on long journeys to find yourself and to be one
with your chi and stuff? If so, tell us about it. If not, buy me some watermelon!

kthanksbai, Rob

NPP: We can do both! SR, give him the melon.

{SR gives him the melon}

NPP: Now, I'll get started.

{cuts to NPP with his past master}

NPP: I was the most skilled in Master Sy's class.

{cuts to NPP beating up WUW Users}

NPP: But my master thought it was just rage.

{cuts to NPP about to face his master}

NPP: Then, my master destroyed the temple in a fight between us.

{cuts to his master being crused by the temple ruins, NPP far away}

NPP: He said if he kept doing it, others might end up like me.

{cuts to SR and NPP moving}

NPP: So me and SR were now neighbers and our master was dead, and I quit ninja training.

{cuts back to NPP and SR}

NPP: And that's the story.

{The Paper comes down}

> Click here to e-mail them

{wait 15 seconds, then SR starts to talk}

SR: Although I can teleport to areas.